Leave, Exit, Go out, Come Out, Appear, Produce, Beget, Pay out
出院 chu ˉ yuanˋ
(Discharged, Leave hospital) Leave hospital, Discharged from an institution
出毛病 chu ˉ maoˊ bingˋ
(Become defective, Develop, Out of) Out of order, Develop a fault or defect, Become defective
出爐 chu ˉ luˊ
(Came out of, Come out of, Comes, Coming out of) Come out of the oven, Comes out of the oven, Coming out of the oven, Came out of the oven
出世 chu ˉ shiˋ
(Appear, Be born, Beyond, Come into, Leave the, Not of) Come into the world, Be born, Appear in the world, Not of this world, Beyond this world, Leave the mundane world
taˋ chu ˉ jiaoˋ shiˋ menˊ kouˇ
(Stepped out of, Walked out) Walked out the classroom door, Stepped out of the classroom
feng ˉ yuˇ jiao ˉ jia ˉ daoˇ zhiˋ buˊ yiˋ chu ˉ haiˇ buˇ yuˊ
(Wind and rain) Wind and rain make it difficult to go out to sea to fish
組裝出 zuˇ zhuang ˉ chu ˉ
(Assemble, Produce, Put together) Put together, Assemble, Produce
抽象出 chou ˉ xiangˋ chu ˉ
(Abstract, Abstracted, Abstracting, Abstracts) Abstract, Abstracts, Abstracting, Abstracted
解答出 jieˇ daˊ chu ˉ
(Answer, Explain, Explanation, Give an) Explain, Explanation, Answer, Give an answer
youˇ xie ˉ buˋ fenˋ gao ˉ chu ˉ qiˊ ta ˉ buˋ fenˋ
(Some parts) Some parts higher than other parts
feiˋ yongˋ woˇ zheˋ bian ˉ chu ˉ
(I'll pay, I'll take) I'll pay for it here, I'll take care of the expenses
youˇ ji ˉ huiˋ chu ˉ
(Had a, Had the, Has a, Has the, Have a chance, Have the, Having, Having a, To have, To have a) To have a chance, Have a chance, Has a chance, Having a chance, Had a chance, To have the opportunity, Have the opportunity, Has the opportunity, Having the opportunity, Had the opportunity
chengˊ gong ˉ xiu ˉ shiˋ chu ˉ ta ˉ de˙ zhaiˇ yao ˉ
(Effectively, Showed) Showed off his narrow waist, Effectively displayed his narrow waist
buˋ chu ˉ shenˊ me˙ jieˊ guoˇ
(Have little, Produce) Have little to show for, Produce few or no results
shuo ˉ buˋ chu ˉ huaˋ
(Could not, Speechless, Unable to) Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak
表現出 biaoˇ xianˋ chu ˉ
(Display, Displays, Exhibit, Exhibits, Illustrate, Illustrates, Show, Shows) Show, Shows, Exhibit, Exhibits, Display, Displays, Illustrate, Illustrates
wuˊ faˇ liˇ chu ˉ
