jinˋ zaoˇ zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ woˇ men˙ waiˋ buˋ huanˊ jingˋ zhong ˉ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ fei ˉ changˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ
(Noticing) Noticing change in our outer environment as early as possible is very important
盡早 jinˋ zaoˇ
(ASAP, As quickly as, As soon as) As soon as possible, As quickly as possible, ASAP
注意 zhuˋ yiˋ
(Attention, Note, Noted, Notes, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Noting, Pay Attention, Payed, Paying, Pays, To note, To notice, To pay) Attention, Note!, To pay attention, Pay attention, Pays attention, Paying attention, Payed attention, To notice, Notice, Notices, Noticing, Noticed, To note, Note, Notes, Noting, Noted
注意到 zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ
(Focus on, Focused on, Focuses on, Focusing on, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, To focus on, To notice) To notice, Notice, Notices, Noticing, Noticed, To focus on, Focus on, Focuses on, Focusing on, Focused on
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
我們外部環境 woˇ men˙ waiˋ buˋ huanˊ jingˋ
(Our outer environment) Our outer environment
外部 waiˋ buˋ
(External, Outer, Outside) Outer, External, Outside
外部環境 waiˋ buˋ huanˊ jingˋ
(External, Outer) Outer environment, External environment
環境 huanˊ jingˋ
(Circumstance, Circumstances, Environment, Environmental, Environs, Finances, Surrounding, Surroundings) Environment, Environmental, Surrounding, Surroundings, Circumstance, Circumstances, Finances, Environs
中的 zhongˉ de˙
(Midst, Within) Within, Midst of
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
(Change, Conjugate, To change, To conjugate) Change , Changes , Conjugate , Conjugates , To change, Change , Changes , Changing , Changed , To conjugate (a verb), Conjugate , Conjugates , Conjugating , Conjugated
非常 feiˉ changˊ
(Extremely, Very) Extremely, Very
非常重要 feiˉ changˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ
(Really important, Very important) Really important, Very important
重要 zhongˋ yaoˋ
(Important) Important
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