
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ fa¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ niˇ shen¯ shangˋ

If this happened to you

Click any character below for its definition.

Words and Phrases included in:

如果 As if, If

ruˊ guoˇ

這件 This piece (of), This item (of)

zheiˋ jianˋ

件事 Business, Matter(s)

jianˋ shiˋ

這件事 This matter, This subject, This affair

zheiˋ jianˋ shiˋ

發生 Happen, Occur, Happened, Occurred

fa¯ sheng¯

生在 Born in, Born at

sheng¯ zaiˋ

身上 Body, On the body

shen¯ shangˋ


𠄌-女 : > : > [如]-如果 : >

口-田 : > : > [果]-如果 : >

丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這件 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [件]-這件 : >

十-巿 : > : > [事]-件事 : >

𠃌-癶 : > : > [發]-發生 : >

丿-生 : > : > [生]-發生 : >

十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-生在 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [你]-你身 : >

丶-自 : > : > [身]-身上 : >

丨-卜 : > : > [上]-身上 : >


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