xiang ˉ dang ˉ yuˊ zhongˋ liˋ de˙ la ˉ cheˇ shiˋ geiˇ yuˊ ta ˉ fang ˉ xiangˋ bingˋ bang ˉ zhuˋ ta ˉ ganˇ zhi ˉ de˙ yin ˉ suˋ
The equivalent is that the pull of gravity is what gives it direction and helps it to sense
Appropriate, Balance, Considerable, Considerably, Match, Pretty much, Quite, Rather, Gravity, Pull, Pulled, Pulling, Pulls, To pull, To tug, Tug, Tugged, Tugging, Tugs, Gave, Give, Given, Gives, Giving, Grant, Granted, Granting, Grants, Merit, To be, To give, To grant, Was given, Were given, Direction, Directions, Help, Helped, Helping, Helps, To help, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Perception, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To perceive, To sense, Factor
相當 xiangˉ dangˉ
Considerable | Appropriate | Balance | Equivalent | Match | Considerably | Quite | Pretty much | Rather
重力 zhongˋ liˋ
拉扯 laˉ cheˇ
To pull | Pull | Pulls | Pulling | Pulled | To tug | Tug | Tugs | Tugging | Tugged
給予 jiˇ yuˇ
Merit | To be given | Was given | Were given | To give | Give | Gives | Giving | Given | Gave | To grant | Grant | Grants | Granting | Granted
方向 fangˉ xiangˋ
Direction | Directions
幫助 bangˉ zhuˋ
To help | Help | Helps | Helping | Helped
感知 ganˇ zhiˉ
Perception | To perceive | Perceive | Perceives | Perceiving | Perceived | To sense | Sense | Senses | Sensing | Sensed
因素 yinˉ suˋ
xiang ˉ dangˉ 相當
xiangˇ dang ˉ 想當
xiang ˉ fangˇ 相仿
xiangˇ fang ˉ 想方
xiang ˉ gangˇ 香港
xiangˋ shangˋ 像上
xiangˋ shangˋ 向上
xiangˋ shangˋ 項上
yangˊ changˊ 揚長
yangˊ fangˊ 洋房
yangˊ hangˊ 洋行
yangˇ tangˇ 仰躺
yangˇ zhangˋ 仰仗
jiang ˉ shangˋ 將上
jiangˇ shangˇ 獎賞
liangˇ pangˊ 兩旁
liangˇ zhang ˉ 兩張
qiang ˉ changˊ 腔腸
qiang ˉ shangˉ 槍傷
qiangˊ shangˋ 牆上
xiangˇ bang ˉ 想幫
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