間 jian ˉ jianˋ
(Among, Between, Crevice, Division, Gap, Interval, Room, Space)
Space, Room, Between, Among, Interval of time, (Jian4), Division, Gap, Crevice
jianˉ xiˋ
(Animosity, Clearance, Crevice, Discord, Gap)
Clearance, Gap, Crevice, Animosity, Discord
jianˉ siˋ huˉ nengˊ zheˉ fengˉ biˋ yuˇ
de˙ xiaoˇ shiˋ
A small chamber that seemed to offer shelter fro the wind and rain, A small chamber that seemed able to provide shelter
jianˉ de˙ guanˉ xiˋ
(Relationship, Relationship between)
Relationship, Relationship between
zaiˋ maˉ guoˋ shiˋ de˙ liuˋ daoˋ baˉ
ge˙ yueˋ jianˉ
Six to eight months after mom had died
zaiˋ woˇ zhiˇ fengˊ jianˉ liuˊ xieˋ
(Flow, Flowed, Flowing, Flows)
Flow through my fingers, Flows through my fingers, Flowing through my fingers, Flowed through my fingers
naˋ jianˉ shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ
That laboratory, That lab
rangˋ taˉ guˉ lingˊ lingˊ zaiˋ naˋ jianˉ
wuˉ ziˇ liˇ
Leave her alone in that room, Leave her alone in that house
fenˉ ziˇ jianˉ lianˊ xuˋ pengˋ zhuangˋ de˙
pingˊ junˉ ziˋ youˊ luˋ jingˋ
Mean free path, Average distance over which a moving particle changes direction or energy as a result of successive collisions with other particles
shiˋ wuˋ jianˉ de˙ guanˉ lianˊ xingˋ
(Relationship between, Relationships)
Relationship between things, Relationships between things
qingˉ moˋ guangˉ xuˋ nianˊ jianˉ
During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty
Cat: History (During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty) Next
wuˊ yiˋ jianˉ
(Accidentally, Inadvertently, Unintentionally)
Inadvertently, Accidentally, Unintentionally
hengˊ tuˉ jianˉ
Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Inter-transversarii) Next
Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Inter-transversarii) Next
zhuanˉ yeˋ jianˉ de˙ diˉ yuˇ
Whispers amongst professionals, A professional murmur
jiˊ jianˉ muˋ
Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Interspinales) Next
Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Interspinales) Next
guangˋ guangˋ zhengˇ jianˉ wuˉ ziˇ
Walk around the whole house
tianˉ de˙ jianˉ de˙ wanˋ shiˋ wanˋ youˇ
Everything in the world
Rhymes: yan i
rh: jian ˉ siˋ 間似
rh: jianˇ si ˉ 繭絲
rh: jianˋ siˇ 見死
rh: jian ˉ zhiˉ 兼之
rh: jian ˉ zhiˊ 兼職
rh: jianˇ zhiˊ 簡直
rh: jianˇ zhiˇ 繭紙
rh: jianˋ zhiˇ 諫止
rh: jianˋ zhiˋ 建置
rh: jian ˉ ziˋ 漸漬
rh: jianˇ zi˙ 剪子
rh: lianˊ shiˊ 連十
rh: lianˊ ziˇ 蓮子
rh: lianˊ zi˙ 簾子
rh: lianˋ zi˙ 鍊子
rh: mianˋ shiˊ 麵食
rh: mianˋ shiˋ 面試
rh: mianˊ zhiˋ 棉質
rh: mianˇ zhiˊ 免職
rh: mianˋ ziˇ 面子
rh: nianˋ zhiˊ 唸植
rh: pian ˉ shiˊ 偏食
rh: pianˋ shiˊ 片時
rh: pian ˉ zi˙ 片子
rh: pianˋ ziˇ 騙子
rh: qianˊ shiˋ 前世
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 牽制
rh: qian ˉ zhiˋ 鉛製
rh: qianˊ zhiˋ 前置
rh: qian ˉ ziˋ 簽字
rh: qianˊ zi ˉ 潛滋
rh: qianˊ ziˇ 鉗子
rh: tian ˉ shiˇ 天使
rh: tianˇ shiˋ 舔舐
rh: tian ˉ zhiˉ 天知
rh: tian ˉ ziˇ 天子
rh: tianˊ ziˇ 填子
rh: tianˊ ziˋ 田字
rh: xian ˉ chiˉ 先吃
rh: xian ˉ shiˋ 先是
rh: xian ˉ shiˋ 仙逝
rh: xianˊ shiˋ 閒適
rh: xianˇ shiˋ 顯示
rh: xianˋ shiˊ 現實
rh: xianˋ shiˋ 縣市
rh: xian ˉ zhiˉ 先知
rh: xianˋ zhiˋ 限制
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言辭
rh: yanˊ ciˊ 言詞
rh: yanˊ chiˊ 延遲
rh: yanˊ shiˊ 岩石
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 演示
rh: yanˇ shiˋ 掩飾
rh: yanˋ shi ˉ 驗屍
rh: yanˊ zhiˋ 研製
rh: yan ˉ zi˙ 燕子
rh: bianˋ shiˊ 辨識
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便是
rh: bianˋ shiˋ 便士
rh: bian ˉ zhiˉ 編織
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編制
rh: bian ˉ zhiˋ 編製
rh: bianˇ zhiˊ 貶值
rh: bianˋ zhiˊ 變質
rh: bian ˉ zi˙ 鞭子
rh: bianˋ ziˇ 便仔
rh: bianˋ zi˙ 辮子
rh: dianˋ ciˊ 電磁
rh: dianˋ chiˊ 電池
rh: dianˋ shiˋ 電視
rh: dianˇ siˋ 點四
rh: dianˋ siˇ 電死
rh: dianˇ ziˇ 點子
rh: dianˋ ziˇ 電子
rh: dianˋ zi˙ 墊子
rh: jian ˉ ciˋ 尖刺
rh: jianˋ ciˋ 漸次
rh: jian ˉ chiˊ 堅持
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