xuanˇ zeˊ ruˊ heˊ fen ˉ jieˇ shiˋ wuˋ shiˊ
(When choosing) When choosing how to break things down
選擇 xuanˇ zeˊ
(Choice, Choices, Choose, Pick, Select, To choose, To pick, To select) To choose, To select, To pick, Choice, A choice, Choices, Choose , Chooses , Choosing , Chose , Select , Selects , Selecting , Selected , Pick , Picks , Picking , Picked
如何 ruˊ heˊ
(How, How to, What if) What if, How, How to
如何分解事物 ruˊ heˊ fenˉ jieˇ shiˋ wuˋ
(How to) How to break things down
分解 fenˉ jieˇ
(Analyze, Break down, Collapse, Decompile, Decompose, Resolve, Separate, To analyze, To break down, To collapse, To decompile, To decompose, To resolve, To separate) To resolve, Resolve , Resolves , Resolving , Resolved , To break down, Break down, Breaks down, Breaking down, Broke down, To decompile, Decompile , Decompiles , Decompiling , Decompiled , To separate, Separate , Separates , Separating , Separated , To collapse, Collapse , Collapses , Collapsing , Collapsed , To decompose, Decompose , Decomposes , Decomposing , Decomposed , To analyze, Analyze , Analyzes , Analyzing , Analyzed
分解事物 fenˉ jieˇ shiˋ wuˋ
(Break things down) Break things down, Break things down, Breaks things down, Breaking things down, Broke things down
事物 shiˋ wuˋ
(Something, Thing, Things) Thing, Things, A thing, The thing, The things, Something
時 shiˊ
Time, At that time, Fashionable, Sometimes, Era, Season, Epoch
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