
做 yaoˋ zuoˋ

Need to do, Needed to do

Ask, Blackmail, Brief, Coerce, Demand, Engage, Essential, Examine, If, Important, In, Investigate, Invite, Make, Midriff, Necessary, Necessity, Need, Needed, Ought, Require, Shall, Should, Stop, Summarize, Summary, Threaten, Waist, Want, Will

Words with 要做:


yaoˋ zuoˋ

Need to do | Needed to do

要做 |


yaoˋ zuoˋ chu ˉ

Need to make | Need to produce

要做 | |


yaoˋ zuoˋ daoˋ zheˋ yiˊ qieˋ

To do all of this

要做 | | | 一切 | |


yiˋ youˇ shiˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ

As soon as there are things to do

| | | 要做 |


ta ˉ zhi ˉ daoˋ zheˋ beiˋ zi˙ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

She knows what she wants to do with her life | She knew what she wanted to do with her life

知道 | | | 她知道輩子要做什麼 | | | 要做 | | |


ta ˉ gen ˉ pengˊ youˇ zuiˋ daˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ shiˋ ta ˉ zhi ˉ daoˋ zheˋ beiˋ zi˙ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

| | | | | | | | | 最大的不同 | 知道 | | | | | | 要做 | | |


ta ˉ gen ˉ pengˊ youˇ zuiˋ daˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ shiˋ ta ˉ zhi ˉ daoˋ zheˋ beiˋ zi˙ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life

| | | | | | | | | 最大的不同 | 知道 | | | 她知道輩子要做什麼 | | | 要做 | | |


buˊ lunˋ woˇ zhi ˉ houˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

No matter what I end up doing | Whatever I end up doing

| | | | | 要做 | | |


laoˇ shi ˉ jiaoˋ daˋ jia ˉ shuo ˉ chu ˉ biˋ yeˋ yiˇ houˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating | The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school

| | | | | | | | | | | 要做 | | |


taiˋ duo ˉ shiˋ qingˊ yaoˋ zuoˋ

Too much to do | So much to do

| | | | 要做 |


woˇ men˙ buˋ jinˇ youˇ shiˋ qingˊ yaoˋ zuoˋ

We not only have things to work on | We not only have things to do

| | | | | | | 要做 |


xiangˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

Want to do | Wanted to do

| 要做 | | |


woˇ men˙ xiangˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ

What we want to do

| | | 要做 | | 事情 | |


woˇ men˙ suoˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ de˙

What we have to do | What we need to do

| | 我們要做的 | 要做 | |


woˇ men˙ suoˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ de˙ jiuˋ shiˋ

All we have to do is | All we need to do is

| | 我們要做的 | 要做 | | | |


xu ˉ yaoˋ zuoˋ chu ˉ

Need to make | Need to produce | Need to do | Have to make | Have to produce | Have to do

| 要做 | |


woˇ men˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ zuoˋ chu ˉ xuanˇ zeˊ

Need to make a choice | Need to make choices | Have to make choices

| | | 要做 | | | |


nongˋ qing ˉ chuˇ woˇ men˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

To figure out what we need to do | Figure/Figures/Figuring/Figured out what we need to do

清楚 | | | | | | 要做 | | |


woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ tong ˉ guoˋ qing ˉ xi ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ bingˋ queˋ dingˋ woˇ men˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙ laiˊ gengˋ haoˇ de˙ chuˋ liˇ bianˋ huaˋ

We can better handle change by thinking clearly and figuring out what we need to do

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 要做 | | | | | | | 更好處理變化 | | | |


shou ˉ jiˊ daoˋ de˙ qiˋ tiˇ yaoˋ zuoˋ houˋ xuˋ de˙ guan ˉ chaˊ shiˊ

When collected gas is to be observed later

| | 收集的氣體 | 收集到氣體 | | | 要做 | | | | 後續觀察 | | |

Words with 要:

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