woˇ renˋ shiˊ ta ˉ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ biˇ niˇ haiˊ jiuˇ
(I've) I've known her longer than you
我 woˇ
I, Me, My, We, Use, Our, Ourselves
認識 renˋ shiˊ
(Become acquainted, Cognition, Comprehend, Know, Knowledge, Learn, Realize, Recognize, Remember, To become, To comprehend, To know, To learn, To realize, To recognize, To remember, To understand, Understand, Understanding) Knowledge, Understanding, Cognition, To know, Know , Knows , Knowing , Knew , To recognize, Recognize , Recognizes , Recognizing , Recognized , To remember, Remember , Remembers , Remembering , Remembered , To become acquainted with, Become acquainted with, Becomes acquainted with, Becoming acquainted with, Became acquainted with, To understand, Understand , Understands , Understanding , Understood , To learn about, Learn about, Learns about, Learning about, Learned about, To comprehend, Comprehend , Comprehends , Comprehending , Comprehended , To realize, Realize , Realizes , Realizing , Realized
她的 taˉ de˙
(Her) Her
時間 shiˊ jianˉ
(Time) Time
比 biˇ biˋ
Compare, Compared to, Compared With, Comparatively, Associate with, Ratio, Fraction, Gesture, (Bi4), Be near, Stand Side By Side, Close
你 niˇ
You, Your
還 haiˊ huanˊ huanˋ
Still, Also, Yet, Not yet, In Addition, Besides, (Huan2), Repay, Give back, Return, (Huan4), Additionally
久 jiuˇ
For a long time, for a long time, Long Time, Been a long time, Ages, Late
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