dianˇ siˋ wuˇ shouˇ qiangˉ
Forty-five calibre handgun, Forty-five
dianˇ yiˊ yangˋ de˙ dongˉ xiˉ
(Order, Ordered, Ordering, Orders)
Order the same thing, Orders the same thing, Ordering the same thing, Ordered the same thing
yuanˇ riˋ dianˇ
Aphelion, Point in orbit most distant from the sun
zaiˋ shuangˉ jiaoˇ de˙ zhongˉ jianˉ dianˇ shangˋ
Above a point midway between both feet, Over a point midway between both feet
zhuˋ yiˋ jiˇ dianˇ
(Pay Attention To, few points)
Pay attention to a few points, A few points to note
huaˋ longˊ dianˇ jingˉ
Add eyeballs to the picture of a dragon, Add the finishing touches
teˋ dingˋ dianˇ
Particular point, A particular point, Particular points, Specific point, A specific point, Specific points
zhuanˉ zhuˋ de˙ dianˇ
(Focus point, Point, Something to)
Focus point, A point to focus on, Something to focus on
yiˋ buˊ xiaoˇ xinˉ dianˇ
(Accidentally, Not paying, little carelessly, little incautiously)
A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously
baoˋ zhaˊ dianˇ
(Center Of The, Center of, Detonation)
Detonation point, Center of the explosion, Center of an explosion
huaˉ dianˇ gongˉ fuˉ
(Put In, Take a, Takes a, Taking a, Took a)
Put in some effort, Take a bit of work, Takes a bit of work, Taking a bit of work, Took a bit of work
eˊ touˊ dianˇ diˋ
Forehead touched the floor, Touched their forehead to the floor
ruˊ yuˇ dianˇ banˉ
(Like drops, Like rain, Like raindrops)
Like drops of rain, Like raindrops, Like rain
ruˊ yuˇ dianˇ banˉ daˇ zaiˋ woˇ shenˉ shangˋ
Rain down on me, Rains down on me
baiˇ fenˉ zhiˉ lingˊ dianˇ lingˊ yiˉ
Point zero one of a percent, .01\%
Cat: Number-Percent (Point zero one of a percent) Next
suoˇ youˇ zheˋ xieˉ dianˇ
All these points, All of these points
keˇ yiˇ biˇ yuˋ weiˋ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ
luuˇ chengˊ zhongˉ de˙ mouˇ xieˉ dianˇ tingˊ
xiaˋ laiˊ yiˇ bianˋ woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ
chaˊ kanˋ de˙ tuˊ
(Can be)
Can be likened to us stopping at certain points in our journey so that we can check a map
可, 以, 比, 喻, 為, 我, 們, 在
旅, 程, 中, 的, 某, 些, 點, 停
下, 來, 以, 便, 我, 們, 可, 以
查, 看, 地, 圖
canˉ kaoˇ dianˇ
Reference point, Reference points, Reference, References
yiˊ qieˋ zaiˋ zaiˋ dianˇ mingˊ yiˊ ge˙ shiˋ shiˊ
Everything points to one fact
zhiˇ dianˇ
(Advise, Give pointers, Instruct, Point, Pointed out, Teach)
Give pointers, Teach, Advise, Instruct, Point out, Pointed out
xiaoˇ tiˊ dianˇ
(Little reminder, Reminder, Reminders, Tip, Tips)
Tip, Tips, Little reminder, Reminder, Reminders
Rhymes: yan i
rh: dianˇ siˋ 點四
rh: dianˋ siˇ 電死
rh: dianˇ ziˇ 點子
rh: dianˋ ziˇ 電子
rh: dianˋ zi˙ 墊子
rh: jian ˉ ciˋ 尖刺
rh: jianˋ ciˋ 漸次
rh: jian ˉ chiˊ 堅持
rh: jian ˉ shiˊ 堅實
rh: jian ˉ shiˊ 尖石
rh: jian ˉ shiˋ 監視
rh: jianˇ shiˋ 檢視
rh: jianˋ shiˊ 時序
rh: jianˋ shiˊ 鑑識
rh: jianˋ shiˋ 見識
rh: jianˋ shiˋ 件事
rh: jian ˉ siˋ 間似
rh: jianˇ si ˉ 繭絲
rh: jianˋ siˇ 見死
rh: jian ˉ zhiˉ 兼之
rh: jian ˉ zhiˊ 兼職
rh: jianˇ zhiˊ 簡直
rh: jianˇ zhiˇ 繭紙
rh: jianˋ zhiˇ 諫止
rh: jianˋ zhiˋ 建置
rh: jian ˉ ziˋ 漸漬
rh: jianˇ zi˙ 剪子
rh: lianˊ shiˊ 連十
rh: lianˊ ziˇ 蓮子
rh: lianˊ zi˙ 簾子
rh: lianˋ zi˙ 鍊子
rh: mianˋ shiˊ 麵食
rh: mianˋ shiˋ 面試
rh: mianˊ zhiˋ 棉質
rh: mianˇ zhiˊ 免職
rh: mianˋ ziˇ 面子
rh: nianˋ zhiˊ 唸植
rh: pian ˉ shiˊ 偏食
rh: pianˋ shiˊ 片時
rh: pian ˉ zi˙ 片子
rh: pianˋ ziˇ 騙子
rh: qianˊ shiˋ 前世
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 牽制
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 鉛製
rh: qianˊ zhiˋ 前置
rh: qian ˉ ziˋ 簽字
rh: qianˊ zi ˉ 潛滋
rh: qianˊ ziˇ 鉗子
rh: tian ˉ shiˇ 天使
rh: tianˇ shiˋ 舔舐
rh: tian ˉ zhiˉ 天知
rh: tian ˉ ziˇ 天子
rh: tianˊ ziˇ 填子
rh: tianˊ ziˋ 田字
rh: xian ˉ chiˉ 先吃
rh: xian ˉ shiˋ 先是
rh: xian ˉ shiˋ 仙逝
rh: xianˊ shiˋ 閒適
rh: xianˇ shiˋ 顯示
rh: xianˋ shiˊ 現實
rh: xianˋ shiˋ 縣市
rh: xian ˉ zhiˉ 先知
rh: xianˋ zhiˋ 限制
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言辭
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言詞
rh: yanˊ chiˊ 延遲
rh: yanˊ shiˊ 岩石
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 演示
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 掩飾
rh: yanˋ shi ˉ 驗屍
rh: yanˊ zhiˋ 研製
rh: yan ˉ zi˙ 燕子
rh: bianˋ shiˊ 辨識
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便是
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便士
rh: bian ˉ zhiˉ 編織
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編制
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編製
rh: bianˇ zhiˊ 貶值
rh: bianˋ zhiˊ 變質
rh: bian ˉ zi˙ 鞭子
rh: bianˋ ziˇ 便仔
rh: bianˋ zi˙ 辮子
rh: dianˋ ciˊ 電磁
rh: dianˋ chiˊ 電池
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