Index for words including 得

deˊ, deiˇ, de˙

Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

Word Links for words containing 得 (sorted via character pairs)

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


高興得叫了起來 Happily shouted


得團團轉 Fool, Make a fool of


不見得是件好事 Was not necessarily a good thing


很放得開 Very relaxed, Unselfconscious

他在床上很放得開 He was very free in bed, He was uninhibited sexually


得黑 Daubed completely black, Daubed almost completely black


得罪 Offend


得見 Could see


得用上三倍 Using three times as much


得體 Decent


得出 Obtain, Acquire

假造得出 Faked

用於得出 Used to conclude, Used to derive

得出 Think of, Think up

才想得出 Ever think of, Ever think up


得比 Best, Nothing better, No comparison

不見得比他聰明 Not necessarily smarter than him


得以 Allowing, Allowed

得以俯瞰 Overlook, Overlooking

得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in no time

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time


得獎 Winner


得好 Good job!

得好 Good guess, Nicely done, Well done

你教得好 You are a good teacher


頭髮被剪得那麼醜 Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly

好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was


得了 Can, Is able to, Could, Got it, Allright (deˊ le˙), Got it

得了 Can go

得了 Affordable, Bearable

得了 Can drink, Can finish a drink

得了 Can remember

得了 Provide support, Can provide support, Would provide support

得了 Can use

得了 Can buy

真的得了 Had, Really had, Truly had

得了麻疹 Got measles, Caught measles

得了 Can sprout, Will germinate

得了多久 How long would it last, Would last for long


得飛 Ran quickly, Fled


得角 Cape Verde


以其口徑大而得名 So named because of its large diameter opening


得多 More

得多 Much better in comparison, Comparatively better

得多 Stronger than, Better than

好用得多 Was better

比那遠得多 Even further, Further than that, Even further than that

要危險得多 More dangerous

消息靈通得多 Better informed

力道比剛剛強得多 Much stronger, Much harder, With more force

比我所想的要危險得多 A lot more dangerous than I thought

不論錯得多離譜 No matter how wrong


得夠準了 Gave it (your) best shot, Shot was aimed accurately


得失 Gains and losses


得先 First needs (to)


生活得怎麼樣 How's life

書進展得怎麼樣啊 How's the book progressing?


得知 Find out, Learn, Realize

可以得知 We know that

得知 Learn, Figure out


得他 Left him

得他一身瘀青 Left him bruised all over, Left him bruised

得他仰天跌倒 Kicked him to the ground, Kicking him onto his back


得付出這種代價 Have to pay the price


帽子拉得低低的 Hat pulled low, Pulled their hat down low


得住 Capacity for maintaining or holding

得住 Able to tolerate

得住 Capacity for holding or maintaining

得住 Sound, Irrefutable, Able to stand, Able to maintain position

維持得住 Maintain, Sustain, Support


得倒吸一口氣 Gasped in surprise


速度快得像 As fast as, As quickly as

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose


得手 Succeed

輕易得手 Easy to accomplish, Easy to achieve, Achieve easily

能輕易得手 Had the ability to do it with ease

他是能輕易得手 He could have easily done it


得很 More so than usual, More so than normal

得很 Lousy, Bad

搶手得很 In great demand

熟悉得很 Very familiar, Knew it by heart

聰明得很 Smart, Bright, Intelligent, Far from stupid

高興得很 Were happy, Were having a good time

得很 Close-cropped, Cut extremely short

得很 Learned well

得很 Polished, Well polished, Polished to a shine, Polished to a gleam, Polished brightly

得很 Sound asleep, Sleeping soundly

得很 Runs fast

得很 Woke up extra early, Work up early

得很 Drive very slowly, Driving very slowly

他跑得很 He is a fast runner, He can run fast

消耗得很 Wore out quickly

隱藏得很 Well hidden

得很有方法 Methodically

得很好吧 Did you sleep well?, Are you well rested?

