
chuangˋ jianˋ yiˊ ge˙ woˇ men˙ shiˋ tuˊ jianˋ zaoˋ de˙ yuanˊ xingˊ

Create a prototype of what we are trying to build

Create a

Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds, A, An, One, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Attempt, Attempted, Attempting, Attempts, To attempt, To try, Tried, Tries, Try, Trying, Build, Building, Builds, Built, Construct, Constructed, Constructing, Constructs, Raise, Raised, Raises, Raising, Original, Originals, Prototype, Prototypes, Prototypical

創建 chuangˋ jianˋ

Create | Creates | Creating | Created | Establish | Establishes | Establishing | Established | Found | Founds | Founding | Founded


一個 yiˊ ge˙

A | An | One


我們 woˇ men˙

We | Us | Our | Ourselves


試圖 shiˋ tuˊ

To attempt/try | Attempt | Attempts | Attempting | Attempted | Try | Tries | Trying | Tried


建造 jianˋ zaoˋ

Build | Builds | Building | Built | Construct | Constructs | Constructing | Constructed | Raise | Raises | Raising | Raised


原型 yuanˊ xingˊ

Prototype | Prototypes | A prototype | The prototype | The prototypes | Original | Originals | An original | The original | The originals | Prototypical


chuangˋ jianˋ 創見


chuangˋ jianˋ 創建


chuang ˉ lianˊ 窗簾


chuang ˉ qianˊ 窗前


chuangˊ qianˊ 床前


guang ˉ dianˇ 光點


guang ˉ mianˋ 光面


guang ˉ nianˊ 光年


guang ˉ tianˉ 光天


guang ˉ xianˉ 光鮮


guang ˉ xianˋ 光線


huangˇ yanˊ 謊言


shuang ˉ yanˇ 雙眼


shuang ˉ bianˉ 雙邊


shuang ˉ jianˉ 雙肩


zhuang ˉ yanˊ 莊嚴


wangˇ dianˇ 網點


wangˋ jianˋ 望見


wangˇ nianˊ 往年


wangˋ nianˊ 忘年


wangˇ qianˊ 往前


chuangˊ yanˊ 牀沿


chuangˊ yanˊ 床沿


chuangˊ bian ˉ 床邊


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