zheˋ xie ˉ yunˋ dongˋ benˇ shen ˉ shiˋ zi ˉ shiˋ de˙ miˊ niˇ xuˋ lieˋ
(These movements) These movements themselves are mini-sequences of poses
這些 zheˋ xieˉ
這些運動本身 zheˋ xieˉ yunˋ dongˋ benˇ shenˉ
(These movements) These movements themselves
運動 yunˋ dongˋ
(Do a, Exercise, Motion, Movement, Sport) Exercise, Movement, Motion, Do a sport, Sport
本身 benˇ shenˉ
(Itself, Themself, Themselves) Themself, Themselves, Itself
是 shiˋ
Is, To be, Am/Are/Is/Was/Were, Being, Yes
姿勢 ziˉ shiˋ
(Posture, Postures) Posture, Postures
姿勢的迷你序列 ziˉ shiˋ de˙ miˊ niˇ xuˋ lieˋ
(Mini-sequence) Mini-sequence of poses
迷你 miˊ niˇ
(Mini) Mini (translit)
迷你序列 miˊ niˇ xuˋ lieˋ
(Mini-sequence) Mini-sequence
序列 xuˋ lieˋ
(Sequence, Sequenced, Sequences, Sequencing) Sequence, Sequences, Sequencing, Sequenced
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