shuang ˉ yangˇ shuiˇ fen ˉ jieˇ chanˇ sheng ˉ shuiˇ hanˋ yangˇ qiˋ
Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen
Cat: Chemistry (Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen) Next
Hydrogen, Humidity, Moisture, Water content, Analyze, Break down, Collapse, Decompile, Decompose, Resolve, Separate, To analyze, To break down, To collapse, To decompile, To decompose, To resolve, To separate, Cause, Create, Give Rise, Produce, To cause, To create, To give, To produce, Untreated, Oxygen
雙氧水 shuang ˉ yangˇ shuiˇ
Hydrogen peroxide
水分 shuiˇ fen ˉ
Moisture | Water content | Humidity
分解 fen ˉ jieˇ
To resolve | Resolve/Resolves/Resolving/Resolved | To break down | Break/Breaks/Breaking/Broke down | To decompile | Decompile/Decompiles/Decompiling/Decompiled | To separate | Separate/Separates/Separating/Separated | To collapse | Collapse/Collapses/Collapsing/Collapsed | To decompose | Decompose/Decomposes/Decomposing/Decomposed | To analyze | Analyze/Analyzes/Analyzing/Analyzed
產生 chanˇ sheng ˉ
To create/cause/produce | To give rise to | Create/Creates/Creating/Created | Cause/Causes/Caused/Causing | Give/Gives/Giving/Gave rise to | Produce/Produces/Produced/Producing
生水 sheng ˉ shuiˇ
Untreated water
氧氣 yangˇ qiˋ
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