
chuangˋ jianˋ huoˋ daˇ poˋ yiˊ ge˙ guan ˉ xiˋ benˇ shen ˉ jiuˋ shiˋ yiˋ zhongˇ bianˋ huaˋ

Creating or breaking a relationship is a change in itself


Create, Created, Creates, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds, Break, A, An, One, Connection, Connections, Relationship, Relationships, Itself, Themself, Themselves, And so, Exactly, Namely, That is, Kind of, One kind, Type, Change, Changes, Conjugate, Conjugates

創建 chuangˋ jianˋ

Create | Creates | Creating | Created | Establish | Establishes | Establishing | Established | Found | Founds | Founding | Founded


打破 daˇ poˋ



一個 yiˊ ge˙

A | An | One


關係 guan ˉ xiˋ

Relationship | Relationships | A relationship | The relationship | The relationships | Connection | Connections | A connection | The connection | The connections


本身 benˇ shen ˉ

Themself | Themselves | Itself


就是 jiuˋ shiˋ

That is | Namely | Exactly | And so is | And so are


一種 yiˋ zhongˇ

A kind of | A type | One kind


變化 bianˋ huaˋ

Change | Conjugates | Changes | A change | The change | The changes | Conjugate | A conjugate | The conjugate | The conjugates


chuangˋ jianˋ 創見


chuangˋ jianˋ 創建


chuang ˉ lianˊ 窗簾


chuang ˉ qianˊ 窗前


chuangˊ qianˊ 床前


guang ˉ dianˇ 光點


guang ˉ mianˋ 光面


guang ˉ nianˊ 光年


guang ˉ tianˉ 光天


guang ˉ xianˉ 光鮮


guang ˉ xianˋ 光線


huangˇ yanˊ 謊言


shuang ˉ yanˇ 雙眼


shuang ˉ bianˉ 雙邊


shuang ˉ jianˉ 雙肩


zhuang ˉ yanˊ 莊嚴


wangˇ dianˇ 網點


wangˋ jianˋ 望見


wangˇ nianˊ 往年


wangˋ nianˊ 忘年


wangˇ qianˊ 往前


chuangˊ yanˊ 牀沿


chuangˊ yanˊ 床沿


chuangˊ bian ˉ 床邊


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