zhi ˉ daoˋ woˇ men˙ zhengˋ zaiˋ changˊ shiˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙
(Knew, Know what we, Knowing what we, Knows, To know) To know what we are trying to do | Know what we are trying to do | Knows what we are trying to do | Knowing what we are trying to do | Knew what we were trying to do
知道 zhiˉ daoˋ
(Knew, Know, Knowing, Known, Knows, To know) Known, To know, Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
我們正在嘗試做 woˇ men˙ zhengˋ zaiˋ changˊ shiˋ zuoˋ
(We are) We are trying to do
正在 zhengˋ zaiˋ
(Am currently, Are currently, At that moment, Being, Currently, Directly, Exactly, In the midst, Is currently, To be, Was currently, Were currently) Currently, To be currently, Being currently, Am currently, Are currently, Is currently, Was currently, Were currently, At that moment, Directly, Exactly at that location, In the midst of
嘗試 changˊ shiˋ
(Attempt, Attempted, Attempting, Attempts, To attempt, To try, To try to, Tried, Tried to, Tries, Tries to, Try, Try to, Trying, Trying to) To try, Try, Tries, Trying, Tried, To attempt, Attempt, Attempts, Attempting, Attempted, To try to, Try to, Tries to, Trying to, Tried to
嘗試做 changˊ shiˋ zuoˋ
(Attempt to, Attempted to, Attempting, Attempts to, To attempt to, To try to, Tried to, Tries, Try to, Trying to do) To try to do, Try to, Tries do, Trying to do, Tried to do, To attempt to do, Attempt to do, Attempts to do, Attempting to do, Attempted to do
什麼 shenˊ me˙
(What) What, What?
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