運作 yunˋ zuoˋ
To function, Function, Functions, Functioning, Functioned, To work, Work, Works, Working, Worked, To operate, Operate, Operates, Operating, Operated, To run, Run, Runs, Running, Ran
Function, Functioned, Functioning, Functions, Operate, Operated, Operates, Operating, Ran, Run, Running, Runs, To function, To operate, To run, To work, Work, Worked, Working, Works
運 Apply, Fate, Fortune, Luck, Move, Transport, Use
作 Act, Author, Compose, Composer, Create, Creator, Do, Make, Serve as, Write
Words with shared element: 運作
yunˋ, zuoˋ
To function | Function | Functions | Functioning | Functioned | To work | Work | Works | Working | Worked | To operate | Operate | Operates | Operating | Operated | To run | Run | Runs | Running | Ran
dang ˉ yiˊ ge˙ xiˋ tongˇ buˊ yunˋ zuoˋ shiˊ
While a system isn't working | When a system isn't functioning
chuangˋ jianˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ jianˋ yunˋ zuoˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
Create the limits that the components of the system work within
nongˋ qing ˉ chuˇ xiˋ tongˇ ying ˉ gai ˉ ruˊ heˊ yunˋ zuoˋ
Figure out how a system is supposed to work | Figure out how the system is supposed to work
chuangˋ jianˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ buˋ jianˋ zaiˋ xiˋ tongˇ gong ˉ zuoˋ shiˊ yunˋ zuoˋ de˙ xianˋ zhiˋ
Create the limits within which the components within the system operate while the system is operating | Create the limits that the components of the system work within while the system is working
zhong ˉ zhiˇ yunˋ zuoˋ
Stopped work | To stop working | Stop working | Stops working | Stopped working
終止 | 運作
wuˊ faˇ yunˋ zuoˋ de˙ yuanˊ yin ˉ
Limiting factor (beyond which a system won't function)
woˇ men˙ zhengˋ fuˇ de˙ yunˋ zuoˋ fang ˉ shiˋ
How our government works
zaiˋ xiˋ tongˇ yunˋ zuoˋ shiˊ
While the system is running | While the system is working | When the system is working
dang ˉ yiˊ ge˙ xiˋ tongˇ yunˋ zuoˋ shiˊ
While a system is working | When a system is functioning
運用, 運腕, 運費, 運氣, 運作, 運動, 運移, 運行, 運往, 運筆, 運算, 運河, 運送, 運營, 運到, 運載, 運來, 運指, 運輸, 運轉, 美國運通, 好運, 厄運, 貨運, 奧運, 客運, 空運, 船運, 航運, 海運, 何必運這麼多水, 命運, 營運, 亞運會, 惡運, 機運, 大運, 幸運, 走運了, 搬運, 捷運作:
作品, 作戰, 作用, 作風, 作出, 作樂, 作響, 作了個噩夢, 作厚些, 作物, 作為, 作文, 作證, 作客, 作家, 作廢, 作痛, 作的, 作法, 作怪, 作料, 作業, 作對, 作弊, 作夢, 作帳, 作者, 作勢, 叩叩作響, 叫作, 比作, 習作, 改作, 發作, 反作用力, 所作所為, 製作, 化作, 跟他作對, 幾份作業, 你作麼會在這裡, 傑作, 佳作, 整件作品, 動作, 慢動作, 有問題的動作, 將代表那套動作的模型分解, 手作, 看作, 被看作是, 將記憶宮殿或存儲結構本身看作, 稍作, 稱作, 將其認作, 寫作, 自作主張, 以身作則, 冷作工, 運作, 視作, 合作, 創作, 狂飲作樂, 炒作, 當作, 著作, 文物藝作, 農作物, 默不作聲, 無惡不作, 工作, 不工作, 在工作, 那份工作, 在系統工作時, 在流動或工作狀態中, 因背傷無法工作時, 他現在在家工作, 日出而作, 變硬作疼, 弄虛作假, 協作, 故作崇拜, 這樣作, 大作, 一鼓作氣, 振作, 如果換作是別人, 操作, 耕作, 畫作Frag (shared element) page
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