On, Above, Up, High, Over, On top of, Before, Begin, Get on, Start
shangˋ guoˊ 上國
shangˋ guoˋ 上過
shangˋ huoˇ 上火
shangˋ suoˇ 上鎖
tangˇ woˋ 躺臥
tangˊ guoˇ 糖果
tangˇ ruoˋ 倘若
zhangˇ woˋ 掌握
bang ˉ woˇ 幫我
bang ˉ guoˊ 邦國
bang ˉ guoˋ 幫過
changˊ shuo ˉ 常說
changˇ suoˇ 場所
changˊ zhuo ˉ 長桌
dang ˉ woˇ 當我
dang ˉ guoˋ 當過
dang ˉ zuoˋ 當作
dangˋ zuoˋ 當做
fangˋ woˇ 放我
fangˋ cuoˋ 放錯
fangˋ guoˋ 放過
fangˊ huoˇ 防火
fangˋ huoˇ 放火
gang ˉ guoˇ 剛果
mangˊ guoˇ 芒果
mangˊ huoˊ 忙活
rangˋ woˇ 讓我
rangˋ zuoˋ 讓座
ang wo上國語聽寫測驗
shangˋ guoˊ yuˇ ting ˉ xieˇ ceˋ yanˋ
Took a Mandarin Listening and Writing Test
shangˋ qiˋ buˋ jie ˉ xiaˋ qiˋ
Wheeze, Wheezes, Wheezing, Wheezed, Out of breath
shangˋ shen ˉ tuiˇ shiˋ
Supine Legs In The Air Pose, Urdhva Prasrita Padasana
上, 伸, 腿, 式, 上伸腿式-rhymes
shangˋ woˇ de˙ keˋ
To attend my class, To attend my classes, Attend my class, Attends my class, Attending my class, Attended my class
上, 我, 的, 課, 上我的課-rhymes
shangˋ gao ˉ zhong ˉ de˙ shiˊ houˋ
While I attended High School
shangˋ daˋ xueˊ xiangˇ nianˋ naˇ geˋ ke ˉ xiˋ
Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university
caiˋ dan ˉ shangˋ meiˊ youˇ zheˋ daoˋ caiˋ
This dish isn't on the menu
congˊ songˋ huoˋ dan ˉ shangˋ huaˋ diaoˋ
Cross off the delivery list
zaiˋ leiˋ siˋ yaˊ yi ˉ qiˋ caiˊ de˙ lingˊ qiaoˇ ji ˉ xieˋ biˋ shangˋ
On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool
yiˋ shouˇ zaiˋ qiangˊ biˋ shangˋ mo ˉ suoˇ
Felt along the wall with one hand
zheˋ xie ˉ zaiˋ huoˇ xing ˉ shangˋ dou ˉ shiˋ meiˊ youˇ de˙
None of these exist on Mars
jiang ˉ erˇ duoˇ tie ˉ daiˋ zaiˋ menˊ shangˋ
Placed an ear against the door
haiˊ shiˋ hua ˉ henˇ duo ˉ shiˊ jian ˉ shangˋ jianˋ shen ˉ fangˊ
Still spent a lot of time at the gym
zaiˋ shuang ˉ jiaoˇ de˙ zhong ˉ jian ˉ dianˇ shangˋ
Above a point midway between both feet, Over a point midway between both feet
lianˊ moˊ faˇ dou ˉ meiˊ yongˋ shangˋ
Had not even needed to use magic
ta ˉ shuaiˇ shangˋ qianˊ wangˇ houˋ yuanˋ de˙ menˊ
He threw open the backdoor
jiang ˉ daˋ liˇ maoˋ shuaiˇ shangˋ daiˋ haoˇ
Swung their top hat on
zaiˋ zhi ˉ cheng ˉ de˙ naˋ zhi ˉ jiaoˇ shangˋ
On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot
baˇ zhongˋ liangˋ zhuanˇ yiˊ daoˋ dan ˉ jiaoˇ shangˋ
Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot
rouˋ tiˇ shangˋ meiˊ youˇ shouˋ daoˋ shang ˉ haiˋ
Physically unharmed
zaiˋ yiˋ zhang ˉ xin ˉ de˙ zhiˇ shangˋ
On a new piece of paper
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ biˇ jian ˉ gang ˉ gang ˉ jie ˉ chuˋ daoˋ zhiˇ shangˋ
We can feel when the tip of the brush is just touching the paper
baˇ nianˊ nianˊ de˙ naˋ touˊ gaiˋ zaiˋ lieˋ fengˊ shangˋ
Put the sticky end over the breach
zuoˋ zaiˋ changˊ dengˋ shangˋ
Sit on a bench, Sits on a bench, Sitting on a bench, Sat on a bench
zuoˋ zaiˋ sha ˉ fa ˉ shangˋ
Sit on the couch, Sits on the couch, Sitting on the sofa, Sat on the sofa
congˊ dengˋ ziˇ shangˋ shuai ˉ quˋ
Fell off of the stool, Falling off of the stool
xiˋ zaiˋ lianˋ ziˇ shangˋ
Connected to a chain, On a chain, On the chain
fuˋ gaiˋ zaiˋ jiaˋ zi˙ shangˋ bangˇ laoˊ
Placed over the top of of the frame and fastened securely in place
daoˇ zaiˋ ta ˉ de˙ tanˇ ziˇ shangˋ
Fell onto her blanket, Collapsed onto her blanket
guaˋ zaiˋ diaoˋ daˋ yi ˉ de˙ gou ˉ zi˙ shangˋ
Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook
