woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ xiangˇ daoˋ diˇ yaoˋ zenˇ me˙ huoˊ xiaˋ quˋ
(I've been thinking) I've been thinking about how to survive
我一直在想到底 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ xiangˇ daoˋ diˇ
(I've been thinking) I've been thinking about it, I've been thinking it through, I've been thinking
一直 yiˋ zhiˊ
(All the, Always, Been, Constantly, Go straight ahead, Straight) Straight, Always, All the way, Constantly, Been, Straight ahead, Go straight ahead
在想到底 zaiˋ xiangˇ daoˋ diˇ
(Thinking, Thinking about) Thinking about it, Thinking it through
想到 xiangˇ daoˋ
(Realize, Think, Think of, To realize, To think, To think of) To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, To think, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To realize, Realize , Realizes , Realizing , Realized
到底 daoˋ diˇ
(At the end, Destination, In the, In the end, Reach the) Destination, In the end, In the long run, Reach the end, At the end of it all
要怎麼活下去 yaoˋ zenˇ me˙ huoˊ xiaˋ quˋ
(How to) How to survive, How to stay alive
怎麼 zenˇ me˙
(How, How is it, What) How, What, How is it that
活下去 huoˊ xiaˋ quˋ
(Keep on, Stay alive, Survive) Survive, Keep on living, Stay alive
下去 xiaˋ quˋ
(Go down, Goes down, Going down, To go down, Went down) To go down, Go down, Goes down, Going down, Went down
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