
shiˇ yongˋ ta ˉ men˙ laiˊ chaˊ jueˊ zi ˉ xunˋ huoˋ bianˋ huaˋ

Use them to notice information or change

Use them

Employ, Employed, Employing, Employs, Resort to, Resorted, Resorting, Resorts, To employ, To resort, To use, Use, Used, Uses, Using, Their, Them, They, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense, Aware, Became, Become aware, Becomes, Becoming, Detect, Detected, Detecting, Detects, Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To become, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense, Information, Change, Changes, Conjugate, Conjugates

使用 shiˇ yongˋ

To use | Use | Uses | Using | Used | To employ | Employ | Employs | Employing | Employed | To resort to | Resort to | Resorts to | Resorting to | Resorted to


它們 ta ˉ men˙

They | Them | Their


來察覺 laiˊ chaˊ jueˊ

To notice | To detect | To perceive | To sense | To feel | To realize


察覺 chaˊ jueˊ

Aware | To become aware | Become aware | Becomes aware | Becoming aware | Became aware | To realize | Realize | Realizes | Realizing | Realized | To sense | Sense | Senses | Sensing | Sensed | To feel | Feel | Feels | Feeling | Felt | To perceive | Perceive | Perceives | Perceiving | Perceived | To detect | Detect | Detects | Detecting | Detected | To notice | Notice | Notices | Noticing | Noticed


資訊 ziˉ xunˋ



變化 bianˋ huaˋ

Change | Conjugates | Changes | A change | The change | The changes | Conjugate | A conjugate | The conjugate | The conjugates


shiˊ yongˋ 實用


shiˊ yongˋ 食用


shiˇ yongˋ 使用


shiˋ yongˋ 是用


shiˋ yongˋ 試用


shiˋ yongˋ 適用


zhiˇ yongˋ 只用


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