那 naˋ naˇ neiˋ neiˇ
(How, In that, That, Then, Those, Which)
Then, That, Which, Those, In that case, How
naˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙ queˉ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ fenˉ
The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient
naˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙ queˉ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ
fenˉ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient
那, 另, 一, 個, 缺, 少, 的, 成
分, 是, 什, 麼
naˋ shunˋ jianˉ
(At that, Instant, That instant)
The instant, That instant, At that instant
naˋ niˇ buˊ shiˋ xueˊ daoˋ baoˇ guiˋ
de˙ yiˊ keˋ le˙ ma˙
(Then you)
Then you have learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?
那, 妳, 不, 是, 學, 到, 寶, 貴
的, 一, 課, 了, 嗎
naˋ taˉ buˊ shiˋ xueˊ daoˋ baoˇ guiˋ
de˙ yiˊ keˋ le˙ ma˙
(Then you)
Then you have learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?
那, 他, 不, 是, 學, 到, 寶, 貴
的, 一, 課, 了, 嗎
naˋ taˉ xianˋ zaiˋ quanˊ shenˉ shiˋ baˉ ma˙
Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?
naˋ woˇ men˙ ganˋ huoˊ ba˙
(So let's)
So let's do it, So let's get on with it then
naˋ zhanˋ douˇ de˙ yeˋ
(That quivering, That trembling)
That trembling leaf, That quivering leaf
naˋ chuangˉ huˋ weiˋ shenˊ me˙ yaoˋ daˇ kaiˉ
Why was the window open, Why had the window been open
naˋ haiˊ shiˋ zaiˋ zhuangˋ kuangˋ haoˇ de˙ shiˊ houˋ
And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day
naˋ huiˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ
(What will happen, What would)
What would happen?, What will happen?
naˋ huiˋ shiˋ huoˋ yiˋ liangˊ duoˉ de˙ duiˋ huaˋ
It will be a very informative conversation, It would be a very informative conversation, It will be a good conversation, It would be a good conversation
naˋ huiˋ faˉ shengˉ shenˊ me˙ shiˋ
(Then what, What happens, What will happen)
What will happen?, Then what will happen?, Then what happens?, What happens then?
naˋ leiˋ huiˋ xiangˇ chuˉ daoˋ liˇ laiˊ de˙ renˊ
(Sort of)
The sort of person who could figure it out
naˋ yiˊ xiˋ lieˋ dengˇ shiˋ
That sequence of equations, That series of equations
naˋ keˇ jiuˋ buˊ miaoˋ le˙
(That would be, That's bad, That's just, That's not)
That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy
naˋ xiangˋ yaoˋ suˋ
(That component, That element, That ingredient)
That element, That component, That ingredient
naˋ baˇ shouˇ qiangˉ
(That handgun, That pistol, That revolver)
That pistol, That handgun, That revolver
