congˊ yiˋ lianˊ chuanˋ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙ kai ˉ shiˇ zuoˋ qiˇ
(Start a, Started, Starting, Starts) Start a series of actions from the beginning | Starts a series of actions from the beginning | Starting a series of actions from the beginning | Started a series of actions from the beginning
從 congˊ cong ˉ zongˋ
From, Lax, Yielding, (Cong1), Easy, Relaxed, Unhurried, Plentiful, (Zong1), From North To South
一連 yiˋ lianˊ
(A) A (e.g. a series), A (e.g. a series or set of connected objects)
一連串 yiˋ lianˊ chuanˋ
(A) A series (of), A sequence (of)
連串 lianˊ chuanˋ
(Chain, Series) A series, Series, Chain
動作 dongˋ zuoˋ
(Action, Gesture, Labor, Motion, Move, Movement, To act, To move, Work) Movement , Action , Work , Labor , Motion , Gesture , To move, To act, Move , Moves , Moving , Moved
作的 zuoˋ de˙
(Made, Made with) Made, Made with
的開始 de˙ kaiˉ shiˇ
(Began, Begin, Beginning, Begins, Start, Started, Starting, Starts) Start, Starts, Starting, Started, Begin, Begins, Beginning, Began
開始 kaiˉ shiˇ
(Begin, Start, To begin, To start) To start, Start , Starts , Starting , Started , To begin, Begin , Begins , Beginning , Began
做 zuoˋ
Work, Do, Make, Act, Create, Produce
起 qiˇ
Rise, Raise, Get Up
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