woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ lianˋ xiˊ daoˇ xiangˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ ganˇ guan ˉ
(We can practice) We can practice directing our senses
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
我們可以 woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ
(We can, We could) We can, We could
可以 keˇ yiˇ
(Am able, Are able, Being able to, Can, Can be, Capable, Is able, Permits, Permitted, Permitting, To be able, Was able, Were able) Can, Can be, Capable, To be able to, , Being able to, Am able toPermit, Are able toPermit, Is able toPermit, Was able toPermit, Were able toPermit, Permits, Permitting, Permitted
練習 lianˋ xiˊ
(Exercise, Practice, Practices, To exercise, To practice, To train, Train) Practice, A practice, The practice, Practices, To practice, To exercise, To train, Practice , Practices , Practicing , Practiced , Train , Trains , Training , Trained , Exercise , Exercises , Exercising , Exercised
導向 daoˇ xiangˋ
(Guide, Guided, Guides, Guiding, Lead, Leaded, Leading, Leads, Orient, Oriented, Orienting, Orients, Steer, Steered, Steering, Steers, To guide, To lead, To orient, To steer) To guide, Guide, Guides, Guiding, Guided, To lead, Lead, Leads, Leading, Leaded, To orient, Orient, Orients, Orienting, Oriented, To steer, Steer, Steers, Steering, Steered
導向我們的感官 daoˇ xiangˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ ganˇ guanˉ
(Direct our senses, Guide, Orient) Guide our senses, Direct our senses, Orient our senses
向我 xiangˋ woˇ
(To me) To me
我們的 woˇ men˙ de˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
感官 ganˇ guanˉ
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