naˋ shiˋ qingˊ suiˉ ranˊ youˇ dianˇ ganˉ gaˋ
That had been a little embarrassing, That was a little embarrassing
naˋ yeˇ henˇ kuaiˋ
That was also very quick, Then it will be soon, Then it won't be long
biˇ naˋ yuanˇ deˊ duoˉ
Even further, Further than that, Even further than that
boˉ siˉ niˊ yaˋ hanˋ heiˉ saiˉ geˉ weiˊ naˋ
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Cat: Name-Place-Country-Nation (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Next
yaˋ liˋ sangˉ naˋ zhouˉ
Arizona State, Arizona
Cat: Name-Place-State (Arizona State) Next
weiˊ le˙ naˋ yiˋ wanˇ teˋ bieˊ jieˋ le˙
Had borrowed especially for that evening
yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ zhuanˇ erˊ naˋ
Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that
danˋ naˋ douˉ shiˋ henˇ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ
de˙ shiˋ le˙
(But that)
But that was a long time ago
luˋ yiˋ siˉ anˉ naˋ zhouˉ liˋ daˋ xueˊ
Louisiana State University, LSU
zaiˋ zhiˉ chengˉ de˙ naˋ zhiˉ jiaoˇ shangˋ
On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot
baˇ nianˊ nianˊ de˙ naˋ touˊ gaiˋ zaiˋ
lieˋ fengˊ shangˋ
(Put the)
Put the sticky end over the breach
youˊ daoˋ haiˇ de˙ naˋ yiˋ touˊ
Travelling to that end of the sea
buˋ baoˉ kuoˋ renˋ heˊ mangˊ dianˇ de˙
naˋ buˋ fenˉ luˋ
The section of road not including any blind spots
tanˊ guoˋ naˋ fangˉ mianˋ de˙ shiˋ
Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees
zuiˋ diˇ xiaˋ naˋ paiˊ
Very bottom row, Bottom-most row
houˋ mianˋ naˋ liangˇ ge˙
(Latter, Those, last two, two at)
Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back
hanˋ daˋ duoˉ shuˋ naˋ leiˋ renˊ buˋ yiˊ yangˋ
Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people
zaiˋ naˋ zhiˉ houˋ taˉ chiˊ xuˋ hanˋ
woˇ lianˊ xiˋ
After that he kept in contact with me
erˊ jinˉ douˉ zhiˇ zaiˋ naˋ piˊ maoˊ
shangˋ lingˇ huiˋ jinˋ buˋ cengˊ zhuaˉ zhe˙
yangˇ chuˋ
Superficial understanding that doesn't scratch the itchy spot
rangˋ taˉ guˉ lingˊ lingˊ zaiˋ naˋ jianˉ
wuˉ ziˇ liˇ
Leave her alone in that room, Leave her alone in that house
baˇ naˋ yiˋ quˉ fangˋ daˋ daoˋ tianˊ
manˇ yingˊ muˋ
Enlarge that area to fill the screen, Enlarged that area to fill the screen
baˇ naˋ dongˉ xiˉ rengˉ diaoˋ
(Get rid of, Throw)
Throw that thing away, Get rid of that thing
jiangˉ daiˋ biaoˇ naˋ taoˋ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙
moˊ xingˊ fenˉ jieˇ
Break down the model representing that set of movements, Broken down the model representing that set of movements
