
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ shiˇ yongˋ woˇ men˙ de˙ si ˉ kaoˇ xin ˉ taiˋ laiˊ huiˊ guˋ jing ˉ liˋ bingˋ fen ˉ xi ˉ ta ˉ

We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and break it down | We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and analyze it

We can use

Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Am able, Are able, Being able to, Can, Can be, Capable, Is able, Permits, Permitted, Permitting, To be able, Was able, Were able, Employ, Employed, Employing, Employs, Resort to, Resorted, Resorting, Resorts, To employ, To resort, To use, Use, Used, Uses, Using, Our, Ourselves, Us, We, Contemplate, Ponder, Ruminate, Think, Think of, Thought, Thoughts, To contemplate, To ponder, To ruminate, To think, To think of, Mentality, Mind-state, Mind-states, State of mind, Back and, Come and go, Return, Look back on, Looked back on, Looking back on, Looks back, Recap, Recapped, Recapping, Recaps, Review, Reviewed, Reviewing, Reviews, To look back, To recap, To review, Experience, Experiences, Go through, Goes through, Going through, Life, To experience, To go through, Went through, Analysis, Analyze, Break down, Study, To analyze, To break down, To study

我們 woˇ men˙

We | Us | Our | Ourselves


可以 keˇ yiˇ

Can | Can be | Capable | To be able to | | Being able to | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were able toPermit | Permits | Permitting | Permitted


使用 shiˇ yongˋ

To use | Use | Uses | Using | Used | To employ | Employ | Employs | Employing | Employed | To resort to | Resort to | Resorts to | Resorting to | Resorted to


思考 siˉ kaoˇ

Thought | Thoughts | To think/ponder/contemplate/ruminate | Think/Thinks/Thinking/Thought | To think of | Think/Thinks/Thinking/Thought of | Ponder/Ponders/Pondering/Pondered | Contemplate/Contemplates/Contemplating/Contemplated | Ruminate/Ruminates/Ruminating/Ruminated


心態 xin ˉ taiˋ

Mentality | State of mind | Mind-state | Mind-states


來回 laiˊ huiˊ

Come and go | Back and forth | Return journey


回顧 huiˊ guˋ

To look back on | Look back on | Looks back on | Looking back on | Looked back on | To recap | Recap | Recaps | Recapping | Recapped | To review | Review | Reviews | Reviewing | Reviewed


經歷 jingˉ liˋ

Life experience | Life experiences | The experience | The experiences | To experience | Experience/Experiences/Experiencing/Experienced | To go through | Go/Goes/Going/Went through


分析 fenˉ xiˉ

Analysis | Study | To analyze | Analyze/Analyzes/Analyzing/Analyzed | To study | Study/Studies/Studying/Studied | To break down | Break/Breaks/Breaking/Broke down


woˇ men˙ 我們


woˇ renˊ 我人


woˇ renˋ 我認


woˇ shen ˉ 我伸


woˇ shen ˉ 我身


woˇ shenˊ 我什


woˇ shenˋ 我甚


woˇ zenˇ 我怎


woˇ zhen ˉ 我真


guoˋ fen ˉ 過分


guoˇ zhen ˉ 果真


huoˊ menˊ 活門


huoˇ penˊ 火盆


huoˋ shenˊ 或什


huoˋ zhen ˉ 貨真


luo ˉ senˉ 羅森


shuo ˉ renˋ 說任


shuo ˉ zhenˉ 說真


tuo ˉ shenˉ 脫身


zuoˋ henˇ 做很


zuoˋ renˊ 做人


zuoˋ renˋ 做任


zuoˋ shenˊ 做什


zuoˋ zhenˋ 坐鎮


woˇ benˇ 我本


woˇ gen ˉ 我跟


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