得很開心 Smiled happily

說明得很清楚 Describe clearly, Described clearly


簡直笨得簡 Idiotically simple


得離他那麼近 Stood so close to him, Was standing so close to him


得亮 Wiped really clean


得意 Proud

得意 Very proud

心裡好得意 Feel really proud

得意揚揚 Triumphant

得意咯咯大笑 Chortle, Chortling


得完 Can finish (precedes verb)


得宜 Proper


他們得派一個營來 They need to send a battalion, They will need to send a battalion, They have to send a battalion, They will have to send a battalion


愛皮得迷 Epidermis


哇雨下得這麼大 Wow! That's a lot of rain, Wow! That's a heavy rain


得通 Will work


得逞 Succeed


得過 Acquired, Got

以前從沒得過 Never used to be able to, Never used to

得過麻疹 Had the measles


根本還差得遠 Not even close, Way off target


情況看起來發展得還不賴 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good


得快 Must move quickly

得快 Need to run faster, Have to run faster


得令人失望 Cause disappointment, Disappointingly

子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range

強韌得令人驚訝的 Surprisingly tough


得會 Successfully learn, Successfully learned


得分 Score point(s)


雨下得小 The rain was light

得小心謹慎 Have to be careful

我們得小心謹慎 We have to be careful


得對 Can remember (from studying) correctly


得益 Benefited from


得當 Well enough, Successfully enough


得花 Needs to spend, Requires

加滿得花 To fill up requires

得花上好幾個星期 It would take weeks


得著 Can, Could, Do, Did

得著 Can lend

得著 Can look for, Can find

得著 Can use, Could use

得著 Can, Could sleep

得著 Can see (someone or something)

得著 Can buy


得一覽無遺 So thin you can see right through

把責任推得一乾二淨 Shirk responsibility and let someone else take care of it


得瓦 Van der Waals

得瓦爾力 Van der Waals force


得到 Get, Gets, Getting, Got, Receive, Receives, Receiving, Received, Obtain, Obtains, Obtaining, Obtained, Succeed in getting, Succeed, Succeeds, Succeeding, Succeeded

得到 Can lend

得到 Can find, Can look for

得到 Lookup

得到 Didn't get, Don't have

得到 Smell, Able to smell

得到 Can see, Can meet

得到 Can buy

得到 Can do

也許辦得到 Probably could, Perhaps could do

沒人辦得到 Never works

在電話簿裡查得到 Look it up in the phone book, Find it in the phone book

得到 Gets, Successfully gets, Successfully

得到 Earned

得到休息 Rested, Had a rest

得到另一 Got another

得到更多 Have more

得到了一個吻 Got a kiss

得到相同的結論 To arrive at the same solution, To get the same solution

得到神秘的成分 Retrieve the mysterious ingredient

但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission

她小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in

可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book

得到的回報 In return, Get in return, Got in return

得到的回報 And in return, And get the report

得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested

身體確實有種得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested


得下 Living capacity (is), Number of people who can live (here/there is)


