Words with 聽:
ting ˉ wanˊ jieˋ shaoˋ
After the introduction was completed | After listening to the introduction
ting ˉ wanˊ ta ˉ shuo ˉ de˙ suoˇ youˇ shiˋ qingˊ
Listened to everything that he said
ting ˉ chuangˊ bian ˉ guˋ shiˋ
Have a bedtime story | Listen to a bedtime story | Listen to bedtime stories
ting ˉ qiˊ yanˊ guan ˉ qiˊ xingˊ
Judge a person by their deeds and not just their words
ting ˉ buˋ chu ˉ laiˊ
Can't hear | Can't figure out | Can't make out | Can't understand
ting ˉ buˋ mingˊ baiˊ
Not understand what someone is saying | Not comprehend what is being said | Not hear what is being said
geiˇ renˋ heˊ keˇ nengˊ zhengˋ zaiˋ yueˋ duˊ riˋ zhiˋ de˙ waiˋ xingˊ renˊ ting ˉ
For any layperson reading this
給 | 任何 | 任何 | 可能 | 可能 | 正在 | 正在 | 閱讀 | 閱讀 | 日誌 | 日誌 | 的 | 外行 | 行人 | 行人 | 聽
yuˇ qiˋ wanˊ quanˊ ting ˉ buˋ chu ˉ qiˇ fuˊ
Totally expressionless voice
woˇ xiˇ huan ˉ ting ˉ niˇ shuo ˉ huaˋ
I like hearing you | I like hearing you speak
Words with 聽:
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