zuoˋ weiˊ jianˋ liˋ huoˋ shenˇ shiˋ ta ˉ men˙ de˙ guoˋ chengˊ de˙ yiˊ buˋ fen ˉ
As part of the process of building or reviewing them
As, By way, Serve as, To serve, To use, Use As, Build, Building, Builds, Built, Establish, Established, Establishes, Establishing, Found, Founded, Founding, Founds, Set up, Sets, Setting up, To build, To establish, To found, To set, Go Over, Review, Their, Them, They, Process, Process of, Process, Processes, Book, Volume, Part, Parts, Portion, Portions, Section, Sections
作為 zuoˋ weiˊ
As | By way of | To use/serve as | Use/Uses/Using/Used as | Serve as
建立 jianˋ liˋ
To build | Build | Builds | Building | Built | To establish | Establish | Establishes | Establishing | Established | To set up | Set up | Sets up | Setting up | To found | Found | Founds | Founding | Founded
審視 shenˇ shiˋ
Review | Go over (again)
它們 ta ˉ men˙
They | Them | Their
的過程 de˙ guoˋ chengˊ
The process of | Process of | Process
過程 guoˋ chengˊ
Process | Processes | A process | The process | The processes
一部 yiˊ buˋ
A book or movie | A volume
部分 buˋ fenˋ
Portion | Portions | Part | Parts | Section | Sections
zuoˋ weiˊ 做為
zuoˋ weiˊ 作為
zuoˋ weiˋ 座位
zuoˋ duiˋ 作對
zuoˋ guiˇ 做鬼
woˇ weiˊ 我唯
woˇ weiˋ 我為
woˇ chuiˊ 我垂
woˇ duiˋ 我對
woˋ guiˇ 臥軌
woˇ hui ˉ 我揮
woˇ huiˊ 我回
woˇ huiˋ 我會
woˇ shuiˋ 我睡
woˇ zuiˋ 我最
cuoˋ weiˋ 錯位
duo ˉ weiˉ 多危
duo ˉ weiˋ 多為
duo ˉ kuiˉ 多虧
duoˊ kuiˊ 奪魁
duo ˉ tuiˋ 多退
guoˊ weiˇ 國偉
guoˊ hui ˉ 國徽
guoˊ huiˋ 國會
guoˋ shuiˇ 過水
huoˇ dui ˉ 火堆
huoˋ guiˋ 貨櫃
huoˋ ruiˋ 霍瑞
huoˊ shuiˇ 活水
huoˋ shuiˇ 禍水
huoˇ tuiˇ 火腿
luoˋ hui ˉ 落暉
nuoˊ wei ˉ 挪威
nuoˋ ruiˋ 諾瑞
shuo ˉ duiˋ 說對
suoˇ weiˇ 瑣尾
suoˇ weiˋ 所謂
suoˇ guiˋ 鎖櫃
suo ˉ huiˊ 縮回
suo ˉ shuiˇ 縮水
suoˇ suiˋ 瑣碎
tuo ˉ guiˇ 脫軌
tuo ˉ shuiˇ 脫水
tuo ˉ zuiˋ 脫罪
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