得不 Could not get

得不 Well-housed

得不 Did pretty well, Did not badly

得不 Teach well

認識得不 Don't know much, Didn't know much

得不償失 The loss outweighs the gain

得不到死亡的眷顧 Hadn't the grace to die

學語言就得不怕說錯 Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language


得可遠了 Hardly, Far from it


得天獨厚 Blessed


得更 Learn more


得正 Pleasantly sleeping


得要 Have to have, Need to have


得數不清 Too may to count, Countless


得上 Considered, Sort of

得上 Be considered

得上 Kept up with, Kept up to date with

得上 Closable, Can close, Has the potential to be closed

聯絡得上 Get in contact with


得直 Vertically aligned, Standing straight


得真 Got up really early


得乾瞪眼 Stared with anger, Stared angrily, Glowered

得乾乾淨淨 Washed clean


得去 Should go

得去 Can go up

得去 Can go down

得去 Can go out

得去 Can go back

得去 Can go in

得去上班了 Had gone to work


得走 Gotta go

得走 Gotta go


得起 Able to live in, Afford to live in

得起 Sorry

得起 Withstand

得起 Afford, Can afford

強韌到禁得起 Strong enough to withstand

得起時間考驗 Time-honored

承受得起一點浪費 Can afford a little largesse, Can afford a little extravagance

我們承受得起一點浪費 We can afford a little largesse, We can afford a little extravagance


得趕 Needed to quickly


得力 Effective


得大 Open really big, Opened really big

把孔切磨得大一點 Ream out the hole to a slightly larger size


得太複雜 Overly complicated, Complicate, Create complications

別高興得太 Don't get too excited, Can't get too excited


得來 Can come up

得來 Can come down

得來 Can come out

得來 Get along

得來 Can come back

得來 Can be done

得來 Can get up

得來 Can come in

我起得來 I can get up

你從何得來 Where did you get it?, Where did you get, What gave you

不是人人幹得來 Isn't for everybody, Not everyone is suited to

我起得來 Can I get up?


尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 Pee all over the toilet seat


得相當大塊 Cut into quite large chunks


被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants

常被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants


得抬不起來 Too heavy too lift


得搬 Have to move, Have to move to a new house

我們都得搬 We'll all have to move house


來得容易去得也容易 Easy come, easy go


得軟 Stewed until soft and falling apart


只得 No alternative but, Have to, Obliged to


吃得 Eat

吃得精緻而不吃飽 Eat well and not become full

吃得 Can finish eating


吹得 Blown


嚇得 Frightened, Scared

嚇得不輕 Terrified

嚇得尖叫 Screamed in fright, Screamed


跳得 Danced, Jumped (e.g. beautifully)

跳得好快 Jumped quickly

我的心跳得好快 My heart beat quickly


是得 Should still, Still have to


照得 Shined on


晒得 Exposed to the sun

晒得 By exposure to the sun


曉得 Be aware of, Know, Aware

曉得 Didn't know, Wasn't aware

無權曉得 No business knowing, no right to know

曉得這樣行不行 Don't know if this will work, Doesn't know if this will work, Will this work?, Will this do?, Will that do?

那些他們無權曉得的事 Those things they had no business knowing


顯得 Appear, Look, Seem

顯得模糊 Appear blurred

顯得沮喪和不 Appeared depressed and unsettled

顯得內容是什麼 Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about


累得 Tired, Exhausted

累得顫抖 Shuddered from exhaustion


見得 Not necessarily

也不見得 Not necessarily


購得 Buy, Purchase

購得的樟腦成本 Cost of buying camphor

購得的樟腦成本上升 Cost of buying camphor is increasing


她得 She needed, She had to

她得 She's got, She's acquired

她得 She got

她得去上班了 She had gone to work

她得到她需要的 She got what she needed

毀了她得意的日子 Ruined her day


媽得 Mother has to


總得 Somehow, Have to


變得 Become, Became, Get, Grow, Develop, Developed

變得 Become, Became

已經變得 Has become

變得有智慧 Become smart, Made smart, Made intelligent, Become imbued with intelligence

變得不安全了 Become unsafe

變得失去意義 Lost meaning, Lost its meaning

變得泛黃起縐 Became yellow and wrinkled, Yellowed and puckered

變得灰灰暗暗 Becomes darker and darker, Becomes darker

變得越來越窄 Became narrower

把陽光變得泛黃 Caused the sunlight to turn yellow, Yellowed the sunlight

做人態度變得很差 Developed a poor attitude, Developed a bad attitude

房間變得煙霧迷漫 The room was getting smoky, The room filled with smoke

在情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough

他的笑容變得嬌羞 His smile became shy, His smile became coy

她的笑容變得嬌羞 Her smile became shy, Her smile became coy


張得 Nervously


飛得 Fly, Flies, Flying


壓得 Pressed, Squished


所得 Profit, Income


興得 Happily


覺得 Feel, Feels, Felt, Think, Thinks, Thought, Conscious of, Realize, Sense, Consider, Seem, Suppose

