xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ zhiˇ yinˇ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ yiˇ jiˊ xiˋ tongˇ chanˇ sheng ˉ huoˋ shu ˉ chu ˉ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ de˙ liuˊ dongˋ
The built-in limits of a system guide and control the flow of change within the system as well as the change that it produces or outputs
System, Systems, Built in, Limit, Limits, Restriction, Restrictions, Guidance, Guide, Guided, Guides, Guiding, To guide, Control, Controller, Controls, Dominate, Manipulate, Moderate, System, Systems, Inner, Inside, Internal, Within, And, As well, System, Systems, Cause, Create, Give Rise, Produce, To cause, To create, To give, To produce, Export, Output, Outputs, To export, To output, Change, Changes, Conjugate, Conjugates, Flow, To flow
系統 xiˋ tongˇ
System | Systems | A system | The system | The systems
內建 neiˋ jianˋ
Built in
限制 xianˋ zhiˋ
Limit | Limits | A limit | The limit | The limits | Restriction | Restrictions
指引 zhiˇ yinˇ
Guidance | To guide | Guide | Guides | Guiding | Guided
控制 kongˋ zhiˋ
Controls | Controller | Control | Manipulate | Moderate | Dominate
內部 neiˋ buˋ
Inside | Within | Internal | Inner
以及 yiˇ jiˊ
And | As well
產生 chanˇ shengˉ
To create/cause/produce | To give rise to | Create/Creates/Creating/Created | Cause/Causes/Caused/Causing | Give/Gives/Giving/Gave rise to | Produce/Produces/Produced/Producing
輸出 shuˉ chuˉ
An output | The output | The outputs | To output | Output/Outputs/Outputting/Outputted | To export | Export/Exports/Exporting/Exported
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
Change | Conjugates | Changes | A change | The change | The changes | Conjugate | A conjugate | The conjugate | The conjugates
流動 liuˊ dongˋ
To flow | Flow/Flows/Flowing/Flowed
xiˋ tongˇ 系統
yiˋ congˊ 一叢
yiˊ dongˋ 移動
yiˊ dongˋ 一動
yiˊ dongˋ 一棟
yiˊ gongˋ 一共
yiˇ gong ˉ 以供
yiˇ gong ˉ 以公
yiˋ gong ˉ 義工
yiˋ gong ˉ 一公
yiˋ song ˉ 一鬆
yiˋ tongˊ 一同
yiˋ tongˇ 一統
yiˋ tongˇ 一桶
yiˇ zhongˋ 倚重
yiˋ zhongˇ 異種
yiˋ zhongˇ 一種
bi ˉ gongˉ 逼供
biˋ gong ˉ 畢恭
biˊ kongˇ 鼻孔
biˋ kongˇ 閉孔
biˇ zhongˋ 比重
di ˉ gongˉ 低弓
di ˉ kongˉ 低空
diˋ kong ˉ 地空
jiˊ chong ˉ 極衝
ji ˉ dongˋ 激動
ji ˉ dongˋ 機動
jiˊ gong ˉ 即工
jiˇ gong ˉ 幾公
ji ˉ longˉ 基隆
ji ˉ longˊ 雞籠
jiˋ songˋ 寄送
ji ˉ tongˇ 激筒
jiˊ tongˋ 極痛
jiˊ zhong ˉ 集中
jiˊ zhongˋ 擊中
jiˇ zhongˇ 幾種
liˋ dong ˉ 立冬
liˇ gong ˉ 理工
liˋ gong ˉ 立功
miˊ gong ˉ 迷宮
niˇ congˊ 妳從
niˇ congˊ 你從
niˊ hongˊ 霓虹
niˊ longˊ 尼龍
niˇ zhong ˉ 妳終
niˇ zhong ˉ 你終
niˇ zongˇ 你總
qiˇ chong ˉ 起衝
qiˋ chong ˉ 氣沖
qiˇ dongˋ 啟動
qi ˉ zhongˉ 期中
qiˊ zhong ˉ 其中
qiˇ zhongˇ 企踵
qiˇ zhongˋ 起重
tiˊ gong ˉ 提供
tiˇ gong ˉ 體工
tiˇ tongˇ 體統
ti ˉ zhongˉ 踢中
tiˇ zhongˋ 體重
xi ˉ chongˇ 希寵
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