Words with 如:
ruˊ puˋ guang ˉ shiˊ renˊ wuˋ yiˊ dongˋ
If during exposure person moves
ruˊ neiˋ zhiˋ shanˇ guang ˉ deng ˉ tanˊ qiˇ
If built in flash pops up
ruˊ qiu ˉ shuiˇ ban ˉ diˋ mingˊ liangˋ
Like autumn waters | Just as clear
ruˊ shiˋ zhongˋ fuˋ de˙ tanˋ le˙ kouˇ qiˋ
Breathe a sigh of relief | Breathes a sigh of relief | Breathing a sigh of relief | Breathed a sigh of relief
ruˊ haiˇ xing ˉ ban ˉ de˙ shouˇ
Starfish-like hand | Starfish-like hands
ruˊ huangˊ chongˊ ban ˉ diˋ laiˊ laiˊ quˋ quˋ
Like locusts in the same way coming and going
ruˊ weiˋ jiˇ yuˊ renˋ heˊ chuˋ liˇ
If not dealt with | If not handled
xueˊ ruˊ niˋ shuiˇ xingˊ zhou ˉ buˊ jinˋ zeˊ tuiˋ
Learning is like sailing against a current, if you don't advance then you retreat
yiˊ qieˋ jiuˋ ruˊ ta ˉ suoˇ yuanˋ
Everything was as he wanted | He got his way
yiˊ daoˋ ruˊ xiˋ xianˋ ban ˉ de˙ xian ˉ hongˊ seˋ
A thin line of bright red | A thin line of red
Words with 如:
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