限制 xianˋ zhiˋ
(Limit, Limits, Restriction, Restrictions)
Limit, Limits, A limit, The limit, The limits, Restriction, Restrictions
xianˋ zhiˋ youˇ zhuˋ yuˊ yinˇ daoˇ bianˋ
huaˋ de˙ liuˊ dongˋ
Limits help to direct the flow of change, Limits help to guide the flow of change
yeˇ shiˋ xianˋ zhiˋ xingˋ de˙
As well as being limiting
chuangˋ jianˋ xianˋ zhiˋ bingˋ zaiˋ qiˊ zhong ˉ lianˋ xiˊ
Create limits and practice within them, creating limits and practicing within them
zaiˋ baoˇ chiˊ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ waiˋ xianˋ zhiˋ
Staying within the limits both within the system and outside of it, Staying within the internal and external limits of the system
ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ
(Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To sense)
To sense limits, Sense limits, Senses limits, Sensing limits, Sensed limits, To sense the limits, Sense the limits, Senses the limits, Sensing the limits, Sensed the limits
shiˇ yongˋ ta ˉ men˙ laiˊ ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ
(To use, Use them, Used them, Uses, Using them)
To use them to sense the limits, Use them to sense the limits, Uses them to sense the limits, Using them to sense the limits, Used them to sense the limits
woˇ men˙ zhuan ˉ zhuˋ yuˊ ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ
We focus on sensing limits, We are focused on sensing limits
zaiˋ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ zhiˋ zhuangˋ taiˋ zhong ˉ
ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ
Sensing limits in the fluid mind-state
yiˊ ge˙ zaiˋ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ zhiˋ zhuangˋ
taiˋ xiaˋ ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ de˙ haoˇ
liˋ ziˇ
A good example of sensing limits while in the fluid mind-state
yiˊ ge˙ zaiˋ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ zhiˋ zhuangˋ
taiˋ xiaˋ ganˇ zhi ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ de˙ haoˇ
liˋ ziˇ shiˋ qiˊ moˊ tuo ˉ che ˉ
A good example of sensing limits while in the fluid mind-state is riding a motorcycle
一, 個, 在, 流, 動, 心, 智, 狀
態, 下, 感, 知, 限, 制, 的, 好
例, 子, 是, 騎, 摩, 托, 車
wuˊ xianˋ zhiˋ de˙ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Act effectively without limits
chuˊ fei ˉ woˇ men˙ jiang ˉ wenˋ tiˊ benˇ
shen ˉ shiˋ weiˊ xianˋ zhiˋ
Unless we view the problems themselves as limits
naˋ me˙ woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ jiang ˉ bianˋ
huaˋ shiˋ weiˊ xianˋ zhiˋ zhengˋ zaiˋ bianˋ
(Then we)
Then we can think of change in terms of the limits changing
zaiˋ chengˊ shiˋ xianˋ zhiˋ qu ˉ neiˋ
In city limits, Within city limits
zaiˋ chengˊ shiˋ xianˋ zhiˋ qu ˉ neiˋ jiaˋ shiˇ shiˊ
When driving within city limits, Driving within city limits
dingˋ yiˋ xin ˉ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
(Define, Defined, Defines, Defining, To define)
To define new limits, Define new limits, Defines new limits, Defining new limits, Defined new limits
laiˊ dingˋ yiˋ xin ˉ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
To define new limits
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
(Built in, built-in limits of, system's)
A system's built-in limits, The system's built-in limits, The built in limits of a system, The built-in limits of the system, The built-in limits of systems
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ zhiˇ
daoˇ bingˋ kongˋ zhiˋ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ
de˙ bianˋ huaˋ liuˊ dongˋ
(Built in)
The built in limits of the system direct and control the flow of change within the system
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ zhiˇ
yinˇ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ
buˋ yiˇ jiˊ xiˋ tongˇ chanˇ sheng ˉ huoˋ
shu ˉ chu ˉ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ de˙ liuˊ dongˋ
The built-in limits of a system guide and control the flow of change within the system as well as the change that it produces or outputs
系, 統, 內, 建, 的, 限, 制, 指
引, 和, 控, 制, 了, 系, 統, 內
部, 以, 及, 系, 統, 產, 生, 或
輸, 出, 的, 變, 化, 的, 流, 動
zaiˋ duanˇ qi ˉ jiˋ yiˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ neiˋ
Within the limits of short-term memory
zaiˋ duanˇ qi ˉ jiˋ yiˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
fanˋ weiˊ neiˋ
Within the limits of short term memory
shiˊ bieˊ xianˇ erˊ yiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
(Recognize, Recognizes, To recognize)
To recognize obvious limits, Recognize obvious limits, Recognizes obvious limits
zhi ˉ woˇ men˙ suoˇ zaiˋ daoˋ luˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
