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我開始 woˇ kaiˉ shiˇ
(I am, I start, I started) I start, I am starting, I started
開始 kaiˉ shiˇ
(Begin, Start, To begin, To start) To start, Start , Starts , Starting , Started , To begin, Begin , Begins , Beginning , Began
能夠 nengˊ gouˋ
(Able, Am able to, Am capable, Are able to, Are capable, At least, Being, Being able to, Can, Can sufficiently, Is able to, Is capable, To be, To be able, Was able to, Was capable, Were able to, Were capable) Can, Able, To be able to, Being able to, Am able to, Are able to, Is able to, Was able to, Were able to, To be capable, Being capable, Am capable, Are capable, Is capable, Was capable, Were capable, Can sufficiently, At least
思考 siˉ kaoˇ
(Contemplate, Ponder, Ruminate, Think, Think of, Thought, Thoughts, To contemplate, To ponder, To ruminate, To think, To think of) Thought, Thoughts, To think, To ponder, To contemplate, To ruminate, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, Ponder , Ponders , Pondering , Pondered , Contemplate , Contemplates , Contemplating , Contemplated , Ruminate , Ruminates , Ruminating , Ruminated
了 le˙ liaoˇ liaoˋ
Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend
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