控制 kongˋ zhiˋ
(Control, Controlled, Controller, Controlling, Controls, Dominate, Dominated, Dominates, Dominating, Manipulate, Manipulated, Manipulates, Manipulating, Moderate, Moderated, Moderates, Moderating, To control, To dominate, To manipulate, To moderate)
Controls, Controller, To control, Control, Controls, Controlling, Controlled, To manipulate, Manipulate, Manipulates, Manipulating, Manipulated, To moderate, Moderate, Moderates, Moderating, Moderated, To dominate, Dominate, Dominates, Dominating, Dominated
kongˋ zhiˋ le˙
(Control, Controlled, Controlling, Controls, To control)
To control, Control, Controls, Controlling, Controlled
kongˋ zhiˋ wuˋ zhiˋ jinˋ chu ˉ
Control the entry and exit of substances
kongˋ zhiˋ ta ˉ men˙ de˙ nengˊ liˋ
Ability to control them, The ability to control them
kongˋ zhiˋ zi ˉ yuanˊ
(Control resources, Controlled, Controlling, Controls)
Control resources, Controls resources, Controlling resources, Controlled resources
yiˊ ge˙ bao ˉ hanˊ ganˇ zhi ˉ bianˋ huaˋ
hanˋ chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ de˙ shuˋ yuˇ
shiˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
A catch all term for sensing change and creating it is control
keˇ yiˇ kongˋ zhiˋ
(Able To, Can control, Can harness, Could harness, To control)
To control, Can control, Able to control, Able to harness, Can harness, Could harness
keˇ yiˇ kongˋ zhiˋ huoˇ yanˋ daˋ xiaoˇ
To control the size of the flame, To control flame size
woˇ men˙ buˋ nengˊ kongˋ zhiˋ qiˊ ta ˉ jiao ˉ tong ˉ
(We can't)
We can't control other traffic
rangˋ ta ˉ gengˋ nengˊ kongˋ zhiˋ ziˋ jiˇ
de˙ faˇ liˋ
(Gave him)
Gave him more control over his magical powers
rangˋ ta ˉ gengˋ nengˊ kongˋ zhiˋ ziˋ jiˇ
de˙ faˇ liˋ
(Gave her)
Gave her more control over her magical powers
woˇ men˙ xueˊ xiˊ kongˋ zhiˋ che ˉ liangˋ
de˙ xiˋ jieˊ
(We learn)
We learn the details of controlling the vehicle
shiˊ jianˋ shiˋ woˇ men˙ kongˋ zhiˋ bianˋ
liangˋ de˙ de˙ fang ˉ
Practice is where we control the variables
xueˊ huiˋ le˙ ruˊ heˊ kongˋ zhiˋ
Learned to control it, Learned how to control it
zhiˇ shiˋ xueˊ huiˋ le˙ ruˊ heˊ kongˋ zhiˋ
Just learned to control it
leiˋ siˋ kongˋ zhiˋ taiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ
Something like a control console
ganˇ shouˋ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
(Feel and, Feeling, Feels, Felt, To feel)
To feel and control, Feel and control, Feels and controls, Feeling and controlling, Felt and controlled
ganˇ jueˊ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
Feel and control, Sense and control
fanˇ ying ˉ nengˊ liˋ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ liˋ
Responsiveness and control
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zhiˊ jie ˉ ganˇ zhi ˉ
hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
(We can)
We can directly sense and control
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ zhiˇ
yinˇ hanˋ kongˋ zhiˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ
buˋ yiˇ jiˊ xiˋ tongˇ chanˇ sheng ˉ huoˋ
shu ˉ chu ˉ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ de˙ liuˊ dongˋ
The built-in limits of a system guide and control the flow of change within the system as well as the change that it produces or outputs
系, 統, 內, 建, 的, 限, 制, 指
引, 和, 控, 制, 了, 系, 統, 內
部, 以, 及, 系, 統, 產, 生, 或
輸, 出, 的, 變, 化, 的, 流, 動
fei ˉ xingˊ kongˋ zhiˋ renˊ yuanˊ
Flight controller, Flight controllers
Cat: Occupation-Profession (Flight controller) Next
ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ
(Self, Self Control)
Self control, Self controls, Self controlling, Self controlled
ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ hu ˉ xi ˉ
(Autonomous, Self)
Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control
woˇ gang ˉ caiˊ shiˋ ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ hu ˉ xi ˉ
(I just)
I just controlled my breathing
woˇ men˙ yeˇ nengˊ tiˊ gao ˉ kongˋ zhiˋ
ta ˉ men˙ de˙ nengˊ liˋ
We can also improve our ability to control them
gai ˉ kongˋ zhiˋ qiˋ
(Controller, That controller, This controller)
The controller, This controller, That controller
kuoˋ daˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ kongˋ zhiˋ