(Can't figure, Can't make) Can't figure it out, Can't make sense of it
步出 buˋ chu ˉ
(Step, Stepped out, Stepped out of) Step out of, Step out, Stepped out of, Stepped out
chuˊ fei ˉ chu ˉ shenˊ me˙ yiˋ waiˋ
(Unless) Unless something unexpected happens, Unless the unexpected happens
mo ˉ suoˇ chu ˉ zhen ˉ tongˇ
(Fumbled, Fumbling, Groping) Groping around for a syringe, Fumbling for a syringe, Fumbled with a syringe
標出 biao ˉ chu ˉ
(Annotate, Annotated, Indicate, Indicated, Mark, Marked) Mark, Marked, Annotate, Annotated, Indicate, Indicated
抽出 chou ˉ chu ˉ
(Draw, Draws, Drew, Pull out, Pulled out, Pulls out, Withdraw, Withdraws, Withdrew) Draw, Draws, Drew, Withdraw, Withdraws, Withdrew, Pull out, Pulls out, Pulled out
挖出 wa ˉ chu ˉ
(Dig out, Digging, Digs, Dug out, Excavate, Excavated, Excavates, Excavating, To dig, To excavate) To dig out, Dig out, Digs out, Digging out, Dug out, To excavate, Excavate, Excavates, Excavating, Excavated
挑出 tiao ˉ chu ˉ
(Select, Selected, Selecting, Selects, To select, To single) To select, To single out, Select, Selects, Selecting, Selected
撤出 cheˋ chu ˉ
(Retreat, Retreated, Retreating, Retreats) Retreat, Retreats, Retreating, Retreated
探出 tanˋ chu ˉ
(Poke, Put through, Reach out, Stuck) Poke out, Stuck out, Reach out, Put through
Rhymes: wu wu
rh: chu ˉ luˊ 出爐
rh: chu ˉ luˋ 出路
rh: chuˋ muˋ 觸目
rh: chu ˉ ruˋ 出入
rh: chuˊ shuˋ 除數
rh: chuˋ shuˇ 處暑
rh: chu ˉ tuˇ 出土
rh: chu ˉ zhuˇ 出主
rh: chu ˉ zuˉ 出租
rh: cu ˉ luˇ 粗魯
rh: duˊ buˋ 讀不
rh: duˊ chu ˉ 讀出
rh: duˊ chuˋ 獨處
rh: du ˉ cuˋ 督促
rh: du ˉ duˉ 嘟嘟
rh: duˋ fuˇ 杜甫
rh: duˊ guˋ 讀故
rh: duˊ muˋ 獨木
rh: duˊ shu ˉ 讀書
rh: duˊ shuˋ 讀數
rh: duˋ shuˋ 度數
rh: duˊ suˋ 毒素
rh: duˇ zhuˋ 賭注
rh: duˇ zhuˋ 堵住
rh: fuˊ wuˋ 服務
rh: fuˋ buˋ 腹部
rh: fuˊ chu ˉ 浮出
rh: fuˋ chu ˉ 付出
rh: fuˊ duˋ 幅度
rh: fu ˉ fuˋ 夫婦
rh: fu ˉ guˇ 跗骨
rh: fuˋ guˇ 腹股
rh: fuˊ luˇ 俘虜
rh: fuˋ luˋ 附錄
rh: fuˋ muˇ 父母
rh: fuˋ shuˋ 負數
rh: fuˋ shuˋ 複數
rh: fuˋ su ˉ 復蘇
rh: fuˋ su ˉ 復甦
rh: fuˇ zhuˋ 輔助
rh: fuˋ zhuˇ 附屬
rh: fuˋ zhuˇ 副主
rh: fuˋ zuˊ 富足
rh: guˇ wuˇ 鼓舞
rh: guˇ wuˋ 古物
rh: guˇ wuˋ 穀物
rh: guˇ wuˋ 榖物
rh: guˋ buˋ 顧不
rh: gu ˉ duˊ 孤獨
rh: guˇ duˋ 古渡
rh: gu ˉ fuˋ 辜負
rh: gu ˉ guˉ 咕咕
rh: gu ˉ guˉ 呱呱
rh: gu ˉ guˉ 姑姑
rh: guˇ guˇ 股骨
rh: guˇ guˇ 鼓鼓
rh: gu ˉ kuˇ 孤苦
rh: gu ˉ luˉ 咕嚕
rh: guˊ luˋ 骨碌
