行動 xingˊ dongˋ
Action, Actions, Operation, Operations, Operational, Mobile, Activity, Activities, To act, Act/Acts/Acting, To take action, Take/Takes/Taking/Took action, To get going, Get/Gets/Getting/Got Going, To work, Work/Works/Working/Worked
Act, Action, Actions, Activities, Activity, Get Going, Mobile, Operation, Operational, Operations, Take action, To act, To get, To take, To work, Work
行 Able, Array, Baggage, Behaviour, Business, Capable, Conduct, Current, Do, Financial, Generation, Go, Line, Path, Prevailing, Profession, Publish, Rank and file, Ready, Road, Row, Sequence, Series, Take action, Trade, Travel, Walk, Work
動 Act, Acted, Acting, Action, Acts, Alter, Altered, Altering, Alters, Change, Changes, Changing, Creature, Do exercise, Exercise, Happen, Happened, Happening, Happens, Move, Moved, Movement, Moves, Moving
Words with shared element: 行動
xingˊ, dongˋ
Action | Actions | Operation | Operations | Operational | Mobile | Activity | Activities | To act | Act/Acts/Acting | To take action | Take/Takes/Taking/Took action | To get going | Get/Gets/Getting/Got Going | To work | Work/Works/Working/Worked
xingˊ dongˋ yingˋ dieˊ
Computer disk | Computer disks | A computer disk | The computer disk | The computer disks | Operating disk | Operating disks
行動 | 硬碟
zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To act without thinking
zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To act without thinking | Act/Act/Acting/Acted without thinking
nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To be able to act without thinking
woˇ men˙ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ jiuˋ yueˋ youˇ xiaoˋ
The more effectively we can act without thinking
nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ
The ability to act without thinking | To be able to act without thinking | Being able to act without thinking | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were able to act without thinking
能夠 | 在不經思考的情況下行動 | 不經 | 思考 | 情況 | 行動
sui ˉ ranˊ xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ yunˇ xuˇ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Although mental models allow us to act effectively without thinking
buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ bianˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Act without thinking | Acts without thinking | Acting without thinking | Acted without thinking
ta ˉ men˙ tong ˉ guoˋ xiˊ guanˋ qu ˉ dongˋ xingˊ dongˋ hanˋ qiˊ ta ˉ shu ˉ chu ˉ
They drive actions and other outputs through habits
gen ˉ juˋ ta ˉ men˙ ganˇ zhi ˉ daoˋ de˙ neiˋ rongˊ qu ˉ dongˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Drive actions based on what they sense | Drive actions as a result of what they sense
xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ jiˊ qiˊ xiˊ guanˋ shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ chuˋ liˇ bianˋ huaˋ hanˋ chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ shiˊ ziˋ fa ˉ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ
Mental models and their habits allow us to be spontaneous in handling change and creating it
心智 | 模型 | 及其 | 習慣 | 使我們能夠 | 我們 | 能夠 | 處理 | 變化 | 創造 | 自發 | 行動 | 在 | 和 | 時 | 地
touˊ jiˇ tangˋ cang ˉ waiˋ xingˊ dongˋ
First few EVA's | First few Extra Vehicular Excursions
youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Effective action | Effective actions | To act effectively/efficiently | Act/Acts/Acting/Acted effectively | Act/Acts/Acting/Acted efficiently | To take effective action | Take/Takes/Taking/Took effective action
有效 | 行動
youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ laiˊ
To take effective action | Take/Takes/Taking/Took effective action | To act effectively | Act/Acts/Acting/Acted effectively
buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ jiˊ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Acting effectively without thinking
buˋ xu ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ jiˊ keˇ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To act effectively without thinking | Act/Acts/Acting/Acted effectively without thinking
zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Act effectively without thinking
xueˊ xiˊ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To learn to act effectively without thinking | Learn/Learns/Learning/Learned to act effectively without thinking
xueˊ xiˊ ruˊ heˊ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Learn how to act effectively without thinking | Learning how to act effectively without thinking
ta ˉ men˙ yunˇ xuˇ woˇ men˙ tong ˉ guoˋ xiˊ guanˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
They allow us to act effectively without thinking through habits
sui ˉ ranˊ moˊ xingˊ yunˇ xuˇ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Although models allow us to act effectively without thinking
sui ˉ ranˊ moˊ xingˊ rangˋ woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Although models allow us to act without thinking
yiˇ bianˋ dang ˉ xu ˉ yaoˋ shiˊ woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zaiˋ buˋ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
So that when the need arises we can act effectively without thinking
以便 | 便當 | 需要 | 我們 | 可以 | 在不思考的情況下 | 不思考 | 思考 | 情況 | 有效 | 行動 | 時
xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Mental models allow us to act effectively without thinking
心智 | 模型 | 使我們能夠 | 我們 | 能夠 | 不經 | 思考 | 情況 | 有效 | 行動 | 在 | 的 | 下
shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ jiˊ shiˊ xingˊ dongˋ
Allows us to act in a timely manner
zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ tongˊ shiˊ xingˊ dongˋ
Act without thinking | Acting without thinking
shiˋ yiˋ zhongˇ zaiˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ tongˊ shiˊ xingˊ dongˋ de˙ lianˋ xiˊ fang ˉ shiˋ
A way to practice acting without thinking
xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ rangˋ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ mingˊ zhiˋ xingˊ dongˋ
Mental models allow us to act sensibly
ta ˉ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ youˇ ge˙ muˋ biao ˉ
His actions have a purpose | His actions had a purpose
ta ˉ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ youˇ ge˙ muˋ biao ˉ
Her actions have a purpose | Her actions had a purpose
ji ˉ miˋ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ
Secret operation | Secret operations | Secret action | Secret actions | Classified actions
wanˊ chengˊ woˇ men˙ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ houˋ
After finishing our actions | Having finished what we are doing | Having finished what we were doing
woˇ men˙ yeˇ keˇ yiˇ liˋ yongˋ zheˋ zhongˇ renˋ zhi ˉ laiˊ zhiˇ daoˇ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ
We can use this knowledge to guide what we do | We can use this knowing to guide our actions
行號, 行蹤不定, 行跡, 行星, 行賄, 行了禮, 行駛, 行使, 行動, 行程, 行得通, 行為, 行家, 行庫, 行道, 行進, 行情, 行禮, 行人, 行銷, 行省, 行業, 行善, 行光合, 行頭, 行不通, 行政, 行列, 行步, 行有餘力, 行李, 行走, 行排, 行事, 行車, 品行, 履行, 在不經思考的同時行動, 罪行, 同行, 內行, 助行器, 體行, 出行, 繞行, 紆行, 強行, 改行, 學如逆水行舟不進則退, 發行, 飛行, 爬行, 舉行, 騎行, 外行, 各行各業, 先行, 修行, 例行公事, 衣食住行, 健行, 德行, 之行, 就行, 旅行, 施行, 商行, 言行, 試行, 實行, 成行成列, 盛行, 瘸行, 自行, 航行, 流行, 滑行, 洋行, 通行, 遊行, 遠行, 送行, 逕行, 進行, 在進行分類中, 在進行程序設計時, 在進行騎摩托車等高風險活動時, 來進行, 用它進行照明, 在我們用它進行照明時, 運行, 性行為, 神行, 人行道, 五金行, 銀行, 鋒行, 並行, 前行, 很難行, 聽其言觀其行, 一行, 十三行, 在不經思考的情況下行動, 不行, 平行, 可行, 再行說明, 現行, 步行, 一目十行, 直行, 才行, 在行過時, 本行, 橫行, 不太行, 執行, 拖行, 採行, 排行, 推行, 犯行, 機車行動:
動員, 動量, 動用, 動腦, 動脈, 動態, 動彈, 動了, 動物, 動作, 動手, 動筷子, 動向, 動詞, 動感, 動身, 動人, 動粗, 動蕩, 動不動, 動工, 動聽, 動都沒動, 動力, 動來動去, 動機, 動起來, 動搖, 動靜, 動也不動, 動畫, 別動, 跑動, 跳動, 躁動, 晃動, 暴動, 閃動, 開動, 不用動, 不用動一根汗毛, 甩動, 脈動, 出動, 沒對我媽動過手, 不能動, 我的手能動嗎, 變動, 改動, 發動, 反動, 啟動, 舉動, 驅動, 騷動, 觸動, 生動, 成年動, 無動, 傳動皮帶, 齒輪傳動系統, 手動, 移動, 將主體向左或向右移動, 從我們所在車道的一側移動, 翻動, 行動, 在不經思考的同時行動, 在不經思考的情況下行動, 衝動, 忽前忽後動, 策動, 主動, 牽動, 顫動, 說動, 調動, 感動, 有問題的動作, 自動, 全自動, 盤動, 活動, 在進行騎摩托車等高風險活動時, 流動, 在流動心態中, 在流動心智狀態中, 在流動或工作狀態中, 滑動, 浮動, 游動, 滾動, 激動, 波動, 隨波漂動, 運動, 深情動容, 慢動作, 驚心動魄, 被動, 命動, 不會動, 所有會動的東西, 勞動, 煽動, 差動滑輪, 差動齒輪, 一動, 互動, 不動, 驚天動地, 更動, 歡聲雷動, 電動, 震動, 飄動, 碼動, 在動, 機動, 將代表那套動作的模型分解, 鼓動, 報動, 走動, 拍動, 抽動, 搖動, 擺動, 挪動, 搧動, 打動, 搏動, 振動, 擾動, 扭動, 拉動, 推動, 揮動, 蠢動, 轟動, 轉動, 朝一個方向轉動, 帶動, 所帶動, 被另一波時間帶動, 在被另一波時間帶動時Frag (shared element) page
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