niˇ rangˋ woˇ xiangˇ daoˋ yiˊ jianˋ shiˋ
(You have) You have given me an idea | You have given me a thought | You have made me think of something
你 niˇ
You, Your
讓我 rangˋ woˇ
(Let me, Lets, Letting, Made me, Make me, Makes me, Making, To let, To make) To make me, Make me, Makes me, Making me, Made me, To let me, Let me, Lets me, Letting me
我想 woˇ xiangˇ
(I believe, I suppose, I think) I think, I believe, I suppose
我想到 woˇ xiangˇ daoˋ
(I realized, I thought, I was thinking) I thought of, I was thinking about, I realized
想到 xiangˇ daoˋ
(Realize, Think, Think of, To realize, To think, To think of) To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, To think, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To realize, Realize , Realizes , Realizing , Realized
一件 yiˊ jianˋ
(A, An, One) A, An, One (e.g. a piece of clothing), A (e.g. a matter of business)
一件事 yiˊ jianˋ shiˋ
(Matter) A matter
件事 jianˋ shiˋ
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