yongˋ dianˋ liangˋ daˋ de˙ yongˋ huˋ shangˋ
Users who consume a lot of power
quanˊ dou ˉ zuoˋ zaiˋ zuoˋ weiˋ shangˋ
Were all sitting in their seats
zaiˋ suoˇ wenˋ de˙ jianˋ shangˋ gong ˉ zuoˋ
Work on the piece in question, Work on the item in question
erˊ jin ˉ dou ˉ zhiˇ zaiˋ naˋ piˊ maoˊ shangˋ lingˇ huiˋ jinˋ buˋ cengˊ zhua ˉ zhe˙ yangˇ chuˋ
Superficial understanding that doesn't scratch the itchy spot
jiang ˉ liangˇ jiaoˇ baiˇ dangˋ daoˋ diˋ tanˇ shangˋ
Swung their feet onto the rug, Swung their feet onto the carpet
niˇ deiˇ shangˋ jiaoˋ tangˊ de˙ liangˋ
The number of times you had to go to church, The amount of church you had to attend
shan ˉ luˋ panˊ xuanˊ shangˋ lingˋ yiˊ zuoˋ shan ˉ
A road winding up around another hill
gao ˉ gao ˉ guaˋ zaiˋ tian ˉ kong ˉ shangˋ
Hanging high up in the sky
zhangˇ woˋ xueˊ xiˊ fang ˉ faˇ rangˋ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ xueˊ xiˊ neiˋ rongˊ jiˊ fang ˉ shiˋ shangˋ youˇ le˙ gengˋ duo ˉ xuanˇ zeˊ
Coming to grips with learning gives us more choices both in what we learn and how we learn it
掌, 握, 學, 習, 方, 法, 讓, 我, 們, 在, 學, 習, 內, 容, 及, 方, 式, 上, 有, 了, 更, 多, 選, 擇
zaiˋ mouˇ zhongˇ chengˊ duˋ shangˋ
To a certain degree, To some extent
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zaiˋ yiˊ dingˋ chengˊ duˋ shangˋ
To a certain extent we can
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zaiˋ yiˊ dingˋ chengˊ duˋ shangˋ xuanˇ zeˊ ta ˉ men˙ de˙ gouˋ zaoˋ fang ˉ shiˋ
To a certain extent we can choose how they are constructed
woˇ men˙ keˇ nengˊ zaiˋ mouˇ zhongˇ chengˊ duˋ shangˋ diˇ xiao ˉ le˙ zheˋ ge˙ haoˇ chuˋ
We may negate the benefit to some extent
huiˊ daoˋ chuangˊ shangˋ
To go back to bed, Go back to bed, Goes back to bed, Going back to bed, Went back to bed
zaiˋ ta ˉ shen ˉ pangˊ de˙ chuangˊ shangˋ zuoˋ xiaˋ laiˊ
Sat down on the bed beside him, Sat on the bed beside him
wangˇ chuanˊ shangˋ zhuang ˉ shiˊ touˊ
Load stones onto the ship, Fill the ship with stones
daˋ renˊ duo ˉ shuˋ liuˊ zaiˋ fei ˉ chuanˊ shangˋ
Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship
zaiˋ xianˋ daiˋ yongˋ faˇ shangˋ
In modern usage, In the modern usage
zaiˋ xianˋ daiˋ yongˋ faˇ shangˋ yiˋ si ˉ jiuˋ shiˋ
In the modern usage meant that
zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ
On a particular wave of time
woˇ men˙ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ suiˊ ta ˉ chuan ˉ yueˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ
We are on a particular wave of time as it travels through the real
ta ˉ shiˋ dang ˉ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ suiˊ ta ˉ chuan ˉ yueˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ shiˊ
It is when we are on a particular wave of time as it carries us through the real
它, 是, 當, 我, 們, 在, 一, 個, 特, 定, 的, 時, 間, 波, 浪, 上, 隨, 它, 穿, 越, 真, 實, 時
daoˋ sha ˉ tan ˉ shangˋ sanˇ sanˇ buˋ
Go for a walk on the beach
congˊ paoˇ daoˋ shangˋ kanˋ
To watch from the track, Watch from the track, Watches from the track, Watching from the track, Watched from the track
yeˇ xuˇ zaiˋ saiˋ daoˋ shangˋ qiˊ le˙ yiˋ zhengˇ tian ˉ houˋ
Perhaps after a long day on the track, Perhaps after a long day of riding on a track
qiao ˉ zaiˋ renˊ xingˊ daoˋ shangˋ kouˋ kouˋ zuoˋ xiangˇ
Knocked on the pavement, Clacked on the sidewalk
