zaiˋ jieˇ jueˊ wenˋ tiˊ de˙ guoˋ chengˊ zhong ˉ
(In the process) In the process of solving a problem | In the process of solving the problem | In the process of solving problems
在 zaiˋ
Now, Located, In, At, On, By, Alive, Present, Presently
解決 jieˇ jueˊ
(Fix, Resolve, Settle, Solve, To dispatch, To finish, To fix, To resolve, To settle, To solve) To dispatch, To finish off (enemy troops), To solve, To resolve, To fix, To settle, Solve , Solves , Solving , Solved , Resolve , Resolves , Resolving , Resolved , Fix , Fixes , Fixing , Fixed , Settle , Settles , Settling , Settled
問題 wenˋ tiˊ
(Concern, Concerns, Problem, Problems, Question, Questions) Question, Problem, Problems, A problem, The problem, The problems, Questions, A question, The question, The questions, Concern, Concerns, A concern, The concern, The concerns
的過程 de˙ guoˋ chengˊ
(Process, Process of) The process of, Process of, Process
過程 guoˋ chengˊ
(Process, Processes) Process, Processes, A process, The process, The processes
過程中 guoˋ chengˊ zhongˉ
(In the process) In the process
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