
xiangˋ zheˋ yangˋ qin ˉ shen ˉ tiˇ yanˋ

This type of personal experience | Experiencing it like this | This kind of first-hand experience

Experiencing, This kind of, This type of

Like This, In this case, Like This, Then, This, Thus, Personally, Body, Experience, Experienced, Experiences, To experience

像這樣 xiangˋ zheˋ yangˋ

Like this


這樣 zheˋ yangˋ

Like this | This | Thus | Then | In this case


親身 qin ˉ shen ˉ



身體 shen ˉ tiˇ



體驗 tiˇ yanˋ

To experience | Experience | Experiences | Experiencing | Experienced


xiangˇ zhe˙ 響著


xiangˇ zhe˙ 想著


xiangˋ zheˋ 像這


yangˊ che ˉ 洋車


yang ˉ geˉ 秧歌


yangˇ leˋ 養樂


yangˇ le˙ 養了


jiangˇ de˙ 講的


jiang ˉ heˊ 將荷


jiangˇ keˋ 講課


jiangˇ le˙ 講了


jiangˋ le˙ 降了


jiang ˉ sheˋ 將攝


jiang ˉ zheˋ 將這


jiangˇ zhe˙ 講著


liangˇ ceˋ 兩側


liangˇ geˊ 兩格


liangˇ ge˙ 兩個


liangˇ ke ˉ 兩顆


liangˊ le˙ 涼了


liangˇ zeˊ 兩則


liangˇ zheˇ 兩者


liangˋ zhe˙ 亮著


qiang ˉ de˙ 鏘的


qiangˊ de˙ 強得


qiangˇ le˙ 搶了


xiangˇ deˊ 想得


xiang ˉ geˊ 香格


xiangˇ ge˙ 響個


xiangˋ ge˙ 像個


xiangˊ heˊ 祥和


xiangˇ he ˉ 想喝


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