
zuˇ jianˋ

Component, Components, A component, The component, Module, Modules, Building block, Building blocks

A , Article, Building, Component, Components, Item, Matter, Module, Modules, Mw, Piece, The

Words with 組件:


zuˇ jianˋ

Component | Components | A component | The component | Module | Modules | Building block | Building blocks

| 組件


zuˇ jianˋ jiˊ qiˊ jian ˉ chuanˊ diˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ

Components and the signals passed between them

| 組件 | | | | | | 組件及其間傳遞信號 | |


zuˇ jianˋ xiangˇ faˇ

Component idea | Component ideas

| 組件 | |


zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ shiˊ jiˋ de˙

Components are real | The components are real

| 組件 | | | |


zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ jiaˋ wuˋ

Component equivalents | Equivalent of components

| 組件 | | | | 等價


zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ tongˊ wuˋ

Component equivalents | Equivalent of components

| 組件 | 組件等同物 | | | 等同


zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ

Component view

| 組件 | |


zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ de˙ dengˇ jiaˋ wuˋ

Equivalent to the view component view

| 組件 | | | | | | 等價


zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Component view

| 組件 | |


zuˇ jianˋ guan ˉ dianˇ

Component view | The component view

| 組件 | |


zheˋ xie ˉ zuˇ jianˋ

These components | These building blocks | These elements

| | | 組件


xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ qiˊ ta ˉ zuˇ jianˋ

Other components in the system

| | 系統其他組件 | | | | 組件


woˇ men˙ yeˇ keˇ yiˇ kaoˇ luuˋ meiˇ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ yuˇ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ qiˊ ta ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ guan ˉ xiˋ

We can also think of each component in relation to the other components within the system

| | | | | | | | | | 組件 | | | | 系統其他組件 | | | | 組件 | | |


yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

A component view

| | | 組件 | |


meiˇ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

Each component | Every component

| | | 組件


zheˋ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

This component | The component

| | | 組件


xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

The next component | Next component

| | | | 組件


congˊ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

From one component | From a component

一個組件 | | | | 組件


congˊ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ daoˋ xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

From one component to the next

一個組件 | | | | 組件 | | | | | | 組件


woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ si ˉ kaoˇ meiˇ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ yuˇ zhengˇ ge˙ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ guan ˉ xiˋ

We can think of each component in relation to the system as a whole

| | | | | | | | | 組件 | | | | | | | |


congˊ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ daoˋ xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ

From one component to the next

一個組件 | | | | 組件 | | | | | | 組件


woˇ men˙ yeˇ keˇ yiˇ kaoˇ luuˋ meiˇ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ yuˇ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ qiˊ ta ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ guan ˉ xiˋ

We can also think of each component in relation to the other components within the system

| | | | | | | | | | 組件 | | | | 系統其他組件 | | | | 組件 | | |


xueˊ xiˊ zuˇ jianˋ hanˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Learn the components and the component view

| | | 組件 | | | 組件 | |


jianˇ dan ˉ zuˇ jianˋ

Simple Component | A simple component | Simple components

| | | 組件


woˇ men˙ meiˊ youˇ keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ biaoˇ shiˋ jianˇ dan ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ gaiˋ nianˋ

We have no concept that we can use to denote a simple component

| | | | | | | 表示 | | | | | | 組件 | | |


laiˊ weiˊ ziˋ jiˇ queˋ dingˋ zuˇ jianˋ

To determine components for ourself

| 自己 | | | | | | 組件


lingˊ jianˋ huoˋ zuˇ jianˋ

Part or component | Parts of components

| | | | 組件


dengˇ tongˊ yuˊ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Equivalent to the component view

| | 等同 | | 組件 | |


zheˋ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

This is the component view

| | | 組件 | |


naˇ zhongˇ guan ˉ dianˇ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Which view is the component view | Which view is a component view

| | | | | | 組件 | |


woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ jiang ˉ yuˊ qieˊ zi ˉ shiˋ kanˋ zuoˋ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ tongˊ wuˋ

We can look at yoga poses as the equivalent of components

| | | | 可以 | | | 姿 | 姿 | | | 看作 | | 組件 | 組件等同物 | | | 等同


shiˇ yongˋ zuˇ jianˋ zuoˋ weiˊ can ˉ kaoˇ

Use the components as references | Uses the components as references | Using the components as references | Used the components as references

使 | 使 | | 組件 | | | |


xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ

Component view of a system

| | 系統組件視圖 | | 組件 | |


xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ

Components within a system | Components within the system

| | | | | 組件


yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ xiangˇ faˇ

One particular component idea

| | | | 特定 | | 組件 | |


gouˋ chengˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ

Components that make up the system

| | | | | | 組件


yuˇ xueˊ xiˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ jiˊ qiˊ jian ˉ chuanˊ diˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ de˙ guoˋ chengˊ fei ˉ changˊ xiang ˉ siˋ

Very similar to the process of learning the components of a system and the signals passed between them

| | | | | | | 組件 | | | | | | 組件及其間傳遞信號 | | | 過程 | | | | | |


beiˋ shiˋ weiˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ de˙ yiˋ zhongˇ biaoˇ xianˋ

Considered as a representation of the component view of a system

視為 | | | | | 系統組件視圖 | | 組件 | | | | | | |


youˊ liangˇ ge˙ huoˋ gengˋ duo ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ zuˇ chengˊ

Made up of two or more components

| | | | | | | | 組件 | |


chuangˋ jianˋ gai ˉ bianˋ huaˋ suoˇ xu ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ

The required components to create that change | The components required to create that change

| | 變化 | | | | | 所需 | | 組件


shiˇ yongˋ shuˋ yuˇ guan ˉ xiˋ laiˊ zhiˇ jinˇ liangˇ ge˙ lianˊ jie ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ

Use the term relationship to refer to only two connected components

使 | 使 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 組件


woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ jiang ˉ fuˋ shuˋ de˙ shiˊ buˋ hanˋ xu ˉ buˋ biˇ yuˋ weiˊ xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ hanˋ xinˋ haoˋ shiˋ tuˊ

We could liken the real and imaginary parts of a complex number to the component view and the signal view of a mental model

| | | | 可以 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 組件 | | | | | | |


xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ hanˋ guan ˉ xiˋ jieˋ dingˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ zuˇ jianˋ gong ˉ zuoˋ de˙ bian ˉ jieˋ

The ideas and relationships within the system define the limits that the system's components work within

| | | 想法 | | | | | | | | | | | | 組件 | | | | |


xueˊ xiˊ zuˇ jianˋ

Learn the components

| | | 組件


xueˊ xiˊ zuˇ jianˋ hanˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Learn the components and the component view

| | | 組件 | | | 組件 | |


gai ˉ zuˇ jianˋ

The component | This component | That component

| | 組件


lingˊ zuˇ jianˋ

Component parts | Components | Parts

| | 組件

Words with 件:

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All rights reserved.