Should, Ought, Each, Each of, Owe, Deserve, Above mentioned, The, That, Most likely, Then
gai ˉ guoˋ 該過
gaiˋ kuoˋ 概括
gai ˉ shuoˉ 該說
gai ˉ zuoˋ 該做
gaiˇ zuoˋ 改作
haiˋ woˇ 害我
haiˊ duo ˉ 還多
haiˊ huoˊ 還活
kai ˉ duoˉ 開多
kai ˉ kuoˋ 開闊
kai ˉ suoˇ 開鎖
kai ˉ tuoˋ 開拓
laiˊ woˇ 來我
laiˊ guoˋ 來過
laiˊ shuo ˉ 來說
laiˊ suoˇ 萊索
laiˊ zuoˋ 來做
maiˇ guoˋ 買過
maiˋ luoˋ 脈絡
naiˋ luoˋ 奈洛
paiˊ zhuo ˉ 牌桌
paiˊ zhuo ˉ 排桌
taiˋ duo ˉ 太多
taiˋ guoˊ 泰國
taiˋ guoˋ 太過
taiˋ nuoˋ 泰諾
zaiˋ woˇ 在我
zaiˋ duo ˉ 再多
zaiˋ guoˋ 再過
zaiˋ guoˋ 在過
zai ˉ huoˋ 災禍
zaiˋ huoˇ 在火
zaiˋ luoˋ 在洛
zaiˋ luoˋ 在落
zaiˋ shuo ˉ 再說
zaiˋ suoˇ 在所
zaiˋ zhuo ˉ 在桌
zaiˋ zuoˇ 在左
zaiˋ zuoˋ 在做
zaiˋ zuoˋ 在座
aiˋ duo ˉ 愛多
aiˋ guoˊ 愛國
aiˋ ruoˋ 艾若
aiˇ zhuo ˉ 矮桌
baiˇ huoˋ 百貨
baiˇ tuo ˉ 擺脫
baiˋ tuo ˉ 拜託
cai ˉ cuoˋ 猜錯
caiˊ guoˋ 才過
caiˇ guoˇ 採果
caiˇ guoˋ 踩過
caiˊ huoˋ 財貨
daiˋ woˇ 帶我
ai wo該是我好好運用科學的時候了
gai ˉ shiˋ woˇ haoˇ haoˇ yunˋ yongˋ ke ˉ xueˊ de˙ shiˊ houˋ le˙
It's time for me to put science to good use
gai ˉ gaoˋ tuiˋ de˙ shiˊ houˋ le˙
It was time to leave, It was time to withdraw, It was time to quit
gai ˉ zhi ˉ daoˋ shiˋ qingˊ buˊ duiˋ jinˋ
Should have known something was wrong
gai ˉ sheng ˉ jiˊ le˙
It was time for a promotion, It was time to move up the ladder
該, 升, 級, 了, 該升級了-rhymes
該部位 gai ˉ buˋ weiˋ
The part, This part, That part, The area, This area, That area
該, 部, 位, 該部位-rhymes
gai ˉ naˊ ta ˉ zenˇ me˙ banˋ
What to do with her, What should we do with her?
該項目 gai ˉ xiangˋ muˋ
The project, This project, That project, The item, This item, That item, The article, This article, That article
該, 項, 目, 該項目-rhymes
woˇ men˙ gai ˉ baˇ suoˇ youˇ bang ˉ shouˇ dou ˉ zhaoˋ jiˊ qiˇ laiˊ
We need all the help we can get
woˇ buˋ xiaoˇ deiˇ gai ˉ zenˇ me˙ shuo ˉ
I don't know what to say, I didn't know what to say
ta ˉ gai ˉ fa ˉ hui ˉ de˙ zuoˋ yongˋ
Its role, Its task, What it should do, What it was supposed to do
buˊ guoˋ zheˋ gai ˉ buˊ taiˋ keˇ nengˊ
This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely
ta ˉ jiuˋ huiˋ zhi ˉ daoˋ gai ˉ zenˇ me˙ huiˊ daˊ le˙
He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said
ta ˉ jiuˋ huiˋ zhi ˉ daoˋ gai ˉ zenˇ me˙ huiˊ daˊ le˙
She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered
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