dang ˉ zaiˋ youˇ qiˊ ta ˉ jiao ˉ tong ˉ de˙ jie ˉ daoˋ shangˋ qiˊ xingˊ huoˋ jiaˋ shiˇ shiˊ
When riding or driving on streets with traffic
gouˋ woˇ guoˋ shangˋ san ˉ baiˇ tian ˉ
Enough for me to last for 300 days
yuˊ shangˋ lieˋ jiaoˇ feiˋ qi ˉ xianˋ
If exceeding the above shown payment deadline
zaiˋ leiˊ daˊ shangˋ youˇ duˊ teˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ tiaoˊ
Has a unique radar signature
woˇ men˙ suoˇ zuoˋ de˙ renˋ heˊ shiˋ qingˊ shangˋ
In anything we do
biˇ ta ˉ kuaiˋ shangˋ yi ˉ baiˇ beiˋ
A hundred times faster than him
keˇ zhiˊ jie ˉ zaiˋ huoˇ yanˋ shangˋ jia ˉ reˋ
Can be heated directly over a flame
jiang ˉ shouˇ fan ˉ guoˋ laiˊ shen ˉ daoˋ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ huoˇ yanˋ shangˋ
Tipped their hand over the small flames
kaˋ guˇ qianˊ shangˋ jiˊ
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, ASIS, Anterior Superior Iliac Crest, ASIC
zaiˋ dingˋ yiˋ shangˋ youˇ henˇ daˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ
Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences
congˊ yiˋ ban ˉ yiˋ yiˋ shangˋ jiangˇ
In a general sense, In general terms
waiˋ guan ˉ shangˋ henˇ buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ
Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at
keˇ nengˊ yaoˋ hua ˉ shangˋ jiˇ ge˙ xing ˉ qi ˉ
May take a few weeks
jiang ˉ zaiˋ yeˋ jing ˉ yingˊ muˋ shangˋ xianˇ shiˋ
Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor
pai ˉ sheˋ de˙ yingˇ xiangˋ jiang ˉ zaiˋ yeˋ jing ˉ yingˊ muˋ shangˋ xianˇ shiˋ
Captured image will then be displayed on the LCD monitor
gaiˋ shangˋ jiˋ nianˋ zhang ˉ
With a commemorative stamp, Stamped with a commemorative stamp
ganˋ ma˙ zaiˋ shangˋ yiˊ ciˋ
Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?
ranˊ houˋ shuiˇ youˋ huiˊ luoˋ daoˋ de˙ qiuˊ shangˋ
Then water falls back to the earth
zaiˋ xin ˉ liˇ shangˋ baoˋ yuanˋ
Complain mentally, Mentally complain, Mentally complains, Mentally complaining, Mentally complained
zaiˋ xin ˉ liˇ shangˋ rangˋ ta ˉ liuˊ xiaˋ le˙ buˋ shaoˇ ba ˉ henˊ
Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally
zaiˋ wuˊ xianˋ dianˋ shangˋ jiangˇ huaˋ
Talk on the radio, Speak on the radio
xuˇ duo ˉ dong ˉ xi ˉ shangˋ dou ˉ gaiˋ zhe˙ fangˊ shuiˇ buˋ
Lots of things were covered by tarpaulins
tangˇ zaiˋ ruanˇ ruanˇ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ shangˋ
Lying on something soft
hua ˉ qianˊ zaiˋ buˋ xu ˉ yaoˋ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ shangˋ
Spending money on things that weren't needed
ta ˉ jueˊ de˙ hua ˉ qianˊ zaiˋ buˋ xu ˉ yaoˋ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ shangˋ shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ yiˋ yiˋ de˙ shiˋ
He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
ta ˉ jueˊ de˙ hua ˉ qianˊ zaiˋ buˋ xu ˉ yaoˋ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ shangˋ shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ yiˋ yiˋ de˙ shiˋ
She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
zaiˋ yeˋ mianˋ shangˋ ningˊ juˋ chengˊ xingˊ
Coalesced on the page
zaiˋ wuˋ liˇ cengˊ mianˋ shangˋ
On a physical level, At the physical level, Physically
zhengˋ xiaˋ fang ˉ diˋ mianˋ shangˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
What is on the ground below?, What is below us?
