
geiˇ woˇ men˙ tiˊ gong ˉ le˙ ganˇ zhi ˉ qianˊ fang ˉ de˙ kong ˉ jian ˉ

To give ourselves room to sense what is ahead | Give ourselves room to sense what is ahead | Gives ourselves room to sense what is ahead | Giving ourselves room to sense what is ahead | Gave ourselves room to sense what was ahead

Gave, Give ourselves, Gives, Giving, To give

Give it, Give me, Give that, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Offer, Offered, Offering, Offers, Provide, Provided, Provides, Providing, To offer, To provide, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Perception, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To perceive, To sense, Ahead, Front, Area, Space, Space-time, Time and

給我 geiˇ woˇ

Give me | Give that to me! | Give it to me


我們 woˇ men˙

We | Us | Our | Ourselves


提供 tiˊ gong ˉ

To provide | Provide | Provides | Providing | Provided | To offer | Offer | Offers | Offering | Offered


感知 ganˇ zhi ˉ

Perception | To perceive | Perceive | Perceives | Perceiving | Perceived | To sense | Sense | Senses | Sensing | Sensed


前方 qianˊ fang ˉ

Front | Ahead


空間 kong ˉ jian ˉ

Space | Area | Space-time (continuum) | Time and space


geiˇ woˇ 給我


meiˊ cuoˋ 沒錯


meiˊ duo ˉ 沒多


meiˊ guoˇ 莓果


meiˊ guoˋ 沒過


meiˇ guoˊ 美國


meiˊ shuo ˉ 沒說


meiˊ suoˇ 梅索


meiˇ zuoˋ 每座


neiˋ suo ˉ 內縮


neiˋ suoˇ 那所


peiˊ woˇ 陪我


sheiˊ shuo ˉ 誰說


beiˋ wo ˉ 被窩


beiˋ cuoˋ 背錯


beiˋ guoˇ 貝果


beiˋ suoˇ 被索


beiˋ tuo ˉ 被脫


beiˋ zhuo ˉ 被捉


beiˋ zhuoˊ 被擢


feiˊ woˋ 肥沃


fei ˉ guoˋ 飛過


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