woˇ men˙ congˊ liangˇ ge˙ shiˋ jiaoˇ laiˊ jianˋ liˋ ta ˉ men˙
(We build) We build them from two points of view
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
從 congˊ cong ˉ zongˋ
From, Lax, Yielding, (Cong1), Easy, Relaxed, Unhurried, Plentiful, (Zong1), From North To South
兩個 liangˇ ge˙
(Two) Two
兩個視角 liangˇ ge˙ shiˋ jiaoˇ
(Two perspectives, Two points of) Two perspectives, Two points of view
視角 shiˋ jiaoˇ
(Perspective, Perspectives, View, Viewing, Views) Perspective, Perspectives, Viewing angle, Viewing angles, View, Views
來建立 laiˊ jianˋ liˋ
(To build, To establish) To build, To establish
建立 jianˋ liˋ
(Build, Building, Builds, Built, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds, Set up, Sets, Setting up, To build, To establish, To found, To set) To build, Build, Builds, Building, Built, To establish, Establish, Establishes, Establishing, Established, To set up, Set up, Sets up, Setting up, To found, Found, Founds, Founding, Founded
它們 taˉ men˙
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