nianˊ zaiˋ piˊ fu ˉ shangˋ
Stick to skin, Sticks to skin, Sticking to skin, Stuck to skin, Stuck to my skin
shu ˉ jiaˋ shangˋ de˙ shu ˉ benˇ wuˊ guˋ diaoˋ daoˋ diˋ shangˋ
Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
woˇ liˋ keˋ zaiˋ biˇ jiˋ benˇ shangˋ xieˇ shangˋ
I immediately wrote in my notebook
woˇ qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che ˉ zaiˋ qiaoˊ shangˋ yuanˊ luˋ zheˊ fanˇ
I rode back over the bridge and returned the way I'd come
chiˋ luoˇ zhe˙ shen ˉ zi˙ zuoˋ zaiˋ maˇ tongˇ shangˋ
Sitting naked on the toilet
zuoˋ zaiˋ ta ˉ shen ˉ bian ˉ changˊ yiˇ shangˋ
Sitting on the bench beside him
diˋ banˇ shangˋ youˇ zuˊ gouˋ kong ˉ jian ˉ
There was enough room on the floor, There was plenty of room on the floor
tian ˉ hua ˉ banˇ shangˋ xuanˊ
Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
tian ˉ hua ˉ banˇ shangˋ xuanˊ zhe˙
Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
guˋ dingˋ zaiˋ de˙ banˇ shangˋ
Fixed to the floor, Secured to the floor
tongˋ daoˋ zaiˋ diˋ banˇ shangˋ niuˇ laiˊ niuˇ quˋ
Writhe on the floor in pain, Writhing on the floor in pain
zaiˋ zuiˋ gao ˉ de˙ shuˋ zhi ˉ shangˋ
On the highest branch, On the topmost bough
zaiˋ zuiˋ gao ˉ de˙ shuˋ zhi ˉ shangˋ zhuˊ qiˇ chaoˊ
Build a nest on the highest branch, Built a nest on the topmost bough
beiˋ renˊ congˊ fei ˉ ji ˉ shangˋ diu ˉ xiaˋ quˋ de˙
Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane
ta ˉ shiˋ beiˋ renˊ congˊ fei ˉ ji ˉ shangˋ diu ˉ xiaˋ quˋ de˙
He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane
sha ˉ tuˇ shangˋ liuˊ youˇ daiˋ zhuaˇ daˋ jiaoˇ yinˋ de˙ qu ˉ yuˋ
Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt
zaiˋ song ˉ ruanˇ de˙ niˊ tuˇ shangˋ
On the soft earth, In the soft earth
zaiˋ tong ˉ daoˋ zouˇ shangˋ zouˇ xiaˋ
Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles
bi ˉ ta ˉ men˙ zouˇ shangˋ tiaoˋ banˇ
Make them walk the plank, Made them walk the plank
buˋ xiaˋ fei ˉ chuanˊ zouˇ shangˋ xiaoˇ daoˇ
Strolled down from the airship onto the island
yaoˋ bi ˉ ta ˉ men˙ zouˇ shangˋ tiaoˋ banˇ
Wanted to make them walk the plank
congˊ gao ˉ taˇ shangˋ diu ˉ chu ˉ quˋ
Thrown from a tower, Thrown off of a tower
baˇ woˇ congˊ gao ˉ taˇ shangˋ diu ˉ xiaˋ quˋ
Throw me from a tower, Threw me from a tower
congˊ yiˊ jianˋ shiˋ shangˋ xiu ˉ xi ˉ
Take a break from something, Take a rest from one thing, Take rests from one thing
xiangˋ shiˋ gang ˉ huaˋ shangˋ kouˇ hongˊ
As if having just put on lipstick
zaiˋ zheˋ xiangˋ jiˋ huaˋ shangˋ yeˇ zuoˋ le˙ xie ˉ gong ˉ zuoˋ
Did some work on this project
zhongˋ jiˊ shangˋ mouˇ chuˋ xieˇ linˊ linˊ de˙ wangˇ zhaˋ
Bash into a bloody grid somewhere
beiˋ bangˇ zaiˋ tieˇ guiˇ shangˋ
Tied to the rails of a railroad track, Tied to the tracks
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