Head, Chief, Boss, Prime, First, Noun
頭狀骨 touˊ zhuangˋ guˇ
(Capitate) Capitate
Cat: Latest (Anatomy-bone: Capitate) Next
Cat: Anatomy-Bone (Capitate) Next
頭立式 touˊ liˋ shiˋ
(Headstand Pose, Sirsasana) Headstand Pose, Sirsasana
Cat: Exercise-Yoga (Headstand Pose) Next
Cat: Exercise-Yoga-Sanskrit (Sirsasana) Next
touˊ pengˋ xi ˉ qianˊ qu ˉ shen ˉ zhanˇ shiˋ
(Head to, Janusirsasana) Head To Knee Pose, Janusirsasana
Cat: Exercise-Yoga (Head To Knee Pose) Next
Cat: Exercise-Yoga-Sanskrit (Janusirsasana) Next
touˊ pengˋ xi ˉ shiˋ
(Head to, Janusirsasana) Head To The Knee Pose, Janusirsasana
Cat: Exercise-Yoga (Head To The Knee Pose) Next
Cat: Exercise-Yoga-Sanskrit (Janusirsasana) Next
touˊ yeˇ buˋ huiˊ de˙
(Without a, Without looking back) Without looking back, Without a second thought
喉頭 houˊ touˊ
(Larynx, Throat) Throat, Larynx
Cat: Latest (Anatomy: Throat) Next
baˇ nianˊ nianˊ de˙ naˋ touˊ gaiˋ zaiˋ lieˋ fengˊ shangˋ
(Put the) Put the sticky end over the breach
chuiˊ touˊ sangˋ qiˋ
(Crestfallen, Dejected, Downcast, Head hanging) Dejected, Downcast, Crestfallen, Head hanging in dejection
zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta ˉ de˙ touˊ
(Positioned) Positioned the straps around his head
zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta ˉ de˙ touˊ
(Positioned) Positioned the straps around her head
meiˊ touˊ meiˊ naoˇ
(Abruptly, All of, Apropos, Illogically, Inexplicably) All of a sudden, Abruptly, Apropos of nothing before or after, Inexplicably, Illogically
分頭 fen ˉ touˊ
(Set about) Set about related tasks, Set about different aspects of the same general task
jiˇ hu ˉ yiˋ nianˊ daoˋ touˊ dou ˉ ruˊ ciˇ
(It was like) It was like this nearly the whole year round
buˋ ganˇ wangˇ xiaˋ touˊ kanˋ
(Did not, Did not want) Did not want to look down, Did not dare to look down
pingˊ touˊ luoˊ si ˉ qiˇ ziˇ
(Flat) Flat head screwdriver
dan ˉ jiaoˇ pengˋ touˊ shiˋ
(Eka Pada, One leg) One Leg Behind The Head Pose, Eka Pada Sirsasana
Cat: Exercise-Yoga (One Leg Behind The Head Pose) Next
Cat: Exercise-Yoga-Sanskrit (Eka Pada Sirsasana) Next
san ˉ jiaoˇ ji ˉ zhong ˉ touˊ
(Deltoid) Deltoid Medial Head
Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Deltoid Medial Head) Next
標頭 biao ˉ touˊ
(Header, Heading, Headline, Message, Packet) Heading, Header, Headline, Message header, Packet header
chuanˊ poˋ youˋ yuˋ daˇ touˊ feng ˉ
(Encounter, Meet additional, worsening) Encounter unfavorable winds with the boat damaged, Meet additional difficulties, A worsening situation
woˇ xiangˇ zhua ˉ zhua ˉ touˊ
(I want to, I wanted to) I want to scratch my head, I wanted to scratch my head
woˇ mo ˉ mo ˉ touˊ
(I feel, I felt, I touch, I touched) I touch my head, I feel my head, I touched my head, I felt my head
Rhymes: ou wu
rh: touˊ guˇ 骰骨
rh: touˊ guˇ 頭骨
rh: touˊ luˊ 頭顱
rh: touˋ luˋ 透露
rh: touˊ ruˋ 投入
rh: touˊ suˋ 投訴
rh: touˊ tu ˉ 頭禿
rh: touˊ zhuˋ 投注
rh: zhou ˉ wuˇ 週五
rh: zhouˋ buˋ 縐布
rh: zhou ˉ guˇ 舟骨
rh: zouˇ buˋ 走不
rh: zouˇ chu ˉ 走出
rh: zouˇ luˋ 走路
rh: zouˇ ruˋ 走入
rh: ou ˉ huˊ 歐胡
rh: ouˇ shuˋ 偶數
rh: ouˇ shuˋ 耦數
rh: ouˇ tuˇ 嘔吐
rh: chouˇ buˋ 醜不
rh: chou ˉ chuˉ 抽出
rh: chou ˉ chuˋ 抽搐
rh: chou ˉ fuˋ 抽腹
rh: couˋ chu ˉ 湊出
rh: dou ˉ buˊ 都不
rh: douˋ fuˇ 豆腐
rh: douˇ suˋ 斗宿
rh: gouˋ wuˋ 購物
rh: gouˋ buˋ 夠不
rh: gouˋ buˋ 構不
rh: gou ˉ guˇ 鉤骨
rh: gouˋ tuˊ 構圖
rh: gou ˉ zhuˋ 勾住
rh: gouˋ zhuˊ 構築
rh: houˋ buˇ 候補
rh: houˋ duˋ 厚度
rh: houˋ guˋ 後顧
rh: houˋ luˋ 後路
rh: houˋ muˇ 後母
rh: kouˋ chuˊ 扣除
rh: mouˇ wuˋ 某物
rh: mouˇ chuˋ 某處
rh: mouˇ shuˋ 某數
rh: rouˋ pu ˉ 肉鋪
rh: shouˇ wuˊ 手無
rh: shouˇ wuˇ 手舞
rh: shouˇ wuˇ 手捂
rh: shouˇ buˋ 手部
rh: shouˋ buˋ 受不
rh: shouˇ duˋ 首度
rh: shou ˉ fuˋ 收復
rh: shouˇ fuˇ 首府
rh: shouˋ guˇ 受鼓
rh: shouˇ huˋ 守護
rh: shouˋ kuˇ 受苦
rh: shouˇ luˋ 手路
rh: shou ˉ ruˋ 收入
rh: shou ˉ shuˋ 收束
rh: shouˇ shuˋ 手術
rh: shouˋ su ˉ 受蘇
rh: shouˇ zhu ˉ 守株
rh: shouˋ zhu ˉ 瘦豬
rh: shouˇ zuˊ 手足
rh: sou ˉ zhuˇ 餿主
rh: touˊ buˋ 頭部
rh: touˋ chu ˉ 透出
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