動作 dongˋ zuoˋ
Movement/Action/Work/Labor/Motion/Gesture, To move/act, Move/Moves/Moving/Moved
Action, Gesture, Labor, Motion, Move, Movement, To act, To move, Work
動 Act, Acted, Acting, Action, Acts, Alter, Altered, Altering, Alters, Change, Changes, Changing, Creature, Do exercise, Exercise, Happen, Happened, Happening, Happens, Move, Moved, Movement, Moves, Moving
作 Act, Author, Compose, Composer, Create, Creator, Do, Make, Serve as, Write
Words with shared element: 動作
dongˋ, zuoˋ
Movement/Action/Work/Labor/Motion/Gesture | To move/act | Move/Moves/Moving/Moved
dongˋ zuoˋ jing ˉ renˊ kuaiˋ suˋ qieˇ jian ˉ dingˋ
Moving with shocking speed and steadiness | Moved with alarming speed and determination
congˊ yiˋ lianˊ chuanˋ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙ kai ˉ shiˇ zuoˋ qiˇ
Start a series of actions from the beginning | Starts a series of actions from the beginning | Starting a series of actions from the beginning | Started a series of actions from the beginning
chongˊ fuˋ zheˋ ge˙ dongˋ zuoˋ jiˇ ciˋ houˋ
After repeating this movement a few times
yiˊ xiˋ lieˋ dongˋ zuoˋ
A series of actions | A series of movements | A sequence of actions | A sequence of movements
jiang ˉ daiˋ biaoˇ naˋ taoˋ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙ moˊ xingˊ fen ˉ jieˇ
Break down the model representing that set of movements | Broken down the model representing that set of movements
yiˇ jing ˉ jiang ˉ daiˋ biaoˇ naˋ taoˋ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙ moˊ xingˊ fen ˉ jieˇ
Broken down the model representing that set of movements
xuˋ lieˋ zhong ˉ de˙ teˋ dingˋ dongˋ zuoˋ
A specific action within the sequence | Specific actions within the sequence | A specific movement within the sequence | Specific movements within the sequence
woˇ fanˇ fuˋ zuoˋ le˙ jiˇ ciˋ juˇ shouˇ dongˋ zuoˋ
I raise my hands several times | I raised my hands a few times
buˋ guanˇ ta ˉ zuoˋ chu ˉ naˇ yiˋ zhongˇ tiˇ cao ˉ dongˋ zuoˋ
No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did | No matter what gymnastic feat he performed
muˋ biao ˉ dongˋ zuoˋ zhi ˉ qianˊ de˙ suoˇ youˇ dongˋ zuoˋ
All the movements before the target movement | Everything before the target movement
chaoˊ dongˋ zuoˋ la ˉ jinˋ
Move closer to the action | Moves closer to the action | Moving closer to the action | Moved closer to the action
biao ˉ zhunˇ chengˊ xuˋ jiuˋ shiˋ tingˊ zhiˇ dongˋ zuoˋ
Standard procedure is to stop movement
jianˇ dan ˉ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ
Simple movement | Simple movements | simple action | Simple actions | Simple act | Simple acts
touˋ guoˋ renˊ wuˋ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ
Through a person's actions | Make/Makes/Making/Made use of a person's actions
wanˊ quanˊ zhaoˋ zhe˙ ta ˉ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ zaiˋ dongˋ
Match her movements completely | Move exactly as she moved
yin ˉ ciˇ woˇ men˙ shouˇ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ yuˇ woˇ men˙ penˊ guˇ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ xieˊ tiaoˊ
Thus movements of our hands and movements of our pelvis are coordinated
zhuan ˉ zhuˋ yuˊ youˇ wenˋ tiˊ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ
Focus on the problematic action | Focus on the movement in question
jiˇ ge˙ song ˉ chiˊ jian ˉ bangˇ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ
A few exercises to relax the shoulder | A few shoulder loosening exercises
xiangˋ tuoˊ luoˊ yiˊ ban ˉ dongˋ zuoˋ
Act like a gyroscope | Acting like a gyroscope
yiˊ taoˋ wuˇ daoˇ dongˋ zuoˋ de˙ xuˋ lieˋ
A sequence of dance movements | A set sequence of dance movements
動員, 動量, 動用, 動腦, 動脈, 動態, 動彈, 動了, 動物, 動作, 動手, 動筷子, 動向, 動詞, 動感, 動身, 動人, 動粗, 動蕩, 動不動, 動工, 動聽, 動都沒動, 動力, 動來動去, 動機, 動起來, 動搖, 動靜, 動也不動, 動畫, 別動, 跑動, 跳動, 躁動, 晃動, 暴動, 閃動, 開動, 不用動, 不用動一根汗毛, 甩動, 脈動, 出動, 沒對我媽動過手, 不能動, 我的手能動嗎, 變動, 改動, 發動, 反動, 啟動, 舉動, 驅動, 騷動, 觸動, 生動, 成年動, 無動, 傳動皮帶, 齒輪傳動系統, 手動, 移動, 將主體向左或向右移動, 從我們所在車道的一側移動, 翻動, 行動, 在不經思考的同時行動, 在不經思考的情況下行動, 衝動, 忽前忽後動, 策動, 主動, 牽動, 顫動, 說動, 調動, 感動, 有問題的動作, 自動, 全自動, 盤動, 活動, 在進行騎摩托車等高風險活動時, 流動, 在流動心態中, 在流動心智狀態中, 在流動或工作狀態中, 滑動, 浮動, 游動, 滾動, 激動, 波動, 隨波漂動, 運動, 深情動容, 慢動作, 驚心動魄, 被動, 命動, 不會動, 所有會動的東西, 勞動, 煽動, 差動滑輪, 差動齒輪, 一動, 互動, 不動, 驚天動地, 更動, 歡聲雷動, 電動, 震動, 飄動, 碼動, 在動, 機動, 將代表那套動作的模型分解, 鼓動, 報動, 走動, 拍動, 抽動, 搖動, 擺動, 挪動, 搧動, 打動, 搏動, 振動, 擾動, 扭動, 拉動, 推動, 揮動, 蠢動, 轟動, 轉動, 朝一個方向轉動, 帶動, 所帶動, 被另一波時間帶動, 在被另一波時間帶動時作:
作品, 作戰, 作用, 作風, 作出, 作樂, 作響, 作了個噩夢, 作厚些, 作物, 作為, 作文, 作證, 作客, 作家, 作廢, 作痛, 作的, 作法, 作怪, 作料, 作業, 作對, 作弊, 作夢, 作帳, 作者, 作勢, 叩叩作響, 叫作, 比作, 習作, 改作, 發作, 反作用力, 所作所為, 製作, 化作, 跟他作對, 幾份作業, 你作麼會在這裡, 傑作, 佳作, 整件作品, 動作, 慢動作, 有問題的動作, 將代表那套動作的模型分解, 手作, 看作, 被看作是, 將記憶宮殿或存儲結構本身看作, 稍作, 稱作, 將其認作, 寫作, 自作主張, 以身作則, 冷作工, 運作, 視作, 合作, 創作, 狂飲作樂, 炒作, 當作, 著作, 文物藝作, 農作物, 默不作聲, 無惡不作, 工作, 不工作, 在工作, 那份工作, 在系統工作時, 在流動或工作狀態中, 因背傷無法工作時, 他現在在家工作, 日出而作, 變硬作疼, 弄虛作假, 協作, 故作崇拜, 這樣作, 大作, 一鼓作氣, 振作, 如果換作是別人, 操作, 耕作, 畫作Frag (shared element) page
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