覺得 He felt

覺得 What do you think

覺得 She felt

覺得 I would say that, I feel that

一直覺得 Felt, Believed, Thought that

讓我覺得 Make me feel

忍不住覺得 Can't help feeling that

我真心覺得 I truly believe that

我還是覺得 I still feel that, I still think that

我還真覺得 I really do believe that

時不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that

覺得不安 Feel uneasy, Feel unsettled, Sense of disquiet

真的開始覺得不安 Truly started to feel a sense of disquiet

才真的開始覺得不安 Only then started to truly feel uneasy

覺得口渴 Feel thirsty, Feel a thirst

覺得寂寞 Feel lonely

覺得羞辱 Feel ashamed

覺得很奇怪 Felt that it was very strange, Felt that it was odd

覺得很清涼 Feel cool, Feel comfortably cool

覺得自在的 Feel comfortable, Feet at ease

覺得這可能是 Dialed from memory

一點都不覺得 Didn't feel any pain at all, Didn't hurt at all

心裡覺得既滿足又輕 Feeling both satisfied and relaxed

搖著頭覺得不可思議 Shook their head in wonderment, Shook their head feeling wonderful, Was shaking their head in wonder

只要你覺得自己夠厲害 If you think you're good enough

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone

覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults

覺得好餓 He feel's really hungry, He is really hungry

覺得好餓 I feel really hungry, I'm really hungry

覺得舒服一點 Feel a little better

開始覺得舒服一點 Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better

讓他覺得安全 Made him feel safe

讓她覺得安全 Made her feel safe

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?

你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?

覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


長得 Look, Like seem like

長得 Looked like

長得挺帥 Handsome

長得好看 You look good


免得 Avoid, So as not to, Lest

免得吵醒 To avoid waking up, So as not to wake up

免得淋到雨 Protect from the rain, Keep protected from the rain


多勞多得 More pay for more work


乍得 Chad


他得 He's got, He has

他得 He's got, He's acquired

他得 He got

他得了麻疹 He's got measles

他得到他需要的 He got what he needed

毀了他得意的日子 Ruined his day


你得 You should, You need to

你得上教堂的量 The number of times you had to go to church, The amount of church you had to attend


使得 Causing


們得 We need to


值得 Worthwhile, Deserving

值得一提 Noteworthy, Worth mentioning

值得一顧 Worth a look at, Worthy of attention

值得信賴 Trustworthy

值得注目 Noteworthy, Worthy of attention

等待是值得 The wait will be worth it, It will be worth the wait

缺乏值得效法之處 Has little worthy of emulating

值得兩個國家為它爆發戰爭 Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it

值得一提的特色 Noteworthy features

值得注目的特色 Noteworthy features

值得留影的地方 Photo worthy

值得一顧的地方 Something to be said for, Worthy of visiting

看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy


做得 Did, Performed

做得 Can finish, Can complete the job, Can complete the work

做得不錯 Doing well, Doing pretty good, Doing not to badly


傳得 Spread, Travelled

傳得很快 Spread quickly, Travelled quickly


化得 Transformed, Modified, Made up (e.g. beautifully)


我得 I must

我得走了 I have to go, I gotta go, I gotta take off

我得接一下 I have to get that

我得開誠布公 I have to be frank (or honest)

