ta ˉ yuˋ daoˋ le˙ shenˊ me˙ yangˋ de˙ maˊ fanˊ
(What kind of) What kind of trouble is he in | What kind of trouble did he run into?
他 ta ˉ
He, She, He, She, They, Him, Her, Other, Others, It
遇到 yuˋ daoˋ
(Bump Into, Encounter, Meet, Meeting, Meets, Met) Meet, Meets, Meeting, Met, Bump into, Encounter
遇到了 yuˋ daoˋ le˙
(Bumped into, Met) Met, Bumped into
到了 daoˋ le˙
(Arrive at, Get to, Got to, Had arrived, Reach, Reached) Reach, Reached, Arrive at, Had arrived at, Had arrived, Get to, Got to
什麼 shenˊ me˙
(What) What, What?
什麼樣 shenˊ me˙ yangˋ
(What kind) What kind?
什麼樣的 shenˊ me˙ yangˋ de˙
(What kind of) What kind of
什麼樣的麻煩 shenˊ me˙ yangˋ de˙ maˊ fanˊ
(What kind of) What kind of trouble?
麻煩 maˊ fanˊ
(Annoyed, Bother, Hassle, Hassles, Make trouble, Problem, Problems) Annoyed, Make trouble, Bother, Hassle, Hassles, Problem, Problems
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