
shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ jianˋ liˋ zhiˊ jie ˉ sheˋ jiˊ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ shiˋ wuˋ de˙ moˊ xingˊ

Allows us to build models of things that directly involve ourselves

Allows us to

Allow us, Allowed us, Allowing us, Allows us, Enable, Enabled, Enables, Enabling us to, To allow us, To enable, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Able, Am able to, Am capable, Are able to, Are capable, At least, Being, Being able to, Can, Can sufficiently, Is able to, Is capable, To be, To be able, Was able to, Was capable, Were able to, Were capable, Build, Building, Builds, Built, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds, Set up, Sets, Setting up, To build, To establish, To found, To set, Direct, Directly, Just, Simply, Straight, Involve, Involved, Involves, Involving, To involve, Her, Herself, Himself, His, Oneself, Own, Self, Their, Themselves, Something, Thing, Things, Miniature, Model, Models, Scale

使我們能夠 shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ

To enable us to | Enable us to | Enables us to | Enabling us to | Enabled us to | To allow us (to) | Allow us | Allows us | Allowing us | Allowed us


我們 woˇ men˙

We | Us | Our | Ourselves


能夠 nengˊ gouˋ

Can | Able | To be able to | Being able to | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were able to | To be capable | Being capable | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were capable | Can sufficiently | At least


建立 jianˋ liˋ

To build | Build | Builds | Building | Built | To establish | Establish | Establishes | Establishing | Established | To set up | Set up | Sets up | Setting up | To found | Found | Founds | Founding | Founded


直接 zhiˊ jieˉ

Direct | Directly | Simply | Straight | Just


涉及 sheˋ jiˊ

To involve | Involve | Involves | Involving | Involved


自己 ziˋ jiˇ

Self | Oneself | Own | Their | Themselves | His | Her | Himself | Herself


事物 shiˋ wuˋ

Thing | Things | A thing | The thing | The things | Something


模型 moˊ xingˊ

Scale model | Miniature model | Model | Models


shiˇ woˇ 使我


shiˋ woˇ 是我


shi ˉ cuoˋ 失措


shiˋ cuoˋ 是錯


shiˋ cuoˋ 試錯


shiˊ duo ˉ 十多


shiˋ duo ˉ 是多


shiˊ guoˊ 十國


shiˋ guoˋ 是過


shiˋ huoˋ 是或


shi ˉ luoˋ 失落


shiˋ ruoˋ 視若


shiˋ shuo ˉ 是說


shiˋ zuoˋ 視作


si ˉ luoˋ 斯洛


si ˉ suoˇ 思索


zhi ˉ woˇ 知我


zhiˊ guoˋ 擲過


zhi ˉ suoˇ 之所


zhiˋ zuoˋ 製做


zhiˋ zuoˋ 製作


ziˋ woˇ 自我


ziˇ luo ˉ 紫羅


ziˋ shuo ˉ 自說


ziˋ zuoˋ 自作


ciˇ duo ˉ 此多


ciˇ guoˋ 此過


ciˋ guoˊ 次國


chi ˉ guoˋ 吃過


chiˋ luoˇ 赤裸


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