那麼我得提醒你 Then I must remind you

那麼我得提醒您 Then I must remind you


看得 See

看得 Worth seeing

看得 See, Can see

看得 Can see, Visibly

看得 Understand what can be seen

看得 Able to see

看得 Think highly of, Respect

看得 Accept a situation, See through and understand

看得 Passable

勉強看得 Provide a passable view, Provided a reasonable field of view

什麼都看得 Everything could be seen

看得過去 Barely presentable

看得更清楚 See more clearly

什麼都看得一清二楚 Could see everything clearly

看得很緊 Closely watched, Closely monitored

看得很重 Value, Regard as valuable

看得到風景 View of the scenery

勉強看得到風景 A reasonable view of the scenery, A passable view of the scenery

把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously

從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously


升得 Rose


彼得 Pete, Peter

彼得 Peter Rabbit


簡直笨得 Idiotically


就得 You then had to

我們就得 We'll have to


贏得 Win, Winning, Earn, Earned, Gain, Gaining

贏得 Didn't win

贏得一分錢 Didn't' win any money

贏得一些名聲 Earned a little repute, Gained a little fame


記得 Remember

記得 Don't remember

記得 Still remembered, Could remember

總算記得 Finally remembered

隱約記得 Vaguely remember

總是不記得 Easily forget, Easily forgets, Easily forgot, Have a short memory, Has a short memory, Had a short memory, Had short memories

記得 Remember?

也不記得 Couldn't remember

幾乎不記得 Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about

記得他們 Remember them

你還記得多少 How much do you remember

記得一清二楚 Remembered clearly

她會記得他們嗎 Would she remember them?

要是他記得的話 If he remembered

要是我記得沒錯 If I remember correctly

記得最後一件事 The last thing I remember (is/was)

記得看見我 Remember seeing me

有很多人記得看見我 Plenty of people remember seeing me


認得 Know, Knew, Recognize, Recognized

有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it

認得 Recognize, Would recognize, Recognized

認得 Still recognize, Still know

認得出嫌犯 Recognize the suspect


說得 Said (e.g. said very well)

說得精確點 Actually

說得 Good one, Well said

說得 Can say (it) correctly

說得 Made sense

說得 That makes sense, That explains it

說得不好 Don't speak very well, Can't speak (it) very well

小時候的國語說得不好 When I was a child my Mandarin was not very good!

說得很慢 Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Spoke slowly

說得好聽一點 Fancy way of saying, Nice way of saying

說得再準確一點 More to the point


這點省了法官得 This point saved the judge from having to


定得 Definitely need to, Definitely should


容得 Described


寫得 Written (e.g. beautifully, Well)

寫得很清楚了 Written very clearly, Clearly spelled out, Clearly stated

寫得非常整齊 Written extremely neatly


疼得 Painfully


痛得 Painfully

我的背痛得要死 My back is killing me

痛得他大叫 He screamed in pain

痛得她大叫 She screamed in pain


瘦得 Thin


自得 Complacent, Conceited, Self-satisfied, Find joy in one's life

怡然自得 Complacent

洋洋自得 Self-satisfied

靜觀自得 Everything comes to one who waits

自得其樂 Had enjoyed themselves, To find happiness in one's own way


凍得 Coldly

凍得我直發抖 I shivered from the cold, I was so cold I was shivering


被雨洗得 Washed by the rain, Cleaned by the rain


直接測得 Measure directly, Directly measure

無法直接測得 Cannot be measured directly


游得 Swim, Swim for

游得 Get to by swimming, Swim to


過得 Live, Experience

他沒過得 He wasn't

過得 Can come over

過得 Can go over

過得很好 Doing well, Doing very well

因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well

今天過得好嗎 Did you have a good day?, How was your day?

讓人們過得舒舒服服 Allowing people to live in comfort

他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad

你最近過得怎麼樣 How have you been lately


還得 Need to


怕得 Afraid, Frightfully

怕得 In great fear, Very afraid


懂得 Understand, Comprehend, Know

懂得 Doesn't know, Doesn't understand, Doesn't comprehend

你還是懂得自我管理 You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself


懶得 Disinclined, Not in the mood, Not feel like doing

卻一向懶得 But always too lazy, But could never be bothered to


懼得 Dreadful


心得 Results of intense study, meditation or practice


拿得 Can grab, Can pick up

拿得 Can grab, Can pick up


省得 Avoid, Prevent, Save trouble


燒得 Burn, Burning, Burnt, Burned, Burns, Sear, Searing, Seared

燒得炙熱 Burned hot

不讓火燒得太旺 Don't let the fire burn to hot, Not letting the fire burn too large


養得 Maintained, Looked after


惹得 Provoke, Anger, Prompt

惹得眾人 Prompting or provoking the crowd


落得 Result, As a result


難得 Rare, Hard to find, Hard to come by, Seldom, Not often, Rarely, Fortunate, Lucky