Expanding our control
woˇ men˙ yong ˉ youˇ de˙ kongˋ zhiˋ yueˋ duo ˉ
The more control we have
buˊ zaiˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ kongˋ zhiˋ fanˋ weiˊ neiˋ
Not within our control
woˇ men˙ waiˋ buˋ huanˊ jingˋ zhong ˉ de˙
renˋ heˊ shiˋ wuˋ tong ˉ changˊ dou ˉ buˊ
zaiˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ kongˋ zhiˋ fanˋ weiˊ
Anything in our outer environment is generally not within our control
我, 們, 外, 部, 環, 境, 中, 的
任, 何, 事, 物, 通, 常, 都, 不
在, 我, 們, 的, 控, 制, 範, 圍
zhiˇ daoˇ bingˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
(Direct and control, Directed, Directing, Directs, To direct)
To direct and control, Direct and control, Directs and controls, Directing and controlling, Directed and controlled
zhiˇ daoˇ bingˋ kongˋ zhiˋ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ
buˋ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ liuˊ dongˋ
Direct and control the flow of change within the system
zhiˇ daoˇ bingˋ kongˋ zhiˋ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ
buˋ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ liuˊ dongˋ yiˇ jiˊ
xiˋ tongˇ chuangˋ jianˋ huoˋ shu ˉ chu ˉ de˙
bianˋ huaˋ
Direct and control the flow of change within the system as well as the change that the system creates or outputs
指, 導, 並, 控, 制, 系, 統, 內
部, 的, 變, 化, 流, 動, 以, 及
系, 統, 創, 建, 或, 輸, 出, 的
變, 化
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ zhiˇ
daoˇ bingˋ kongˋ zhiˋ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ
de˙ bianˋ huaˋ liuˊ dongˋ
(Built in)
The built in limits of the system direct and control the flow of change within the system
zheˋ leiˋ yuanˊ jianˋ henˇ nanˊ kongˋ zhiˋ
(It was)
It was difficult to control these devices
woˇ men˙ xueˊ huiˋ le˙ geˋ zhongˇ shiˇ
woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ buˋ xu ˉ yaoˋ
si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ kongˋ zhiˋ
moˊ tuo ˉ che ˉ de˙ moˊ xingˊ
We've learned the various models that allow us to control the bike without having to think
Cat: Mental-Models (We've learned the various models that allow us to control the bike without having to think) Next
我, 們, 學, 會, 了, 各, 種, 使
我, 們, 能, 夠, 在, 不, 需, 要
思, 考, 的, 情, 況, 下, 控, 制
摩, 托, 車, 的, 模, 型
keˇ kongˋ zhiˋ jueˊ daˋ duo ˉ shuˋ de˙ liˋ liangˋ
Could for the most part control their ability
dang ˉ woˇ men˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ liˋ yongˋ woˇ
men˙ de˙ shen ˉ tiˇ laiˊ kongˋ zhiˋ moˊ
tuo ˉ che ˉ shiˊ
(When we)
When we need to use our body to control our motorbike
Rhymes: wong i
rh: kongˋ zhiˋ 控制
rh: kongˇ ziˇ 孔子
rh: longˊ shi ˉ 龍師
rh: longˊ zhi ˉ 龍之
rh: longˊ zi˙ 籠子
rh: song ˉ chiˊ 鬆弛
rh: songˋ zhiˇ 送紙
rh: tongˊ shiˊ 同時
rh: tongˊ shiˋ 同事
rh: tongˋ siˇ 痛死
rh: tong ˉ zhiˉ 通知
rh: tongˊ zhiˋ 同志
rh: tongˇ zhiˋ 統制
rh: tongˇ zhiˋ 統治
rh: tongˊ ziˇ 童子
rh: tongˇ zi˙ 桶子
rh: zhong ˉ shiˊ 忠實
rh: zhong ˉ shiˇ 終始
rh: zhong ˉ shiˋ 中世
rh: zhongˋ shiˋ 重視
rh: zhong ˉ zhiˇ 終止
rh: zhong ˉ zhiˇ 中止
rh: zhong ˉ zhiˇ 中指
rh: zhongˋ zhiˊ 種植
rh: zhongˋ zhiˋ 眾志
rh: zhongˇ ziˇ 種子
rh: zongˇ shiˊ 總時
rh: zongˇ shiˋ 總是
rh: zongˋ shiˇ 縱使
rh: zong ˉ zhiˇ 宗旨
rh: zongˇ zhi ˉ 總之
rh: zongˇ zhiˋ 總質
rh: zongˇ zi ˉ 總資
rh: zongˋ ziˇ 粽子
rh: chong ˉ ciˋ 衝刺
rh: chong ˉ chiˋ 充斥
rh: chong ˉ shiˊ 充實
rh: chongˊ zi˙ 蟲子
rh: congˊ ciˇ 從此
rh: congˊ chiˇ 從齒
rh: congˊ riˋ 從日
rh: congˊ shiˊ 從石
rh: congˊ shiˋ 從事
rh: congˊ siˋ 從四
rh: congˊ zhi ˉ 從芝
rh: congˊ ziˇ 從紫
rh: dongˋ ciˊ 動詞
rh: dongˇ shiˋ 懂事
rh: dongˇ shiˋ 董事
rh: dong ˉ zhiˋ 冬至
rh: gong ˉ chiˇ 公尺
rh: gong ˉ shiˋ 弓式
rh: gong ˉ shiˋ 公式
rh: gong ˉ shiˋ 公示
rh: gong ˉ shiˋ 公事
rh: gong ˉ shiˋ 工事
rh: gongˋ shiˋ 共識
rh: gongˋ shiˋ 共事
rh: gong ˉ siˉ 公絲
rh: gong ˉ siˉ 公司
rh: gong ˉ zhiˊ 公職
rh: gong ˉ zhiˋ 公制
rh: gong ˉ ziˉ 工資
rh: hongˊ zhi ˉ 紅之
控< Control, Manage, Manipulate, Accuse, Charge, Draw a bow, Throw, Hit
Accuse, Charge, Control, Draw a, Hit, Manage, Manipulate, Throw
制< Control, Restrain, Restrict, Condition, Suppress, Limit, Regulate, Establish, Dominate, Institute, Prevail, System
Condition, Control, Dominate, Establish, Institute, Limit, Prevail, Regulate, Restrain, Restrict, Suppress, System
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