兩個 liangˇ ge˙
(Two) Two
兩個觀點 liangˇ ge˙ guanˉ dianˇ
(Two points of) Two points of view
觀點 guanˉ dianˇ
(Ideas, Point of view) Point of view, Ideas
給了 geiˇ le˙
(Gave, Give, Gives, Giving) Give, Gives, Giving, Gave
給了我 geiˇ le˙ woˇ
(Gave me) Gave me
給了我們 geiˇ le˙ woˇ men˙
(Gave us, Give us, Gives, Giving) Give us, Gives us, Giving us, Gave us
我們 woˇ men˙
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