niˇ xiangˇ zhi ˉ daoˋ woˇ shiˋ buˊ shiˋ ting ˉ shuo ˉ le˙ shenˊ me˙ teˋ bieˊ youˇ liaoˋ de˙ yaoˊ yanˊ
(You want to) You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors | You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors
你想知道 niˇ xiangˇ zhiˉ daoˋ
(You want to) You want to know
想知道 xiangˇ zhiˉ daoˋ
(Want to, Wanted to) Want to know, Wanted to know
知道 zhiˉ daoˋ
(Knew, Know, Knowing, Known, Knows, To know) Known, To know, Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew
我是 woˇ shiˋ
是不是 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ
(Is it, Was it, Whether, Whether or not) Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether
不是 buˊ shiˋ
(Aren't, Isn't, No, Not, Wasn't) Not, Isn't, Wasn't, Aren't, No
聽說 tingˉ shuoˉ
(Be told, Been told, Has been, Hear, Heard, Hears) Hear, Hears, Heard, Be told, Been told, Heard say, Has been said
聽說了 tingˉ shuoˉ le˙
(Been told, Heard) Heard, Been told
說了 shuoˉ le˙
說了什麼 shuoˉ le˙ shenˊ me˙
(Said what) Said what?
什麼 shenˊ me˙
(What) What, What?
特別 teˋ bieˊ
(Especially, Particular, Particularly, Special, Specifically) Special, Particular, Especially, Particularly, Specifically
有料的謠言 youˇ liaoˋ de˙ yaoˊ yanˊ
(Informative, Juicy) Informative rumors, Juicy rumors
謠言 yaoˊ yanˊ
(Rumor, Rumors, Rumour, Rumours) Rumor, Rumors, Rumour, Rumours
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