jinˋ keˇ nengˊ youˇ yongˋ de˙ fen ˉ jieˇ
(Break things down) Break things down as usefully as possible
盡 jinˋ jinˇ
Deplete, Exhaust, Empty, Use up, End, Finish, Accomplish, Complete, Put to best use, All, Entirely, Wholly, Completely
可能 keˇ nengˊ
(May have, Maybe, Might, Perhaps, Possible, Possibly, Potential, Potentially, Probable, Probably, There is) Perhaps, Possible, Probable, Potential, Possibly, Probably, There is probably, Potentially, May have, Maybe, Might
有用 youˇ yongˋ
(Am beneficial, Am practical, Am useful, Are beneficial, Are practical, Are useful, Being, Beneficial, Is beneficial, Is practical, Is useful, Practical, To be, Useful, Was beneficial, Was practical, Was useful, Were beneficial, Were practical, Were useful) Useful, To be useful, Being useful, Am useful, Are useful, Is useful, Was useful, Were useful, Practical, To be practicing, Being practical, Am practical, Are practical, Is practical, Was practical, Were practical, Beneficial, To be beneficial, Being beneficial, Am beneficial, Are beneficial, Is beneficial, Was beneficial, Were beneficial
有用地 youˇ yongˋ de˙
(Practically, Usefully) Usefully, Practically
分解 fenˉ jieˇ
(Analyze, Break down, Collapse, Decompile, Decompose, Resolve, Separate, To analyze, To break down, To collapse, To decompile, To decompose, To resolve, To separate) To resolve, Resolve , Resolves , Resolving , Resolved , To break down, Break down, Breaks down, Breaking down, Broke down, To decompile, Decompile , Decompiles , Decompiling , Decompiled , To separate, Separate , Separates , Separating , Separated , To collapse, Collapse , Collapses , Collapsing , Collapsed , To decompose, Decompose , Decomposes , Decomposing , Decomposed , To analyze, Analyze , Analyzes , Analyzing , Analyzed
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