zheˋ zhongˇ niaoˇ shiˋ ruˊ heˊ chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ yiˇ jiˊ ruˊ heˊ jing ˉ liˋ bianˋ huaˋ de˙
(How this) How this bird creates change and experiences it
這種 zheˋ zhongˇ
(This kind of, This sort of, This type of) This sort of, This kind of, This type of
這種鳥 zheˋ zhongˇ niaoˇ
(This bird, This kind of) This kind of bird, This bird
是 shiˋ
Is, To be, Am/Are/Is/Was/Were, Being, Yes
如何 ruˊ heˊ
(How, How to, What if) What if, How, How to
創造 chuangˋ zaoˋ
(Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creation, Invent, Invented, Inventing, Invention, Invents, To create, To invent) Creation, Invention, To create, Create, Creates, Creating, Created, To invent, Invent, Invents, Inventing, Invented
創造變化 chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ
(Create, Created, Creates, Creating, To create) To create change, Create change, Creates change, Creating change, Created change
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
(Change, Conjugate, To change, To conjugate) Change , Changes , Conjugate , Conjugates , To change, Change , Changes , Changing , Changed , To conjugate (a verb), Conjugate , Conjugates , Conjugating , Conjugated
以及 yiˇ jiˊ
如 ruˊ
Like, As if, Such As, If, According to, Should, Ought, As good as, On Time
何 heˊ
What, Why, Where, Which, How, Xiao He
經歷 jingˉ liˋ
(Experience, Experiences, Go through, Goes through, Going through, Life, To experience, To go through, Went through) Life experience, Life experiences, The experience, The experiences, To experience, Experience , Experiences , Experiencing , Experienced , To go through, Go through, Goes through, Going through, Went through
變 bianˋ
Change, Become different, Transform, Vary, Rebel
化 huaˋ
Transform, Change, Make into, Understand, Verb
的 de˙ diˋ diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
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