難得 Tougher, More difficult

一旦真槍實彈事情就會困難得 Things are a lot tougher when it's for real

難得一見 Difficult to get together

難得享受 Rarely enjoy

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself


到得 Can get (there)

到得 Can get (there)


不得 Cannot

不得 Anxious

不得 No wonder

不得 Wish to do something impossible or illegal or immoral

不得 Reluctant, Reluctant to give up

不得 Can't argue, Can't (rouse, Excite, Disagree, Oppose)

不得 Shouldn't listen, Shouldn't hear, Shouldn't be heard

不得 Can not remember

不得 Unrecognizable, Unintelligible

不得 Can't care

動彈不得 Unable to move

哭笑不得 Dumbfounded

都捨不得 Reluctant, Cannot bear to

不得 Have to, Had to, Must

不得 Extremely, Exceedingly

不得 Have to, No other options, Last resort

不得 Was compelled

不得 Shameful, Shady, Under the table, Unseen

動彈不得 Freeze, Freeze up, Become unable to move

不得而知 Unknown

不得要領 Doesn't get the main point, Misses the point, Cannot get the gist, Pointless

不得不知道 Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

不得以只好 Have no choice but to, Had not choice but to

不得不去哀求 Had to beg

不得不坦言 I must confess, I must say frankly

不得不感到好奇 Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious

令牢裡不得安寧 No peace in prison

不得不在盛怒中動用 Until being compelled to use in anger


一舉兩得 Gain Two Objectives With A Single Act, Kill Two Birds With One Stone


玩得 Played (e.g. played happily)


現得 Behaving, Acting


心安理得 Peace of mind


要得 Wants to get, Wants to become, Wants to reach


取得 Get, Obtain, Secure

取得 Newly acquired

取得聯繫 Get in touch, Contact

取得了進步 Made progress, Improved

你想要取得信用貸款 You wish to obtain a line of credit


聽得 Hear, Detect

聽得 Audible, Heard

聽得 Able to understand

聽得 Could hear

所有人都聽得 Everyone could hear

聲音大到所有人都聽得 Loud enough for everyone to hear

耳邊還聽得到從底下街道傳來的陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter could be heard from the streets below


由得 Can't help


一舉數得 Lots of benefits from one action, Kill two birds with one stone (equivalent)


非得 Had no alternative but to, Have to, Must

非得看不可 Difficult not to see, Couldn't help but see


走得 Walked

走得很慢 He walked slowly


畫得 Drawn (e.g. beautifully, Well)


奮得 Excitedly


來得 Able to, Come (to come), More, More than

來得容易去得也容易 Easy come, easy go

來得 Make it in time

比他想像中來得 Bigger than he thought, Bigger than he imagined


殺得 Killed


獲得 Win, Get, Acquire, Won, Got, Acquired

後續獲得 Follow up, Subsequent

獲得更好的視角 Get a better perspective

獲得更大筆的賠償 Receive a greater compensation

獲得一筆和解賠償金 Received a cash settlement

睽違已久又獲得的自由 Long lost freedom

好好品味睽違已久又獲得的自由 Enjoying the taste of freedom at last regained after so long


打得 Play, Played

打得 Beaten

打得 Great Shot

打得那麼慘 Beaten so badly, Beaten so viciously, Such a vicious beating


抓得 Grabbed


抖得 Trembling, Shaking

抖得好厲害 Trembling, Shaking badly


捨得 Willing to part with, Willing to pay the price


掉得 Dropped, Fell


掛得 Hang, Hung

掛得 Can hang up


搞得 Trouble

搞得一團亂的人 A person who messes up or causes trouble

經常搞得一團亂的人 A person who frequently messes up or causes trouble


軟得 Soft, Flexible

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