gen ˉ zong ˉ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ fa ˉ sheng ˉ de˙ buˋ tongˊ bianˋ huaˋ liuˊ
Follow the different flows of change that occur within the system
Following, Tracking, While following, While tracking, System, Systems, Happen, Happened, Occur, Occurred, Different, Distinct, Distinctive, Diverse, Seperate, Various, Varying, Change, Changes, Conjugate, Conjugates
跟蹤 gen ˉ zong ˉ
Tracking | Following | While tracking | While following
系統 xiˋ tongˇ
System | Systems | A system | The system | The systems
發生 faˉ shengˉ
Happen | Occur | Happened | Occurred
不同 buˋ tongˊ
Different | Distinctive | Distinct from | Seperate from | Varying | Various | Diverse
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
Change | Conjugates | Changes | A change | The change | The changes | Conjugate | A conjugate | The conjugate | The conjugates
gen ˉ zongˉ 跟蹤
henˇ cong ˉ 很聰
henˇ nongˊ 很濃
henˇ rongˊ 很容
henˇ rongˊ 很榮
henˇ tongˋ 很痛
henˇ zhongˋ 很重
renˊ gong ˉ 人工
renˇ tongˋ 忍痛
renˋ tongˊ 認同
renˊ zhongˇ 人種
shenˊ tongˊ 神童
shen ˉ zhongˋ 深重
shenˋ zhongˋ 慎重
zhenˋ dongˋ 震動
zhenˋ dongˋ 振動
zhenˋ gong ˉ 鎮公
zhen ˉ kongˉ 真空
zhen ˉ kongˇ 針孔
zhenˋ rongˊ 陣容
zhen ˉ tongˇ 針筒
zhen ˉ zhongˋ 珍重
zhenˋ zhong ˉ 震中
benˋ zhongˋ 笨重
chenˊ zhongˋ 沉重
chenˊ zhongˋ 沈重
fen ˉ gongˉ 分工
fen ˉ hongˊ 分紅
fenˇ hongˊ 粉紅
fen ˉ songˋ 分送
fen ˉ zhongˉ 分鐘
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