yiˇ jingˉ jiangˉ daiˋ biaoˇ naˋ taoˋ dongˋ
zuoˋ de˙ moˊ xingˊ fenˉ jieˇ
Broken down the model representing that set of movements
yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ naˋ
Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way
Rhymes: a yi
rh: naˊ qiˇ 拿起
rh: naˋ qiˊ 那其
rh: naˋ tiˊ 那緹
rh: pa ˉ yiˋ 啪一
rh: paˋ liˇ 帕里
rh: paˊ qiˇ 爬起
rh: saˇ yiˋ 灑一
rh: sha ˉ diˋ 沙地
rh: sha ˉ jiˉ 殺機
rh: sha ˉ liˋ 莎莉
rh: shaˇ xi ˉ 傻嬉
rh: ta ˉ yiˊ 她移
rh: ta ˉ yiˊ 他移
rh: ta ˉ yiˇ 她以
rh: ta ˉ yiˇ 她已
rh: ta ˉ yiˇ 他以
rh: ta ˉ yiˇ 他已
rh: ta ˉ yiˋ 她一
rh: ta ˉ yiˋ 他一
rh: ta ˉ biˋ 她閉
rh: ta ˉ biˋ 她避
rh: ta ˉ biˋ 他閉
rh: ta ˉ biˋ 他避
rh: ta ˉ biˋ 它必
rh: ta ˉ diˋ 他第
rh: taˇ diˇ 塔底
rh: taˇ jiˊ 塔吉
rh: taˋ jiˋ 獺祭
rh: taˋ qiˇ 踏起
rh: ta ˉ tiˉ 她踢
rh: ta ˉ tiˉ 他踢
rh: ta ˉ xiˉ 她希
rh: ta ˉ xiˇ 她喜
rh: ta ˉ xiˇ 他喜
rh: ya ˉ yiˋ 壓抑
rh: yaˊ yi ˉ 牙醫
rh: yaˋ yiˋ 訝異
rh: ya ˉ diˉ 壓低
rh: ya ˉ liˋ 壓力
rh: yaˋ liˊ 氬離
rh: yaˋ liˇ 亞里
rh: yaˋ liˋ 亞歷
rh: yaˋ liˋ 亞利
rh: yaˋ liˋ 亞力
rh: yaˋ qiˋ 氬氣
rh: za ˉ diˋ 匝地
rh: zaˊ jiˋ 雜技
rh: za ˉ qiˇ 紮起
rh: zaˊ qi ˉ 雜七
rh: zhaˊ ji ˉ 炸雞
rh: a ˉ yiˊ 阿姨
rh: a ˉ liˇ 阿里
rh: a ˉ liˋ 阿力
rh: a ˉ miˇ 阿米
rh: a ˉ qiˇ 她起
rh: a ˉ xiˉ 阿希
rh: ba ˉ yiˉ 巴伊
rh: baˇ yi ˉ 把衣
rh: baˇ yiˇ 把乙
rh: baˇ yiˇ 把椅
rh: baˇ yiˋ 把一
rh: baˋ diˋ 耙地
rh: ba ˉ jiˉ 巴基
rh: baˇ jiˊ 把脊
rh: ba ˉ liˇ 峇里
rh: ba ˉ liˇ 八里
rh: ba ˉ liˋ 八粒
rh: baˇ niˇ 把妳
rh: baˇ niˇ 把你
rh: ba ˉ xiˉ 巴西
rh: baˇ xiˋ 把戲
rh: ca ˉ diˋ 擦地
rh: ca ˉ piˊ 擦皮
rh: ca ˉ xiˇ 擦洗
rh: cha ˉ yiˇ 差以
rh: cha ˉ yiˋ 差異
rh: chaˋ yiˋ 詫異
rh: chaˋ yiˋ 差一
rh: chaˊ jiˇ 茶几
rh: chaˊ liˇ 查理
rh: cha ˉ qiˇ 扠起
rh: chaˊ qiˇ 查起
rh: daˇ yiˋ 打一
rh: daˋ yi ˉ 大衣
rh: daˋ yiˋ 大意
rh: daˋ yiˋ 大一
rh: daˋ biˇ 大筆
rh: daˋ diˋ 大地
rh: daˇ jiˊ 打擊
rh: daˋ jiˋ 大祭
rh: daˇ liˇ 打理
rh: daˋ liˇ 大禮
rh: daˋ liˇ 大理
rh: daˋ liˋ 大力
rh: daˋ miˇ 大米
rh: daˋ miˋ 大秘
rh: daˋ pi ˉ 大批
rh: daˇ qiˇ 打起
rh: daˇ qiˋ 打氣
rh: daˋ qiˋ 大氣
rh: daˋ tiˇ 大體
rh: daˋ xi ˉ 大西
rh: faˇ yi ˉ 法醫
rh: faˇ yiˊ 髮一
rh: faˇ liˋ 法力
rh: fa ˉ piˊ 發脾
rh: fa ˉ qiˇ 發起
rh: ha ˉ liˇ 哈里
rh: ha ˉ niˊ 哈妮
rh: ha ˉ qiˋ 哈氣
rh: kaˋ ji ˉ 髂肌
rh: ka ˉ liˉ 咖哩
rh: kaˇ miˊ 卡迷
rh: kaˇ qiˊ 卡其
rh: laˋ biˇ 蠟筆
rh: la ˉ jiˉ 垃圾
rh: la ˉ qiˇ 拉起
rh: maˇ yiˇ 螞蟻
rh: maˊ biˋ 麻痹
rh: maˊ biˋ 麻痺
rh: maˇ liˇ 馬里
rh: maˇ liˋ 馬力
rh: maˇ liˋ 瑪麗
rh: ma ˉ miˉ 媽咪
rh: maˇ piˋ 馬屁
rh: maˇ qiˊ 瑪琦
rh: maˇ tiˊ 馬蹄
rh: maˇ tiˊ 馬提
rh: maˇ xiˋ 馬戲
rh: naˇ yiˋ 哪一
rh: naˋ yiˋ 那一
rh: naˋ biˇ 那筆
rh: naˋ diˋ 那地
rh: naˇ liˇ 哪裡
rh: naˋ liˇ 那裡
rh: naˋ miˇ 納米
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