The limits of the road we are on
woˇ men˙ yongˋ yanˇ jing ˉ ganˇ zhi ˉ luˋ
jingˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
We use our eyes to sense the road's limits
chuangˋ jianˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ jianˋ
yunˋ zuoˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
Create the limits that the components of the system work within
woˇ men˙ jiang ˉ wuˊ faˇ chaˊ jueˊ daoˋ
daoˋ luˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ huoˋ luˋ shangˋ
de˙ wuˋ tiˇ
We won't be able to sense the limits of the road or what is on it
naˋ me˙ woˇ men˙ jiang ˉ wuˊ faˇ ganˇ
zhi ˉ daoˋ luˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ huoˋ daoˋ
luˋ shangˋ de˙ wuˋ tiˇ
(Then we)
Then we won't be able to sense the limits of the road or what is on it
zaiˋ baoˇ chiˊ zaiˋ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ
jiˊ qiˊ zhiˊ jie ˉ waiˋ buˋ de˙ xianˋ
zhiˋ zhi ˉ neiˋ
Staying within the limits both within and directly outside of it
chuangˋ jianˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ jianˋ
zaiˋ xiˋ tongˇ gong ˉ zuoˋ shiˊ yunˋ zuoˋ
de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
Create the limits within which the components within the system operate while the system is operating, Create the limits that the components of the system work within while the system is working
woˇ men˙ yongˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ yanˇ jing ˉ
laiˊ ganˇ zhi ˉ woˇ men˙ suoˇ zaiˋ daoˋ
luˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
We use our eyes to sense the limits of the road we are on
woˇ men˙ zhengˋ zaiˋ huiˊ daˊ de˙ wenˋ
tiˊ weiˊ woˇ men˙ tiˊ gong ˉ le˙ yiˊ
ge˙ keˇ yiˇ zaiˋ qiˊ zhong ˉ biaoˇ daˊ
ziˋ jiˇ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
The questions we are answering provide the limits within which we can express ourselves
我, 們, 正, 在, 回, 答, 的, 問
題, 為, 我, 們, 提, 供, 了, 一
個, 可, 以, 在, 其, 中, 表, 達
自, 己, 的, 限, 制
si ˉ kaoˇ benˇ shen ˉ jiuˋ shiˋ guan ˉ yuˊ
chuangˋ zaoˋ xianˋ zhiˋ de˙
Thinking itself is about creating limits
dang ˉ ta ˉ ganˇ shouˋ daoˋ qiˊ xianˋ zhiˋ
de˙ bian ˉ jieˋ hanˋ zheˋ xie ˉ bian ˉ jieˋ
neiˋ de˙ kong ˉ jian ˉ shiˊ
As it senses the limits and the spaces within those limits
zaiˋ zheˋ xie ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ zhi ˉ neiˋ
Within these limits
zaiˋ zheˋ xie ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ neiˋ gong ˉ zuoˋ
Work within these limits, Work within these constraints
dang ˉ zaiˋ liuˊ dongˋ huoˋ gong ˉ zuoˋ zhuangˋ
taiˋ zhong ˉ gengˋ haoˇ de˙ jianˇ ceˋ daoˋ
zheˋ xie ˉ xianˋ zhiˋ shiˊ
When these limits are better detected during the fluid or working state, The better these limits are detected while in the fluid or working state
Rhymes: yan i
rh: xian ˉ zhiˉ 先知
rh: xianˋ zhiˋ 限制
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言辭
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言詞
rh: yanˊ chiˊ 延遲
rh: yanˊ shiˊ 岩石
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 演示
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 掩飾
rh: yanˋ shi ˉ 驗屍
rh: yanˊ zhiˋ 研製
rh: yan ˉ zi˙ 燕子
rh: bianˋ shiˊ 辨識
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便是
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便士
rh: bian ˉ zhiˉ 編織
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編制
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編製
rh: bianˇ zhiˊ 貶值
rh: bianˋ zhiˊ 變質
rh: bian ˉ zi˙ 鞭子
rh: bianˋ ziˇ 便仔
rh: bianˋ zi˙ 辮子
rh: dianˋ ciˊ 電磁
rh: dianˋ chiˊ 電池
rh: dianˋ shiˋ 電視
rh: dianˇ siˋ 點四
rh: dianˋ siˇ 電死
rh: dianˇ ziˇ 點子
rh: dianˋ ziˇ 電子
rh: dianˋ zi˙ 墊子
rh: jian ˉ ciˋ 尖刺
rh: jianˋ ciˋ 漸次
rh: jian ˉ chiˊ 堅持
rh: jian ˉ shiˊ 堅實
rh: jian ˉ shiˊ 尖石
rh: jian ˉ shiˋ 監視
rh: jianˇ shiˋ 檢視
rh: jianˋ shiˊ 時序
rh: jianˋ shiˊ 鑑識
rh: jianˋ shiˋ 見識
rh: jianˋ shiˋ 件事
rh: jian ˉ siˋ 間似
rh: jianˇ si ˉ 繭絲
rh: jianˋ siˇ 見死
rh: jian ˉ zhiˉ 兼之
rh: jian ˉ zhiˊ 兼職
rh: jianˇ zhiˊ 簡直
rh: jianˇ zhiˇ 繭紙
rh: jianˋ zhiˇ 諫止
rh: jianˋ zhiˋ 建置
rh: jian ˉ ziˋ 漸漬
rh: jianˇ zi˙ 剪子
rh: lianˊ shiˊ 連十
rh: lianˊ ziˇ 蓮子
rh: lianˊ zi˙ 簾子
rh: lianˋ zi˙ 鍊子
rh: mianˋ shiˊ 麵食
rh: mianˋ shiˋ 面試
rh: mianˊ zhiˋ 棉質
rh: mianˇ zhiˊ 免職
rh: mianˋ ziˇ 面子
rh: nianˋ zhiˊ 唸植
rh: pian ˉ shiˊ 偏食
rh: pianˋ shiˊ 片時
rh: pian ˉ zi˙ 片子
rh: pianˋ ziˇ 騙子
rh: qianˊ shiˋ 前世
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 牽制
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 鉛製
rh: qianˊ zhiˋ 前置
rh: qian ˉ ziˋ 簽字
rh: qianˊ zi ˉ 潛滋
rh: qianˊ ziˇ 鉗子
rh: tian ˉ shiˇ 天使
rh: tianˇ shiˋ 舔舐
rh: tian ˉ zhiˉ 天知
rh: tian ˉ ziˇ 天子
rh: tianˊ ziˇ 填子
rh: tianˊ ziˋ 田字
rh: xian ˉ chiˉ 先吃
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