
sui ˉ ranˊ woˇ men˙ ziˋ jiˇ keˇ yiˇ gen ˉ juˋ woˇ men˙ zhengˋ zaiˋ changˊ shiˋ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ laiˊ zhiˇ daoˇ woˇ men˙ de˙ ganˇ guan ˉ

Although we can ourselves direct our senses based on what we are trying to do


Even Though, While, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Her, Herself, Himself, His, Oneself, Own, Self, Their, Themselves, Am able, Are able, Being able to, Can, Can be, Capable, Is able, Permits, Permitted, Permitting, To be able, Was able, Were able, According To, Based on, Using, With, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Am currently, Are currently, At that moment, Being, Currently, Directly, Exactly, In the midst, Is currently, To be, Was currently, Were currently, Attempt, Attempted, Attempting, Attempts, To attempt, To try, To try to, Tried, Tried to, Tries, Tries to, Try, Try to, Trying, Trying to, Arranged, Done, Made, Picked, Affair, Affairs, Business, Circumstance, Circumstances, Matter, Matters, Phenomenon, Thing, Things, Affair, Affairs, Business, Circumstance, Circumstances, Matter, Matters, Phenomenon, Thing, Things, To direct, To give, To instruct, Direct, Directions, Gave, Give guidance, Gives, Giving, Instruct, Instructed, Instructing, Instructions, Instructs, To direct, To give, To instruct, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Sense, Senses

雖然 sui ˉ ranˊ

Although | Even though | While


我們 woˇ men˙

We | Us | Our | Ourselves


自己 ziˋ jiˇ

Self | Oneself | Own | Their | Themselves | His | Her | Himself | Herself


可以 keˇ yiˇ

Can | Can be | Capable | To be able to | | Being able to | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were able toPermit | Permits | Permitting | Permitted


根據 gen ˉ juˋ

Based on | According to | With | Using


正在 zhengˋ zaiˋ

Currently | To be currently | Being currently | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were currently | At that moment | Directly | Exactly at that location | In the midst of


嘗試 changˊ shiˋ

To try | Try | Tries | Trying | Tried | To attempt | Attempt | Attempts | Attempting | Attempted | To try to | Try to | Tries to | Trying to | Tried to


做的 zuoˋ de˙

Made | Picked | Arranged | Done


的事情 de˙ shiˋ qingˊ

Affair | Affairs | Matter | Matters | Circumstance | Circumstances | Phenomenon | Business | Thing | Things


事情 shiˋ qingˊ

Affair | Affairs | Matter | Matters | Circumstance | Circumstances | Phenomenon | Business | Thing | Things


來指導 laiˊ zhiˇ daoˇ

To instruct | To direct | To give guidance


指導 zhiˇ daoˇ

Instructions | Directions | To instruct | Instruct | Instructs | Instructing | Instructed | To direct | Direct/Directs/Directing/Directed | To give guidance | Give guidance | Gives guidance | Giving guidance | Gave guidance


感官 ganˇ guan ˉ

Senses | Sense organs


sui ˉ ranˊ 雖然


tui ˉ fanˉ 推翻


tui ˉ ganˇ 推桿


tuiˊ ranˊ 頹然


zhui ˉ banˇ 椎板


zhui ˉ ganˇ 追趕


zuiˋ fanˊ 最繁


zuiˋ fanˋ 罪犯


zuiˋ kanˋ 最看


zuiˋ lanˋ 最爛


zuiˋ nanˊ 最難


zuiˋ shanˋ 最擅


weiˊ fanˇ 違反


weiˊ lanˊ 圍欄


weiˋ manˇ 未滿


weiˊ nanˊ 為難


wei ˉ ranˊ 巍然


weiˇ shanˋ 偽善


chui ˉ sanˋ 吹散


cui ˉ canˊ 摧殘


cuiˇ canˋ 璀璨


duiˋ anˋ 對岸


dui ˉ manˇ 堆滿


dui ˉ shanˉ 堆山


gui ˉ fanˋ 規範


huiˋ dan ˉ 會擔


huiˋ fanˊ 會煩


huiˋ fanˋ 燴飯


hui ˉ lanˊ 灰藍


huiˋ manˇ 會滿


huiˊ tanˊ 回彈


huiˋ tanˊ 會談


kui ˉ kanˋ 窺看


kuiˋ nanˊ 愧難


kui ˉ tanˋ 窺探


shuiˇ ban ˉ 水般


shuiˇ chanˇ 水產


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