rh: guˇ puˇ 古樸
rh: guˇ tu ˉ 鼓突
rh: guˋ zhuˇ 雇主
rh: huˋ buˇ 互補
rh: hu ˉ chuˉ 呼出
rh: hu ˉ huˉ 呼呼
rh: huˊ huˊ 胡胡
rh: huˇ huˇ 虎虎
rh: hu ˉ luˉ 呼嚕
rh: huˊ luˊ 葫蘆
rh: huˋ muˋ 護目
rh: hu ˉ puˇ 呼普
rh: huˊ tuˊ 糊塗
rh: huˊ tuˊ 胡塗
rh: huˋ zhuˋ 護住
rh: huˋ zhuˋ 互助
rh: luˋ chu ˉ 露出
rh: luˋ luˊ 鹿盧
rh: luˋ tuˊ 路途
rh: luˋ tuˇ 陸土
rh: muˋ buˋ 目不
rh: muˋ buˋ 木部
rh: muˋ duˇ 目睹
rh: muˋ luˋ 目錄
rh: nuˋ muˋ 怒目
rh: nuˊ zhuˇ 奴主
rh: pu ˉ luˋ 鋪路
rh: puˋ luˋ 暴露
rh: puˊ suˋ 樸素
rh: ruˋ wuˇ 入伍
rh: ruˊ chu ˉ 如出
rh: ruˊ puˋ 如曝
rh: ruˇ tu ˉ 乳突
rh: ruˋ tuˇ 入土
rh: shu ˉ wuˉ 書屋
rh: shu ˉ buˋ 殊不
rh: shuˇ buˋ 數不
rh: shu ˉ chuˉ 書出
rh: shu ˉ chuˉ 輸出
rh: shu ˉ chuˊ 書櫥
rh: shuˊ duˊ 熟讀
rh: shu ˉ fuˊ 舒服
rh: shu ˉ fuˊ 舒芙
rh: shuˋ fuˊ 束縛
rh: shu ˉ huˉ 疏忽
rh: shuˇ hu ˉ 屬乎
rh: shuˇ muˋ 鼠目
rh: shuˋ muˋ 數目
rh: shuˋ muˋ 樹木
rh: shu ˉ ruˋ 輸入
rh: shu ˉ shuˉ 舒舒
rh: shuˊ shu˙ 叔叔
rh: shuˋ shuˋ 數數
rh: suˋ buˋ 素不
rh: suˋ duˋ 速度
rh: suˋ kuˇ 訴苦
rh: suˋ muˋ 肅穆
rh: suˋ suˋ 速速
rh: suˋ suˋ 肅肅
rh: suˋ zhu ˉ 訴諸
rh: suˋ zhuˇ 宿主
rh: tu ˉ wuˋ 突兀
rh: tuˊ buˋ 徒步
rh: tuˇ buˋ 土部
rh: tu ˉ chuˉ 突出
rh: tuˇ chu ˉ 吐出
rh: tuˊ fu ˉ 屠夫
rh: tuˇ kuˋ 土庫
rh: tuˊ ruˊ 突如
rh: tuˊ shu ˉ 圖書
rh: tuˇ zhuˋ 土著
rh: zhuˊ buˋ 逐步
rh: zhuˊ chu ˉ 逐出
rh: zhuˇ chuˊ 主廚
rh: zhuˋ chuˋ 住處
rh: zhuˇ fuˋ 囑咐
rh: zhuˇ fuˋ 主婦
rh: zhuˋ fuˊ 祝福
rh: zhu ˉ guˇ 豬骨
rh: zhuˋ huˋ 住戶
rh: zhuˇ muˋ 屬目
rh: zhuˇ muˋ 矚目
rh: zhuˋ muˋ 注目
rh: zhu ˉ ruˊ 諸如
rh: zhuˋ ruˋ 注入
rh: zhuˋ suˋ 住宿
rh: zhuˊ zuˇ 逐組
rh: zuˇ fuˋ 祖父
rh: zuˇ luˇ 祖魯
rh: zuˇ muˇ 祖母
rh: zuˊ zuˊ 足足
rh: wuˊ wuˋ 無誤
rh: wuˋ wuˋ 勿勿
rh: wuˋ wuˋ 兀兀
rh: wuˊ buˋ 無不
rh: wuˊ chuˋ 無處
rh: wuˊ fu ˉ 無麩
rh: wuˊ gu ˉ 無辜
rh: wuˊ guˇ 無骨
rh: wuˊ guˋ 無故
rh: wuˇ guˇ 五穀
rh: wuˇ huˊ 五胡
rh: wuˇ ruˇ 侮辱
rh: wuˋ ruˋ 誤入
rh: wuˊ shuˇ 鼯鼠
rh: wuˊ shuˋ 無數
rh: wuˇ shuˋ 武術
rh: wuˊ zhuˋ 無助
rh: wuˋ zhuˇ 物主
rh: wuˊ zuˊ 無足
rh: buˋ chu ˉ 不出
rh: buˋ chu ˉ 步出
rh: buˋ duˇ 不賭
rh: buˋ fu ˉ 不敷
rh: buˋ fuˊ 不服
rh: buˋ fuˊ 步幅
rh: buˊ guˋ 不顧
rh: buˋ gu ˉ 不孤
rh: buˋ guˇ 布鼓
rh: buˋ guˇ 布穀
rh: buˋ luˇ 布魯
rh: buˋ ruˊ 不如
rh: buˋ ruˋ 步入
rh: buˋ shu ˉ 不舒
rh: buˋ shuˊ 不熟
rh: buˋ shuˇ 部署
rh: buˊ suˋ 不速
rh: buˊ zhuˋ 不住
rh: buˇ zhuˋ 補助
rh: buˇ zuˊ 補足
rh: buˋ zuˊ 不足
rh: chuˇ wuˋ 儲物
rh: chu ˉ buˋ 出不
rh: chu ˉ buˋ 初步
rh: chu ˉ chuˋ 出處
rh: chuˋ chuˋ 處處
rh: chuˊ guˇ 鋤骨
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