
zuoˋ renˋ heˊ xu ˉ yaoˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ laiˊ wanˊ chengˊ ta ˉ

Do whatever is needed to get it done

Do whatever

Any, Whatever, Whichever, Had to, Has to, Have to, Having to, Need, Needed, Needing, Needs, Require, Required, Requires, Requiring, To have to, To need, To require, Ordered, Wanted, Affair, Affairs, Business, Circumstance, Circumstances, Matter, Matters, Phenomenon, Thing, Things, Affair, Affairs, Business, Circumstance, Circumstances, Matter, Matters, Phenomenon, Thing, Things, Complete, Completed, Completes, Finish, Finished, Finishes, Realize, Realized, Realizes

任何 renˋ heˊ

Any | Whatever | Whichever


需要 xu ˉ yaoˋ

To need | Need | Needs | Needing | Needed | To require | Require | Requires | Requiring | Required | To have to | Have to | Has to | Having to | Had to


要的 yaoˋ de˙

Wanted | Ordered


的事情 de˙ shiˋ qingˊ

Affair | Affairs | Matter | Matters | Circumstance | Circumstances | Phenomenon | Business | Thing | Things


事情 shiˋ qingˊ

Affair | Affairs | Matter | Matters | Circumstance | Circumstances | Phenomenon | Business | Thing | Things


完成 wanˊ chengˊ

Complete | Completes | Completed | Realize | Realizes | Realized | Finish | Finishes | Finished


zuoˋ renˊ 做人


zuoˋ renˋ 做任


zuoˋ shenˊ 做什


zuoˋ zhenˋ 坐鎮


woˇ benˇ 我本


woˇ gen ˉ 我跟


woˇ henˇ 我很


woˇ men˙ 我們


woˇ renˊ 我人


woˇ renˋ 我認


woˇ shen ˉ 我伸


woˇ shen ˉ 我身


woˇ shenˊ 我什


woˇ shenˋ 我甚


woˇ zenˇ 我怎


woˇ zhen ˉ 我真


guoˋ fen ˉ 過分


guoˇ zhen ˉ 果真


huoˊ menˊ 活門


huoˇ penˊ 火盆


huoˋ shenˊ 或什


huoˋ zhen ˉ 貨真


luo ˉ senˉ 羅森


shuo ˉ renˋ 說任


shuo ˉ zhenˉ 說真


tuo ˉ shenˉ 脫身


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