持續 chiˊ xuˋ
(Continue, Continuous, Go on, Goes on, Going on, To continue, To go, Uninterrupted, Went on) Continuous, Uninterrupted, To continue, Continue , Continues , Continuing , Continued , To go on, Go on, Goes on, Going on, Went on
發現 faˉ xianˋ
(Discover, Discovered, Discovering, Discovers, Find, Find out, Finding, Found, Realize, Realized, Realizing, To discover, To find, To realize) To discover, Discover, Discovers, Discovering, Discovered, To find, Find, Finding, Found, To find out, Find out, Finding out, Found out, To realize, Realize, Realizing, Realized
更多 gengˋ duoˉ
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